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Task 4 – Oral Production: experience an activity.

Brayan David Gómez Rodríguez

Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Escuela ciencias de la salud-ECISA
Ingles A2
Mayo 2023
1. Participate in at least 3 Student’s Talking Time (STT), debe compartir
2 pantallazos uno del inicio y el otro del final donde se vea su nombre
en la lista de participantes
STT 1:
Tutor in the STT: Topic and What did I Date:04/05/2023
Daniel martinez learn? Filling the black
Tutor in the STT: Topic and What did I Date: 05/05/2023
Sandra Patricia Vargas learn? Reading practice
and Mariluz Tamayo

Tutor in the STT: Topic and What did I Date:06/05/2023

Angie Lorena Ramirez learn? Let's create a
Gaviria story together

2. The Video – Experience an activity

Once upon a time, there was an old house on the outskirts of town. It was said that
the house was haunted by the ghost of a woman who had been murdered there
many years ago.
One night, a group of teenagers decided to explore the house. They laughed and
joked as they made their way through the dusty rooms. they heard footsteps
coming from upstairs. They looked up and saw a figure descending the stairs. It
was the ghostly apparition of the woman who had been murdered in the house.
The teenagers tried to run, but the door was locked. They were trapped inside with
the ghostly presence. They could hear her whispering in their ears, telling them
that they would never leave the house alive.
One by one, the teenagers disappeared. Some say that their bodies were never
found, and that the house continues to be haunted to this day. So if you ever find
yourself near that old house, remember to heed the warning and stay far away.
Link del video:

3. Self-assessment: reflection and personal growth .

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