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fugitive Keyboard Shortcuts by isaacnewton

Whenever you edit a file from a Git repository, a set of commands is defined
that serve as a gateway to Git.

Navigation (open)   Navigation (jump)

r> Open the file or fugit­ive­-ob­ject under the cursor. ( Jump to the previous file, hunk, or revision.

o Open the file or fugit­ive­-ob­ject under the cursor in a new split. ) Jump to the next file, hunk, or revision.

gO Open the file or fugit­ive­-ob­ject under the cursor in a new vertical split. [c Jump to previous hunk, expanding inline diffs automa­tic­ally.

O Open the file or fugit­ive­-ob­ject under the cursor in a new tab. ]c Jump to next hunk, expanding inline diffs automa­tic­ally.

p Open the file or fugit­ive­-ob­ject under the cursor in a preview window. [/ Jump to previous file, collapsing inline diffs automa­tic­ally.

~ Open the current file in the [coun­t]th first ancestor. [m Same as "­[/­"

P Open the current file in the [coun­t]th parent. ]/ Jump to next file, collapsing inline diffs automa­tic­ally.

C Open the commit containing the current file. ]m Same as "­]/­"

gi Open .git/i­nfo­/ex­clude in a split. Use a count to open .gitig­nore. i Jump to the next file or hunk, expanding inline diffs automa­tic­ally.

[[ Jump [count] sections backward.

Navigation (jump to file) ]] Jump [count] sections forward.

[] Jump [count] section ends backward.

gu Jump to file [count] in the "­Unt­rac­ked­" or "­Uns­tag­ed" section.
][ Jump [count] section ends forward.
gU Jump to file [count] in the "­Uns­tag­ed" section.
* On the first column of a + or - diff line, search for the corres­ponding - or + line.
gs Jump to file [count] in the "­Sta­ged­" section.
# Same as "­*", but search backward.
gp Jump to file [count] in the "­Unp­ush­ed" section.

gP Jump to file [count] in the "­Unp­ull­ed" section.

gr Jump to file [count] in the "­Reb­asi­ng" section.

Stagin­g/u­nst­aging Diff

s Stage (add) the file or hunk under the cursor. dp Invoke :Git diff on the file under the cursor.

u Unstage (reset) the file or hunk under the cursor. dd Perform a :Gdif­fsplit on the file under the cursor.

- Stage or unstage the file or hunk under the cursor. dv Perform a :Gvdi­ffs­plit on the file under the cursor.

U Unstage everyt­hing. ds Perform a :Ghdi­ffs­plit on the file under the cursor.

X Discard the change under the cursor dh Perform a :Ghdi­ffs­plit on the file under the cursor.

= Toggle an inline diff of the file under the cursor. dq Close all but one diff buffer, and :diff­off! the last one.

> Insert an inline diff of the file under the cursor. d? Show this help.

< Remove the inline diff of the file under the cursor.

gI Open .git/­inf­o/e­xclude in a split and add the file under the cursor. Commit
I Invoke :Git add --patch or reset --patch on the file under the cursor.
cc Create a commit.
P On untracked files, this instead calls :Git add --inte­nt-­to-­add.
ca Amend the last commit and edit the message.

ce Amend the last commit without editing the message.

cw Reword the last commit.

coo Check out the commit under the cursor. cvc Create a commit with -v.

> Populate command line with ":Git branch ". cva Amend the last commit with -v

> Populate command line with ":Git checkout ". crc Revert the commit under the cursor.

cb? Show this help. crn Revert the commit under the cursor in the index and work tree, but do not actually

co? Same as "­cb­?" commit the changes.

c? Show this help.

Commit (comma­nd-­line)

ce> Populate command line with ":Git commit ".

> Populate command line with ":Git revert ".

> Populate command line with ":Git merge ".
Stash Commit (create a...)

czz Push stash. Pass a [count] of 1 to add --inc­lud­e-u­ntr­acked or 2 to add --all. cf Create a fixup! commit for the commit under the cursor.

czw Push stash of worktree. Like czz with --kee­p-i­ndex. cF Create a fixup! commit for the commit under the cursor and immedi­ately rebase it.

czA Apply topmost stash, or stash@­{co­unt}. cs Create a squash! commit for the commit under the cursor.

cza Apply topmost stash, or stash@­{co­unt}, preserving the index. cS Create a squash! commit for the commit under the cursor and immedi­ately rebase it.

czP Pop topmost stash, or stash@­{co­unt}. cA Create a squash! commit for the commit under the cursor and edit the message.

czp Pop topmost stash, or stash@­{co­unt}, preserving the index.

> Populate command line with ":Git stash ". Miscel­laneous
cz? Show this help.
gq Close the status buffer.

. Start a : command line with the file under the cursor prepop­ulated.
g? Show help for fugit­ive­-maps

ri Perform an intera­ctive rebase.

u Same as "­ri­" Global

rf Perform an autosquash rebase without editing the todo list.
g> On the command line, recall the path to the current fugit­ive­-ob­ject
ru Perform an intera­ctive rebase against @{upst­ream}.
> Yank the path to the current fugit­ive­-ob­ject.
rp Perform an intera­ctive rebase against @{push}.

rr Continue the current rebase.

rs Skip the current commit and continue the current rebase.

ra Abort the current rebase.

re Edit the current rebase todo list.

rw Perform an intera­ctive rebase with the commit under the cursor set to reword.

rm Perform an intera­ctive rebase with the commit under the cursor set to edit.

rd Perform an intera­ctive rebase with the commit under the cursor set to drop.

ce> Populate command line with ":Git rebase ".

r? Show this help.


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