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In today’s world, the usage of media has become a vital everyday activity.

It creates an
instant connection with the bigger world even in the recent years where technologies merely
began to sprout. It was, and will always be, part of how we communicate with each other.
Therefore, globalization without media for global integration is impossible.

Although media has been present for hundreds of years, the current degree of media
saturation has not always existed. It started mainly with the telecommunications revolution
through the invention of the telegraph that paves way for territorial expansion. It fastened the
interchange of data that leads to the enhancement and growth of economic markets. It
provided significant information that increased the interdependence of nation-states.

I n the present time, public and private organizational sectors use social media as a tool
to improve information accessibility of costumers, to decipher its performance, and to build
effective communication with its consumers. It provide opportunities for small-scale and big
corporations to be recognized nationwide and later on, to different countries. One way of being
known is through commercials. Jollibee, released a series of short-story-like tear-jerking
commercial, "Kwentong Joillibee", that reflects the life of every Filipino while promoting their
product. The said advertisement touched the hearts of its audience, even abroad. Foreign
customers then started trying out Jollibee. They have promoted their product effectively,
increased their sales, and shared true-to-life learnings to the viewers.

"The media can create opportunities for businesses to provide input into the
negotiations and facilitation of trade by way of sharing lessons from their current experiences,"
Raj (2021). Media is a very important aspect of import and export since it became a tool for two
different countries to connect and communicate. It makes t he exchange industry more
accessible and efficient. "Social media has made the conversation about things like
cryptocurrency mainstream, which has helped water down the terminology and concepts
associated with it, making people feel it’s something they can understand and manage. That
wouldn’t have been possible in the pre-social media world," (Thomas, 2021).

According to Rantanen, “Practically, there is no globalization without media.” A life

without media means a life that lacks globalization. We wouldn't have most of the products
that we use everyday, we won't have enough resources, we cannot communicate with other
people far from us, and we wouldn't be knowledgeable as we are today. That being said, mass
media is a driver of global integration for it plays a major role in disseminating and exchange of
information linked to the business or organization on a global scale.

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