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Vol. 75, No. 1, 18-22. 1993

Production of Cellulose from Glucose by Acetobacter xylinum

Central Laboratory, Rengo Co. Ltd., 4-1-186 Ohhiraki, Fukushima-ku, Osaka 553,1 and The Osaka Municipal
Technical Research Institute, 1-6-50 Morinomiya, Joto-ku, Osaka 536,2 Japan
Received 26 May 1992/Accepted28 October 1992

Acetobacter xyUnum IFO 13693 was selected as the best ceHuiose-producing bacterium among 41 strains be-
longing to the genus Acetobacter and Agrobacterium. Cellulose was found to be produced at the liquid surface
in static liquid cultivation. The rate of cellulose production depended proportionally on the surface-area of the
culture medium and was unaffected by the depth and volume of the medium. The optimum pH for cellulose
production was 4.0 to 6.0. Glucose, fructose and glycerol were preferred carbon sources for cellulose produc-
tion. The yield of cellulose, relative to the glucose consumed, decreased with an increase in initial glucose con-
centration, and glnconic acid accumulated at a high initial glucose concentration. The decrease in cellulose
yield could be due to some glucose being metabolized to giucouie acid. However, the accumulated giueonic
acid did not affect cellulose production. The culture conditions of the bacterium for ceUuiose production were
optimized. The maximum production rate of cellulose was 36 g/d. m2, with a yield of 100~l~ for added glucose
under the optimal conditions.

Since Brown (1) noted that Acetobacter xylinum pro- Seed cultures were prepared by inoculating cells grown
duced cellulose at the surface of a medium, the biochemi- on standard medium agar slants into 500 ml Sakaguchi
cal reactions of cellulose synthesis have been extensively flasks containing 70 ml of the standard medium, followed
documented (2-9). Cellulose is formed from glucose via by incubation at 30°C for 2 d with shaking (140 rpm). The
glucose-6-phosphate, giucose-l-phosphate, and uridine- cells were then collected by centrifugation (13,000 rpm, for
5'-diphosphate glucose. The mechanism of cellulose 20 min, at 10°C) and transferred into fresh standard me-
microflbril formation has also been investigated actively dium for cellulose production, followed by static incuba-
(4, 8, 10-17). tion at 30°C.
Cellulose produced by an Acetobacter strain was found Analytical methods The initial cell concentration
to be chemically pure, free of lignin and hemicellulose was estimated by measuring the optical density at 660 nm
(18), and to have different properties from wood-derived (OD660). To measure the amount of cellulose, cellulose
cellulose (18-20). Recently, taking advantage of its pro- was separated from the culture broth and cells with a
perties, bacterial cellulose has been applied to practical sieve (openings 45 pm). Cellulose was then washed with
uses (19-21). deionized water. The washed cellulose was successively
Though the improvement of cellulose production is es- boiled in a 2% NaOH solution for 20 min and washed with
sential for the industrial production of bacterial cellulose, deionized water. The cellulose was then dried overnight at
relatively few reports have discussed in detail the relation- 95°C and weighed after cooling to room temperature.
ship between cellulose production and culture conditions Glucose was measured by the glucose oxidase/peroxi-
(21, 22). dase method (23), using a Glucose C-Test Wako (Wako
In this study, we selected A. xylinum IFO 13693 as the Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka). Gluconic acid
best cellulose-producing strain among 41 strains belonging was measured by the method of Coffee et al. (24).
to Acetobacter and Agrobacterium, and investigated the
culture condition for cellulose production. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Screening of the best strains for cellulose production
Some strains belonging to the genus Acetobacter and
Microorganisms Twenty four strains of the genus Agrobacterium are known to produce cellulose (25).
Acetobacter and seventeen strains of the genus Agrobacte- Forty-one strains were tested for their cellulose production
rium were obtained from IFO (Institute for Fermentation by cultivation in Hestrin and Schramm' s medium for 7 d.
Osaka, Osaka). Four strains of Acetobacter xylinum produced significant
Media and cultivation A standard medium which amounts of cellulose, but the following strains did not:
consisted of 2% pepton (Nippon Seiyaku Co. Ltd., Acetobacter acetigenus (IFO3277, IFO3278, IFO3279,
Tokyo), 0.5% yeast extract (Nippon Seiyaku Co. Ltd., IFO3280), Acetobacter pasteurianus (IFO13751,
Tokyo), 0.5°~ D-glucose, 0.1% MgSO4-7H20 and 0.2% IFO13753, IFO13754, IFO3170, IFO3191, IFO3222,
ethanol (pH6.0), was used for cellulose production. IFO3223, IFO3225), Acetobacter rancens (IFO3297,
Hestrin and Schramm's medium (18) was also used for IFO3298), Acetobacter aceti (IFO3281, IFO3283,
screening of the cellulose producing strain. IFO3284), Acetobacter sp. (IFO3284), Agrobacterium
radiobacter (IFO12607, 12664, 12665, 13258, 13259,
* Corresponding author. Present address: Central Laboratory, 13532, 13533), Agrobacterium rhizogenes (IFO13257,
Rengo Co. Ltd., 4-1-186 Ohhiraki, Fukushiraa-ku, Osaka 553, IFO14554, 14555), Agrobacterium rubi (IFO13260,
Japan. IFO13261), Agrobacterium tumefaciens (IFO3058,

