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Student Name: Christine Phan

Date: April 20, 2023

Artifact Name: Science Fair – Using the PowerPoint Slide Show to demonstrate the experiment

of the Cup Lava.

What you learned: Creating the Science Fair project slide show was fun to do while conducting

the experiment. I found this activity fun to create because I was able to do some hands-on

activity while creating a PowerPoint and implanting images on the experiment into the slide

show. Before I started the slide show, figuring out what experiment I want to do was a task that I

had to really think about because most of the experiments I was interested in doing were an

experiment that I had already known how to do until I was able to find an experiment that I never

had done before. Creating Cup Lava, similar to a lava lamp was very interesting and unique to

create because I would never know that using Alka-Seltzer to oil and water would create bubbles

or fizzing in the experiment. After figuring out how to do the Cup Lava experiment, it was mess-

free, and I enjoyed it because I was able to see the outcome of the experiment. Doing this

experiment and PowerPoint, it had brought out a lot of creativity and I enjoy being creative and

using my creative skills. I also find myself doing this experiment with my kids when they want

to find enjoyment in being creative and doing some hands-on experiments.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) • S Addressed:

ISTE Standards - Educators #2 2.6c: Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use

a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This assignment was a great assignment that we

had done. Incorporating this type of assignment into the school curriculum is a great idea to get

the students to have some hands-on activities to do and enjoy doing them. It will allow the

students to use their creative skills and be able to enjoy doing the experiment. Having this type of

activity in the school curriculum can have the students be able to explore their minds and be able

to enjoy making these experiments. This activity can be a partner project, a team project, or even

a one-person project. Having this activity as a team or partner project can improve and help with

their social skills in working together. Doing this activity, the students can use their knowledge

of many previous activities or other curricula that they had precious done in this project and use

what they had learned. I can see myself doing something like this in my teaching curricula

because it can improve the students' minds and have them enjoy doing chosen experiments. I will

start off by educating them on how to make a PowerPoint and would ask them to ask their family

members if they would like to take part in their science project. Once they got their family

member involved, I would have the students practice making PowerPoint and have them

understand on how to create a PowerPoint. After I will then assign the science project and have

the students select what experiment they would like to do once they chose the experiment, they

like to do with their family members, I would have them instead of putting it on board to present

it to the class, I would have them create a PowerPoint to present to the class. This activity will be

a show and tell and it can enhance their speaking skills or public speaking.

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