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English 1302 Experience: Becoming a Confident and Skilled Writer with My Professor's


My experience in English 1302 at Texas A&M International was a game-changer for me.

Unlike my previous English 1301 experience at a different college, where I wouldn’t say I liked

writing, my 1302 experience taught me how to be a better writer and helped me discover new

skills I didn't even know existed. What's more, I learned how to approach writing through

different types of essays -- experimental research, research essay, and reflective essays and they

all broadened my perspective on what is possible in writing. Before taking 1302, I truly hated

writing. However, after taking 1302, I have come to love writing and gained a new level of

confidence in my writing abilities. This change is largely due to my professor's guidance and

teaching style, which helped me become a better writer and learn new skills that I didn't even

know I had.

From the early stages of the class, I was presented with a challenging task. Our first essay

required us to write an experimental research paper I chose to write on the effects of physical

therapy on the body. I was initially nervous, but my professor's guidance and clear explanations

made me feel more oriented and confident to produce a quality paper. She broke down the

structure of the essay and gave examples of how to apply transitions between ideas and

paragraphs. During the drafting process, she provided feedback that guided us to refine our

essays. My professor went over the importance of developing a clear thesis statement and

creating an outline. She taught us how to organize our thoughts and ideas in a logical way so that

our essays would be more coherent and easier to understand. This was a skill that I had never

really been taught in my previous English classes. Thanks to her guidance, my experimental

research paper was well-organized and well-structured, thereby making it easier for my professor

to assess my points and evaluate my arguments.

For my second essay, a research paper on childhood risk factors leading to adult criminal

behavior, we were required to create an annotated bibliography, which was new to me.

Nevertheless, my teacher's teaching method made the process easier than expected. She clarified

the instructions and provided examples which allowed me to understand how to create an

annotated bibliography, build a well-structured essay, and develop cohesive arguments that were

well-supported by research and sources. My teacher explained the process for finding credible

sources and provided clear guidelines for presenting my findings. Additionally, we had a class

brainstorming session, where students were given the chance to share their ideas in small groups.

This gave me the opportunity to gain insight and feedback from my peers, which improved my

overall writing process.

Our last essay was a personal reflection about our previous research paper, and I chose to discuss

my personal belief that it's a personal choice that leads to criminal behavior. In this paper, my

professor encouraged me to explore my own experiences and opinions on the subject, giving me

more freedom and creativity in my writing. Growing up in a poverty environment, I witnessed

firsthand the challenges that come with a lack of resources and opportunities. Despite this, I

firmly believe that personal choice plays a significant role in whether someone becomes a

criminal. From my own experience, I have seen how some of my peers chose to turn to a life of

crime, while others, like me, chose to remove themselves from these situations and make

positive choices. This taught me the importance of finding and refining my voice as a writer and

taking more risks with my writing. I chose to explore the idea of personal choice about criminal

behavior. It was tough for me to explore my own experiences and opinions. However, my

professor's guidance enabled me to work through this challenge effectively. She created a

welcoming environment in class where students shared their struggles and learned from one

another. Moreover, she made a safe space where everyone could have their voices heard, which

allowed us to engage openly in class. The supportive environment our professor cultivated was a

significant factor in my growth as a student and a writer. She encouraged feedback, suggested

possible improvement areas, and helped refine our essays into polished pieces. Her approachable

personality, blended with her explanations and examples, made us feel like she genuinely cared

for our success.

In conclusion, my 1302 English experience taught me how to be a better writer and helped me

discover new skills that I didn't even know existed. My professor surprised my confidence while

modeling a strong teaching style that made previously difficult concepts easy to understand. I am

grateful for this valuable opportunity to refine my writing abilities taught me how to be a more

efficient writer and helped me discover new skills I didn't even know existed. The diversity of

the essays (experimental research, research essay, and reflective essays) broadened my

perspective on writing, which I thought was only possible after the class. My professor's

guidance, her clear teaching style, and the supportive environment in class allowed me to

approach writing more confidently and made me appreciate writing so much more. Overall, my

1302 ENGL writing experience was transformative and positively impacted my personal and

academic journey. I am excited to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired to future


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