TABLE 1. Screening of the best strain for cellulose production


Strain Cellulose yield (g)
A, xylinum 1.2
IFO 3288 0.010
IFO 13693 0.312 1.0
IFO 13772 0.257 ,~ _~o.4
IFO 13773 0.038 0.8
Each strain was cultivated in standard medium for 3 d. Initial OD~0 o 0.6
--0.7, V=60ml, S=54cm 2, H = I . I cm.
IFO12667, IFO13263, IFO13264, IFO13265). Table 1 ~0.~ o. 0 20~'~'~ '~
I00 -
shows the amount of cellulose produced after 3 d. Since Culture surfa¢o (©m2)
A. xylinum (IFO 13693) produced a higher amount of cel-
0 t 2 3 4 5
lulose than the other three strains, we used A . xylinum
(IFO 13693) in following studies. Culture time (d)
Effhect of culture volume, surface-area and depth on FIG. 2. Effect of culture surface-area (S) and depth (H) on the
cellulose production Figure 1 shows the amount of production of cellulose in glass vessels of various diameters. Initial
cellulose produced in cultures with different volume and OD.,0-0.8, V=300 cm3. (A) Time courses of cellulose production at
depth, and constant surface-area (100 cm2). The culture different surface areas. Symbols: O, S=232cm 2 H=l.3cm; O,
volume and depth did not influence production. S=125cm 2 H=2.4cm; G, S=93cm 2 H=3.2cm; ~, S=69cm z
Figure 2 shows the amount of cellulose produced in cul- H=4.3 cm; e, S=4A cm2 H=6.9 cm. (13)Rate of cellulose produc-
tion vs. surface area.
tures with different surface-area and depth, at constant
volume (300 cm3). The production increased with an in-
crease of surface-area (Fig. 2A), with the production rate effect of initial pH on the cellulose production was tested
depending proportionally on the surface-area (Fig. 2B). in the range pH 2.5 to 7.7. The amount o f cellulose in-
Position of cellulose formation in the culture medium creased linearly with culture time for 3 d. The optimum
Cellulose has generally been described as being formed at p H for cellulose production was 4.0 to 6.0 (Fig. 4). The
the liquid-air interface of the medium (1, 20, 26, 27), but p H value of the medium remained within 0.7 of the initial
there has been no critical analysis of the position of cellu- pH throughout the cultivation period, except in the case
lose formation. We examined whether or not the cells of an initial pH of 7.7.
which e~Asted in the interior of the medium could produce The optimum pH for in vivo cellulose production by A.
cellulose. As shown in Fig. 3, a mesh (opening size 22 pm), xylinum has previously been reported in several studies to
positioned 2.5 cm from the base and 1.1 cm from the be less than 7.0 (18, 20, 21), and our results agreed with
air/liquid interface, was immersed for 4 d in the medium. these findings. On the other hand, Greathouse (28), using
Cellulose formed at the interface, but not under the mesh. a cell-free system, reported an optimum p H 8.0 to 9.0.
This result suggests that only cells existing close to the Effects of carbon source on cellulose production In
surface of the medium could produce cellulose. general, glucose has been used as a carbon source for cellu-
Effects of initial p H on cellulose production The lose production by A. x),linum. It has been reported, how-
ever, that cellulose was also synthesized from other carbon
sources, such as 5- or 6- carbon monosaccharides, oligo-
saccharides, starch, alcohols and organic acids (29, 30).
We examined the relative yields of cellulose production
from various carbon sources, as shown in Table 2, Fruc-
tose and glycerol gave almost the same cellulose yield as
glucose, and the yield from D-glucono lactone was 62%
$0.8 relative to glucose.
Effects of initial glucose concentration on cellulose pro-
duction The effects of the initial glucose concentration
~0.6 (0-4.8 g/flask, i.e. 0--4.0%) on cellulose production are
shown in Fig. 5. A constant rate of production (36 g-cellu-
lose/d, m 2) was obtained for every initial glucose concen-
-~ o.4 tration.
/ \
G1a s s beak e r ~ Cellulose pellicle
[.~.\\x \ x x \ \ \ \ \, ~t/~/blesh(openingsize = 22 /zm)

I I t ~Sieve
0 I 2 3 4
Culture time (d)
FIG. 1. Effect of culture volume (V) and depth (H) on the produc-
tion of cellulose in glass vesselsat a constant surfaee-arca of 100cm2.
InitialODee0"~0.8. Symbols: o , v = 1 0 0 c m S H = l . 0 c m ; O , V = 2 0 0 FIG. 3. Schematic diagram of experiment to check the position
cm3 H=2.0cm; G, V=400em 3 H=4.0cm; ~, V=600cm 3 H=6.0 of cellulose production. Initial ODs~=0.73, V--200ml, S=56cm 2,
cm; O, V=750cm 3 H=7.5cm. H=3.6cm.

