Good Business Means Good Ethics

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1. Good Business Means Good Ethics?

Good ethics is the foundation of a good business because it only means that their
success is the fruit of integrity, honesty, fairness and hard work. If individuals
surrounding that organization, employees or executives, act in accordance to their
moral and ethical values, the working environment would feel much safer, productive,
and unified, leading to a positive workplace culture. Thus, employees are more driven to
commit to the organization and its goals which then results to a high performing team. A
reputation for ethical behavior also instills confidence among stakeholders who rely on
companies' good faith and commitment to invest because it makes them feel trustworthy
and expect them to act ethically in all transactions. Furthermore, it helps you stand out
in a room full of institution because you think about what benefits you can give to your
clients rather than gaining profit alone. Therefore, I believe that good business resulted
from good ethics.

2. What is Business Ethics?

As far as I understand, business ethics is a set of standard for morally right and
wrong conduct that is imposed by an organization. It help employees know their
limitations and identify what actions are accepted and necessary in their field. For
example, many companies have regulations prohibiting Executives and managers from
dating subordinate staff although it is not illegal. This is because it can create the
impression that you are receiving special treatment that can lead to jealousy and
resentment among your coworkers. So, business ethics is built to keep the integrity,
fairness, and to set boundaries between professional and personal life.

3. What is a myth? Which, if any of the five business myths discussed do you not
accept as a myth?
Based on what I have learned, a myth is a story from an unknown origin that is passed
through generations commonly from oral statement. For me, the fourth myth of business
ethics should not be considered a myth. I believe that good business really comes from
good ethics of the leaders and employees working in an organization. As what I have
mentioned a while ago, companies that act ethically will inspire its workers to strive
more for success because their environment is comfortable and unified. It also help
them build reputation to business partners and customers. Therefore, it can increase
their engagement and sales leading to high profitability.
4. What role should ethics play in business?
Similar to how ethics work in our personal lives, it provides a guideline for employees
and employers on what behavior is acceptable on their job. It binds the organization into
achieving one common goal while respecting their subordinates and increasing their
overall morale. It also serves as a law that states what actions are prohibited on the
organization. This means that if a worker did not obey these laws, they will have to face
a consequence that would also give them lessons that they can apply in the future.

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