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Official Letter 01/2023-REQUIREMENT

São Paulo, January 12, 2023.

To His Excellency,
Augusto de Arruda Botelho To
the National Secretariat of
Justice Esplanade of Ministries, Block T, Headquarters Building. Brasilia
DF. CEP: 70.064-900

Subject: Denouncement of Promotion of Sexual Tourism in cyberspace - Inducement of Sexual

Exploitation and Trafficking of Women and Girls.

Mr Secretary,

Greeting you cordially, the lawyers Amarílis Costa - OAB nº 357.070 and Amanda
Vitorino - OAB nº 463.158/SP, come, through this letter, to share their considerations regarding the
complaints involving practices of inducing sexual exploitation, crimes against honor, improper use image
and sex tourism.
As appropriate, we request the adoption of measures aimed at curbing such
practices in the national territory and the provision of legal support to the victims of the case
on screen.

We believe it is crucial to address these considerations to the works to be developed

in 2023-2026, which in themselves are historic and paradigmatic.


Amarílis Costa
OAB/SP No. 357.070

Amanda Vitorino
OAB/SP No. 463.158

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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For the fight against Sexual Tourism, Human Trafficking and Gender Violence 1

This is a complaint about a sexual tourism network and gender violence in operation in Brazil, on January 11,
2023, television presenter Stephanie Ribeiro received content and complaints about the existence of a sex tourism
network through her social networks. having been

sought by some victims who appear in non-consensual recordings made by


The said presenter sought support from the present subscribers to carry out an official communication of the
facts to the authorities in order to request measures to combat Sexual Tourism and gender violence.

In summary, the perpetrators of criminal practices, which are currently in Salvador - Bahia, organize and carry
out "excursions" throughout the Brazilian coast. They approach and record women without consent, use the images to
produce videos where they publicize Brazil as a pole of Sexual Tourism, in the videos recorded and released without
consent, the victims are exposed, harassed and embarrassed. Sometimes they use hidden cameras in watches and
other technological equipment.

There are dozens of videos stored on social networks, especially on Youtube, and affinity groups are also
maintained on the social network Facebook, where thousands of participants share images of objectification of Brazilian
women and organize trips for Sexual Tourism in the country.

Every day dozens of women are harassed and exposed by this and other groups that
promote practices of Sexual Tourism and exploitation of Women and Girls throughout Brazil.
In the links below you can access some of the videos and materials mentioned in the description

Sex tourism is the practice of travel organized within the tourism sector or outside it, but which uses the
structures and networks of the sector with the primary objective of effecting the sexual commercial relationship between
tourists and residents of the destination, according to the World Tourism Organization ) .Sex tourism has negative

(UNWTO consequences for society, such as: sexual exploitation

children, trafficking in women and depreciation of the image of Brazilian women.

Technical note prepared by Amanda Vitorino, Lawyer, Postgraduate in Digital Law, Innovation Management and Intellectual Property
at PUC MINAS, Postgraduate Student in Compliance at IBCCRIM - COIMBRA and specialist in Social Impacts at Amani Institute;
Amarílis Costa Lawyer, PhD student in Human Rights at USP, Master in Human Sciences at USP, Member of the Council of Advocacy
HUB, Coordinator of Diversity and Inclusion at Cultural OAB SP, Co-Founder of Movimento Elo - Include and Transform, Researcher at
Grupo de Studies and Research on Public Policies for Social Inclusion. School of Art, Sciences and Humanities - University of São

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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The. Child Sexual Exploitation

UNICEF data show that almost 2 million children are victims of sex tourism in the world. In Brazil, it is
estimated that child sexual exploitation affects around 500,000 children and adolescents a year, an average of
over a thousand cases a day, according to Childhood Brasil.

The numbers are staggering, unfortunately, attest to the unspoken reality that permeates the reality of
many Brazilian children, especially those who live in the country's biggest tourist centers, especially the
northeast coast.

The State of Bahia, where the accused recorded numerous videos, since 2011 presents the
higher number of reports of sexual exploitation.

It should be noted that child sexual exploitation does not only occur with the practice of libidinous acts,
it encompasses aspects of pornographic industrial production, sex tourism, drug trafficking,
children and adolescents for sexual purposes, sex and pornography via the internet3 .