0.10 •,- 5.0


-~O 0.08~-
( ' '. . . . . A r,..o
0.06~ 4.5-\e
~f .4 4~ - 0" - 3.5
0.0 2.i 1 1~,'"
= 3.0
"~ 0.02

02 6 7
Initial pH a / . . ,, °
FIG. 4. Effect of initial pH on the production of cellulose. The
production rate of cellulose was calculated with the amount of cellu- ,.0- \ ,.5
lose produced in 3 d culture. Initial O D ~ - 0 . 8 , V=60 ml, S=54 cm2,
H = 1.1 cm.

The yield o f cellulose to consumed glucose, however,

decreased with an increase in initial glucose concentra-
tion. The yields o f cellulose at initial glucose concentra-
tions o f 0.6, 1.2, 2.4 a n d 4.8 g/flask were 100, 100, 68
a n d 28% respectively. In order to determine the reason Culture time (d)
for the decrease in cellulose yield, the c o n s u m p t i o n o f glu- FIG. 5. Effect of initial glucose concentration on the production
cose, accumulation o f gluconic acid, a n d change in p H of cellulose. Initial OD6~-0.8, V= 120 ml, S=66 cm2, H = 1.8 cm.
were measured during cultivation. The initial glucose concentrations were 0.6 ( [] ), 1.2 (©), 2.4 (®) and
Figure 5A shows the relationship a m o n g the c o n s u m p - 4.8 ( e ) g/flask. (A) Relationship among production of cellulose,
tion o f glucose, accumulation o f gluconic acid, a n d pro- consumption of glucose and accumulation of gluconic acid. Lines:
- - , cellulose; . . . . , glucose; .... , gluconic acid. (13) Time course of
TABLE 2. Effect of various carbon sources on the production
of cellulose
duction o f cellulose. Trace a m o u n t s o f gluconic acid were
Carbon source Cellulose yield (relative ~ ) detected in the m e d i u m when the initial glucose concentra-
Monosaccharides D-fructose 92 tions were 0.6 and 1.2 g/flask. W h e n the initial glucose
D-galactose 15 concentration was 2.4 g/flask, 0.4 g o f gluconic acid was
D-glucose 100 t e m p o r a r i l y accumulated, b u t this disappeared after
D-mannose 3 6 d. W h e n the initial glucose concentration was 4.8 g/flask,
D-xylose I1 the a m o u n t o f gluconic acid increased during the cultiva-
L-arabinose 14
L-sorbose 11 tion period.
A t initial glucose concentrations o f 2.4 a n d 4.8 g/flask,
Disaccharides lactose 16 the total a m o u n t o f cellulose and gluconic acid p r o d u c e d
maltose 7 corresponded to the a m o u n t o f glucose consumed in the
sucrose 33 period during which gluconic acid was increasing. This sug-
Polysaccharide starch 18 gests that glucose not used for cellulose synthesis is metab-
Alcohols ethanol 4 olized via gluconic acid to other substances.
ethylene glycol 1 W h e n the initial glucose concentration was less than
diethylene glycol 1 2.4 g/flask, the p H value in the m e d i u m varied within the
propylene glycol 8 range 4 to 6.4 (Fig. 5B). These changes m a y be a result o f
glycerol 93 gluconic acid formation. However, they do not correlate
myo-inositol 17 with the decrease in cellulose yield, because the o p t i m u m
Organic acids citric acid 20 p H range for cellulose p r o d u c t i o n was 4.0 to 6.0, as shown
L-malic acid 15 in Fig. 4. W h e n the initial glucose concentration was
succinic acid 12 4.8 g/flask, the p H value decreased to 3.0. Therefore, the
cellulose yield was lower than that at an initial glucose
Other D-glucono lactone 62
concentration o f 2.4 g/flask. S c h r a m m et al. (3) previously
No cabon source 2 stated that washed cells o f A. xylinum oxidized a p o r t i o n
Cells were cultivated for 3 d in the standard medium with an initial o f glucose a d d e d to gluconic acid, a n d the accumulated
carbon source concentration of 0.3 g/flask. The yield of cellulose (%) gluconic acid lowered the p H o f the culture m e d i u m and
was calculated relative to the yield in D-glUCOSemedium. Initial OD~o inhibited cellulose p r o d u c t i o n (31). O u r results agreed with
--0.8, V : 6 0 m l , S=54cm z, H : I . I era. these findings at a high glucose concentration. It is inter-

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