Safety Policy

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Safety & Health Policy

IMR is a leading international organization with long experience and sustainable business approach in mineral & metal
trading, mining and stainless steel cold rolling productions with operations in several countries and geographies. IMR is
committed to provided a healthy work environment to all of the employees in this work places without ilnees and injury.

Towards this commitment, local leadership in this workplaces is empowered to:

1. Applied and develop health and safety policy, which complies with local laws and regulations and other applicable
requirements based on ISO 45001 and SMK3 (Occupational Health Safety Management System) / Presidential Regulation
number 50 2012.
2. Integrate Safety and Health in their all operations without economic consideration
3. Develop and deploy training plans which related to safety and health, for all their employees and other stakeholders exactly
4. Conduct risk assessment at predetermined intervals but not less than a year, for critical operation and take steps to reduce
5. Create mechanisms to reporting of all incidents, conduct cause analysis for each incident and deploy corrective actions to
eliminate this incidents in the future.
6. Communicate this policy, plans and incidents to all stakeholders as appropriate and enhance awareness towards
Safety and Health.

The Leaders must become role model and disseminate behaviour of Health and Safety.

(Anirudh Misra)


IMR Holding AG
Zugerstrase 74, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland, t +41 41 768 95 95 f +41 41 760 95 02
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

IMR is a leading international organization with long experience and sustainable business approach in mineral & metal trading, mining
and stainless steel cold rolling productions with operations in several countries and geographies. IMR conducts this business as
Responsible of Corporate Citizen in the countries and geographies.

IMR is committed to conduct this business responsibly, respecting all applicable local laws of manufacture industry in the country,
be socially responsible and uphold human dignity. IMR CSR policy is to serve communities around operations by ploughing back
such quantum of its profits which meet and exceed local laws and expectations of communities serves.

IMR local leadership is empowered to:

1. Develop CSR policy and decide upon duly determined areas to serve as per needs of the communities it serves.
2. Develop plans, including expenditure budget as per local laws of the land.
3. Deploy plans through well-defined delivery mechanism, ensuring maximum effectiveness of the expenses.
4. Report CSR outcomes in the predefine structure and intervals as per needs of the local authorities appropriately.

(Anirudh Misra)

IMR Holding AG
Zugerstrase 74, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland, t +41 41 768 95 95 f +41 41 760 95 02
Environment Policy

IMR is a leading international organization with long experience and sustainable business approach in mineral & metal trading, mining
and stainless steel cold rolling productions with operations in several countries and geographies. IMR committed to improve this
operations continuously and exceed the environmental laws as relevant to business and the country.

Towards this commitment, local leadership in this workplaces is empowered to:

1. Develop local environment policy as suitable for the location.
2. Conduct impact assessment for this operations at appropriate intervals, not less than for year and take corrective measures
3. Communicate policy, corrective action plans and performance on environment front to all its employees, public and Government
authorities appropriately.

(Anirudh Misra)


IMR Holding AG
Zugerstrase 74, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland, t +41 41 768 95 95 f +41 41 760 95 02
PT IMR Arc Steel adalah produsen Cold Rolling Stainless Steel terbesar kedua di Indonesia, memiliki pendekatan bisnis yang kuat dan konsisten
menuju pertumbuhan kemampuan yang kuat, praktik kerja yang aman, kualitas tinggi dan solusi stainless yang inovatif. PT IMR Arc Steel berkomitmen
untuk terus beroperasi untuk memenuhi dan melampaui undang-undang lingkungan yang relevan dengan Industri sejenis.
Menuju perlindungan lingkungan dan pencegahan polusi, IMR Arc Steel harus:
1. Mematuhi semua undang-undang, peraturan, dan kewajiban hukum yang berkaitan dengan masalah lingkungan yang berlaku, dapat secara khusus
berlaku untuk perusahaan berdasarkan ISO 14001-2015.
2. Melakukan penilaian dampak untuk operasinya pada interval yang sesuai, tidak kurang dari setahun dan mengambil tindakan korektif yang sesuai.
3. Mengembangkan, menyebarkan, dan terus meningkatkan sistem manajemen lingkungan untuk memastikan bahwa proses lingkungan terintegrasi ke
dalam semua operasinya.
4. Pastikan semua karyawan dan pemegang saham memahami tanggung jawab masing-masing manajemen lingkungan dan meningkatkan pengetahuan
mereka melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan lingkungan yang teratur.
PT. IMR Arc Steel harus mengkomunikasikan hasil perlindungan lingkungan secara transparan kepada semua karyawannya, masyarakat setempat, dan
pemerintah, sebagaimana diperlukan.

PT IMR Arc Steel is the second largest Cold Rolling Stainless Steel producers of Indonesia, is having strong and consistent business approach towards
the growth of building strong capabilities, Safe working practices, High quality and innovative stainless solution. PT IMR Arc Steel is committed to
continually its operations to meet and exceed the environmental laws as relevant to the similar kind of Industries.
Towards protection of environment and prevention of pollution, IMR Arc steel shall:
1. Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and statutory obligations relating to environment issues may be specifically applicable to the company under
ISO 14001-2015.
2. Conduct impact assessment for its operations at appropriate intervals, not less than annually and take corrective measures as appropriate.
3. Develop, deploy and continually improve environmental management systems to ensure that environmental processes are integrated into all its operations.
4. Ensure all employees and stake holders understand their individual environmental management responsibilities and improve their knowledge through
regular environmental education and training.

IMR Arc Steel shall transparently communicate environmental protection outcomes to all its employees, local communities and government, as appropriate.