B. Human trafficking and sex tourism

According to the Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative (CDTC 2020), in the Americas more than
80% of trafficked victims are female and almost a third are children, it is also observed that 69% of trafficked
minors are subjected to sexual exploitation (CDTC 2016 )

Annually, more than 2.5 million people are victims of human trafficking, with the
most frequent reason is sexual exploitation (79%).

"Trafficking in persons is characterized by the "recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring or receipt of

persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of
power or a position of vulnerability or to give or receive payments or benefits to obtain consent for a person to
have control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.”

The protection of the rights of Women and Girls through the fight against Sexual Tourism is urgent,
the harassment and exposure of Brazilian women encourages the occurrence of cases of sexual exploitation
and human trafficking.

It is necessary to identify foreign citizens who commit said crimes and notify the authorities of their
countries of origin.

Internally, it is necessary to reinforce with providers and social media the importance
dynamics of suppression of sexual content and incentive to sex tourism.

The numbers point to the devastating consequences of sex tourism, or rather, often crimes of sexual
exploitation and human trafficking committed by foreigners on Brazilian soil, attesting to the urgency of the
issue being treated with due relevance.

The cited data can be observed at:
Protocol on the Prevention, Suppression and Punishment of Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, complement
to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, also known as the Palermo Convention.

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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II. Relevance of the internet in sex tourism

In the socio-anthropological production on the transnationalization of the sex market, the

association of women from certain poor nations of the world with prostitution is linked to three main
factors: the trips of tourists and military personnel to poor countries and regions where they buy sex;
the migration of women from the South to work in night clubs and brothels around the world and to the
Internet. With regard to this last aspect, sites aimed at heterosexual sex tourists are considered
fundamental spaces in terms of the production and dissemination of sexualized and racialized
stereotypes of women in poor countries.
There are several websites, countless videos on Youtube associating Brazil with tourism. A
quick search on the platform with the words: brazilian, women, sex and tourist presents a diversity of
videos associating the image of Brazilian women with prostitution.
In 2012, the Ministry of Tourism identified more than 1,700 websites in several languages that
7 8
associated Brazil with pornography and prostitution . In 2013 and 2015, the company Axtur
detected the existence of more than 3,300 new sites associating Brazil with prostitution and tourism
In this sense, we observe the depreciation of the image of Brazilian women in foreign countries,
the deformity of the Brazilian tourism sector and, above all, the perpetuation of gender violence against
vulnerable women and children.
It is extremely important that the Brazilian State curbs the dissemination of this content,
adopting measures to monitor and hold platforms accountable for inertia in identifying content of this
nature, as well as sanctioning and investigating website creators for this purpose. Now, just as the
company META has created mechanisms capable of identifying content related to COVID-19 and the
Elections, YouTube and other social networks
, need to increasingly filter this type of content.

Because it is a very serious case, with consequences in several locations in the country, the
National Secretariat of Justice has the power to promote the policy of justice, through articulation with
the other bodies of the Executive Branch, the Judiciary Branch, the Legislative Branch , the Public
Prosecutor's Office, the Public Defender's Office, the Brazilian Bar Association, the state and district
governments, international agencies and civil society organizations, in view of all the above, we strive
for the appropriate measures with regard to Combating Tourism Sexuality and Exploitation of Girls and
It is also required the identification of the authors of the narrated facts, the referral for individual
accountability of conducts under the terms of the law, the notification of the authorities of the countries
of origin with the demand of measures.
Calling the police authorities is requested to verify and investigate the facts.

Excerpt from PISCITELLI, Adriana. Travel and online sex: the Internet in the geography of sex tourism *. PAY,
Campinas, p. 281-326, July 2005
8Survey shows that more than 3 thousand websites sell sex tourism in Brazil 9https:// -po stagens-about-

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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That a policy be established to combat Tourism and Sexual Exploitation through Policy
Public Transversal that brings together efforts from the most diverse bodies of the Federal Executive.
That mechanisms be adopted, together with internet platforms, so that practices that promote Sexual
Tourism, Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Girls do not find support on the internet.

As appropriate, these subscribers are available to collaborate with the preparation of

Campaign to Combat Sexual Tourism and Exploitation of Girls and Women

São Paulo, January 12, 2023.

Amarílis Costa
OAB/SP No. 357.070

Amanda Vitorino
OAB/SP No. 463.158

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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Video links hosted on Youtube:

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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profile pictures

Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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Amanda Vitorino and Amarilis Costa

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