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Assignment No.


Read the following questions carefully. Answer it by giving your own understanding.
5 points each.

1. What is Organizational Behavior in your own words?

 The study of how individuals in an organization behave, interact, and

communicate is referred to as organizational behavior. It scrutinizes how these
actions can influence the person’s quality of work, their relationship to their
coworkers and executives, and its effect in the organization as a whole. Thus,
understanding organizational behavior help increase the effectiveness and
efficiency of the individuals on the group by analyzing and interpreting these
variables. It can also assist you in achieving the organizational and work culture

2. What is the relationship of human behavior in studying HBO?

 All of us differ in personality but we cannot let these differences hinder us to

achieve a common goal in the workplace. Therefore, studying human behavior
organization also means understanding human behavior for us to know what
causes an individual to act in a certain way. It help leaders know what to expect
to that worker and give the necessary work load based on their behavior. Is this
person an extrovert? Maybe if we partner them with another extrovert, they would
clash. Understanding behaviors allow you to have a deeper comprehension of
how an organization operates. So, when you think about it, behavior impacts
organizations and organizations affect behavior. They both have an effect on the
other, resulting in a never-ending cycle between the two.

3. From the 4 Elements of Organizational Behavior, which one for you is the most

 I think the most important element of organizational behavior among the four is
the people. For me, it what makes up the three other elements, people build and
utilize the technology in order for it to function, they are the ones assigned to
form a structure, and they are the ones who construct the environment of the
workplace. Although these four elements are equally important, it is the people
that produce ideas, solve issues, make choices, and create learning that benefits
the company. They are the most important asset and it all comes down to the
people if the organization would fail or succeed. According to Continual Impact
“People are the heart, head, and muscle in every high-performing organization
– they are the primary determinant in whether it exists or fails to exist!”
Continual Impact. 2021. PEOPLE: The Most Important Element in a High-
Performing Organization.

4. Choose 1 from the 4 benefits of studying HBO that for you has the greatest impact.

 Personally, the benefit of studying human behavior organization that I think

possess the greatest impact would be personal growth. It refers to self-
improvement, which emphasizes on increasing one's consciousness, knowledge,
and talents, as well as one's entire sense of identity. However, I also think that is
commonly overlooked since most employers focus on development of skills of
their workers. But by allowing yourself to improve as an individual can benefit
both your personal and professional life. It can help improve your work-life
balance better as well as know how to separate them. Personal growth is also
the root of all other benefits such as: you would be more productive since you
know your goals and can set your priorities clearly, and enhance time
management skills and effectiveness. Personal growth can also result to
development of skills since you already know your strengths and weaknesses
and which areas you need to improve.

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