Johan Dwi Wisnuwardana

Direktur Operasional
PT IMR Arc Steel adalah produsen Cold Rolling Stainless Steel terbesar kedua di Indonesia, memiliki pendekatan bisnis yang kuat dan konsisten menuju
pertumbuhan kemampuan yang kuat, praktik kerja yang aman, kualitas tinggi dan solusi stainless yang inovatif. PT IMR Arc Steel berkomitmen untuk menyediakan
lingkungan kerja yang sehat & aman bagi semua karyawannya di tempat kerjanya tanpa cedera & sakit
Menuju komitmen ini, IMR Arc Steel Harus:
1. Menerapkan kebijakan keselamatan dan kesehatan, yang mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan setempat dan persyaratan lain yang berlaku berdasarkan ISO
45001 dan SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja) / Peraturan Presiden nomor 50 tahun 2012.
2. Mengintegrasikan keselamatan dan Kesehatan dalam semua operasi tanpa memprioritaskan pertimbangan ekonomi.
3. Mengembangkan dan menyebarkan rencana pelatihan, terkait dengan keselamatan & kesehatan untuk semua karyawan, pelanggan, vendor dan pemegang
saham yang sesuai.
4. Melakukan penilaian risiko pada interval yang telah ditentukan tetapi tidak kurang dari setahun untuk semua operasi kritis dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk
mengurangi risiko.
5. Membuat mekanisme untuk melaporkan semua insiden, melakukan analisis akar penyebab untuk setiap insiden dan menyebarkan tindakan korektif untuk
menghilangkan insiden tersebut di masa depan.
6. Komunikasikan kebijakan, rencana, dan insiden ini kepada semua pemangku kepentingan jika perlu dan tingkatkan kesadaran terhadap keselamatan dan
Para pemimpin harus menjadi teladan dan menyebarkan perilaku Keselamatan dan Kesehatan yang diinginkan


PT IMR Arc Steel is the second largest Cold Rolling Stainless Steel producers of Indonesia, is having strong and consistent business approach towards the growth
of building strong capabilities, Safe working practices, High quality and innovative stainless solution. PT IMR Arc Steel is committed to provide a healthy & safe
working environment to all its employees at its workplace free of injury & illness
Towards this commitment, Arc Steel Shall:
1. Deploy safety and health policy, which complies with local laws and regulation and other applicable requirements under ISO 45001 and SMK3 (System Manajemen
Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja) / Presidential Regulation number 50 of 2012.
2. Integrate safety and Health in all the operations without any priority to economic consideration.
3. Develop and deploy training plans, related to safety & health for all the employees, customers, vendors and stake holders as appropriate.
4. Conduct risk assessment at predetermined intervals but not less than annually for all the critical operations and take steps to mitigate risks.
5. Create mechanism for reporting all incidents, conduct root cause analysis for each incident and deploy corrective action/s to eliminate such incidents in future.
6. Communicate this policy, plan and incidents to all stakeholders as appropriate and enhance awareness towards safety and health.
Leaders shall role model and propagate desired Safety and Health behavior.

Johan Dwi Wisnuwardana

Direktur Operasional
PT IMR Arc Steel adalah produsen Cold Rolling Stainless Steel terbesar kedua di Indonesia, memiliki pendekatan bisnis yang kuat dan konsisten menuju
pertumbuhan kemampuan yang kuat, praktik kerja yang aman, kualitas tinggi dan solusi stainless yang inovatif. PT IMR Arc Steel menjalankan fasilitas
manufakturnya di Mojokerto-Indonesia sebagai warga korporat yang bertanggung jawab.
PT IMR Arc Steel berkomitmen untuk menjalankan bisnisnya secara bertanggung jawab, menghormati semua undang-undang setempat untuk Industri
manufaktur, bertanggung jawab secara sosial dan menjunjung tinggi martabat manusia. Kebijakan CSR PT IMR Arc Steel adalah untuk melayani
masyarakat desa di sekitarnya & sekitarnya yang memenuhi dan melampaui hukum & harapan masyarakat setempat.
1. Melanjutkan komitmen bisnis untuk berperilaku etis dan berkontribusi pada pembangunan ekonomi sambil meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan tenaga kerja
& keluarga mereka, komunitas lokal & masyarakat luas.
2. Memahami persyaratan desa & masyarakat terdekat dan perlu menyiapkan rencana jangka panjang untuk mendukung & memenuhi persyaratan mereka,
sebagaimana layak dan sesuai.
3. Berikan prioritas untuk pekerjaan baru apa pun dari komunitas lokal, tanpa mengorbankan kriteria rekrutmen PT IMR Arc Steel.
IMR Arc steel harus melaporkan hasil tanggung jawab sosial kepada masyarakat lokal dan pemerintah, jika perlu.


PT IMR Arc Steel is the second largest Cold Rolling Stainless Steel producers of Indonesia, is having strong and consistent business approach towards
the growth of building strong capabilities, Safe working practices, High quality and innovative stainless solution. PT IMR Arc Steel runs its manufacturing
facility in Mojokerto-Indonesia as responsible corporate citizen.
PT IMR Arc Steel is committed to conduct its business responsibly, respecting all the local laws for the manufacturing Industries, be socially responsible
and uphold human dignity. PT IMR Arc Steel CSR policy is to serve surrounding & nearby village communities which meets and exceeds local laws &
expectation of communities.
1. Continuing the commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the work force
& their families, local communities & society at large.
2. Understand the requirements of nearby villages & societies and need to prepare long term plan to support & meet their requirements, as feasible and
3. Give priority for any new employment from local communities, without compromising on recruitment criteria of the PT IMR Arc Steel.
IMR Arc steel shall report social responsibility outcomes to local communities and government, as appropriate.

Johan Dwi Wisnuwardana

Direktur Operasional

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