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banks, mobile banking, bank accounts banking preference

Hi In this video
I will talk about credit banks have responded in the coronavirus pandemic and how
they have helped their clients

In Peru, the bank that announced support your customers in the covid 19 pandemic
was BBVA,
rolled out a comprehensive plan in the region to financially support its retail and
wholesale customers and clients and contribute to society, while guaranteeing the
health of its employees and clients.

Thus, since the beginning of the pandemic, BBVA activated specific programs for
businesses, SMEs and the self-employed, but also for those hardest hit by the
coronavirus. One of the most noteworthy aspects was the approved moratoria, which
resulted in the rescheduling of more than 25 percent of the loan portfolio in
Colombia, Peru or Mexico. Over €20 billion were rescheduled, and more than three
million families or companies benefited from these relief programs. In addition, the
Group continued granting loans and taking part in different government support
programs for companies to prevent cash-flow disruptions from escalating into default

My overall opinion of what they did banks in peru and in the world,
it was the right thing because through them they have supported to his clients giving
more deadlines for them to pay their dues and reducing the interest rate.
In my opinion I think that the clients they should look for a bank that suits their needs
inquire about the types the accounts and ask about interest.

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