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A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme,

irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. The word ‘phobia’
comes from Greek word ‘phobos’, which means fear or horror. The term ‘phobia’ is often
used to refer to fear of one particular trigger. It can be said that phobia can hamper the
lives of those who have it. People with pobhias will avoid the phobic object or situation
or endure it within intense fear or anxiety. They consider it as it is dangerous to them.
Most phobias are classified into three categories, Spesific phobias, Social Phobia and
Agoraphobia. Social Phobia also known as social anxiety disorder, is when the situation
is feared as the person is worried about others judging them, being public humiliated
and being singled out. Agoraphobia is a generalized fear of leaving home or a small
familiar ‘safe’ area. It may also be caused by various spesific phobias such as fear of open
spaces, social embarrassment, fear of contamination or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder) related to a trauma that occured outdoor. Spesific phobia It is a fear of
particular objects or situations that immediately results in anxiety and sometimes can
lead to panic attacks. There are some example of spesific phobias.
First, Acrophobia is an intense fear of heights that can caused significant anxiety and
panic. It’s not unusual to feel some discomfort in high places. But these feeling may not
cause panic or get you to avoid heights. If you have acrophobia, even thinking about
crossing a bridge or seeing a photograph of a mountain and surronding valey may
trigger fear and anxiety. The cause of acrophia sometimes develop as a response to a
traumatic experience involving height, such as failing from a high place, watching
someone else fall from a high place or having a panic attack or other negative
experience while in high place.
Second, Alektrophobia is an intense fear of chickens. The word comes from the greek
words. ‘Alektor’ which means rooster. The doctors still aren’t sure about the exact cause
of spesific phobias but some of the cause that may cause alektrophobia is negative
experience also genetic and environment. Many animal related phobia are caused by
negative experience with that animal, for example people may have encounterd an
aggresive chicken as a very young child. While in genetics and environment, young
children learn many behaviors from their parents.
Third, Claustrophobia is a situational phobia triggered by an irrational and intense fear of
tight or crowded spaces. It can be triggered by things like being locked in a windowless
room or being stuck in crowded elevator. If you experience claustrophobia, you may feel
like you’re having a panic attack. The cause of claustrophobia mainly because of
environmental factor. The other cause of claustrophia is because of tgraumatic event
such as being stuck in atight or crowded space for an extended period of time,
experiencing turbulance when flying, being punished by being locked in a small space,
like bathroom, being stuck on crowded public transportation, being left in tight space,
like closet, by accident.

In clonclussion phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that cause an individual to experience

axtreme, irrational fear about a particular things. Phobia classified into three categorized
social phobia, agoraphobia and spesific phobia. There are some kind of spesific phobia,
the example are acrophobia, alektrophobia, claustrophobia, hemophobia and

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