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Includes: >>>
- Limited Edition talk with Rhys
- Interview with his Mentor
- Styling a Victor
- Feature on District 11

Limited Edition: Victors Interview with Rhys Bullock

forever magazine
Victory Interview
Of the 51st Annual Hunger Games
Rhys Bullock, victor of the 51th annual Hunger Games, sat down with Caeser Flickerman
yesterday to discuss his experience in the area along with some information about his
games. Here were the highlights!

“The moment that I knew I was the victor, I plan that Posi and Ivy died. The poor kids
felt a huge range of emotions. It was the were stuck under the water with those horrid
moment when I killed Cal. Hearing his creatures. I didn't see what happened to Ivy,
cannon go off meant safety for but I saw Tesla pull Posi out of
holding onto the things
me, but it also meant that an the water. The worst feeling
innocent life was taken. It was that make you human is came over me when I thought
the moment when I knew that I what keeps that Posi was dead. I was
was going to go home. Winning fighting Ianthe and there was no
you going. my family,
these games was what I wanted way that I could get to him.”
more than anything. I had to go team TRAP, all the
home. It still feels so surreal, as
tributes I met that died. “I can't wait to see my family! I
if I'm dreaming.” made a promise to make it back
home to them, and I did it... I really did. I can
“Seeing my best friend [Aisly-Parca Sullivan, finally go back to my old life. Evenings with
also of District 11] die was awful. I blame my family on the porch, counting the stars,
myself, but there isn't much that I could do to memorizing constellations, laughing with
stop her from dying. When Team TRAP got Luca as we race down the orchards. It’s
into a fight, I did so many things that I never simple, sure, but it’s home.”
should have. My plan with the hand warmers
worked well. Too well. It was because of my Read on to learn about Rhys and his games!
panem forever >>>

About the Arena:

During his victory Worst Part
interview, Rhys talked Holding onto the things that
make you human is what
about what it was like in
keeps you going. I fought for
the arena.
my family back home, for Lessons Learned
Team TRAP, for all of the The most important thing that I learned
Inside the Arena
tributes whom I encountered about myself was that I should be more
When I received a training score
that died. The arena can make grateful for the people around me. I
of eleven I became very hopeful, but I
you do crazy things. Twenty-four of us, all remember how, after Rooni died, I
definitely wasn't convinced. The whole
kids, all trying to survive. I saw people die, stopped talking to my best friend,
experience was terrifying. The Arena itself
I caused people to die, and for what? Their Aisly. In the games, I saw how much I
was cool, the wintery theme was unlike
stories must be told. The whole experience missed out on. She was the light in my
anything I’ve ever seen on the games. But it
was terrifying. All you have is the hope that life and she died right in front of my
was really scary too.
the next cannon that sounds won’t be yours. eyes.

panem forever >>>

Victor’s Alliance:
Tesla (d5), Posi (d5), Aisly-Parca (d11)
From the moment the gong rang out, signaling the start the games, Tesla Watt (d5), Posi
Rico (d5), Aisly-Parca Sullivan (d11) and Rhys Bullock were a team. They had planned to
alliance in training, calling themselves Team TRAP, and they were ready to fight. The team
losy Aisly-Parca on Day 2 to the elf
Mutations in the workshops. But on Day
3, when a fight breaks out with the
Sugarcube Alliance, Tesla and Posi break
off the Alliance, leaving Rhys on by
himself. Rhys continued the rest of the
games on his own until the final day of

A Unique Weapon
the games when he made a short alliance
with Ianthe Berengy (d6) to hunt down
Cal Dynam (d2). The alliance didn’t last
In his victory interview Rhys told us how he much longer than 10 minutes before
aquired his first set of talons from his father, Ianthe was killed by Cal and the last
who bought them at a local trading shop. Rhys remaining boys broke into a fight,
used the talons to kill crows that would come leaving Rhys the victor of the 51st
into the crops while the ones he wore on his Annual Huger Games.
hands would be used to harvesting the crops
Past and History of
Rhys Bullock
We all know Rhys Bullock as the boy from District Eleven, King of the Capitol, and of
course, the victor of the 51st annual Hunger Games. But who was he before he came to
the Capitol? Learn about Rhys’ Life back in District 11!

Rhys grew up in the middle class part of District

11. He had 5 younger siblings and worked on his
family's orchard with them. The younger ones
tended to the apple trees, but it was up to Rhys
and his 16 year old brother Luca to kill the crows
that lurked around their crops. When Rhys first
started his job, he was uneasy at the thought of
killing, but now he tolerates it. Rhys enjoyed
crafting his own weapons and tools to kill the
animals with, he often fashioned them out of
wood, glass, or rope. Rhys described himself as
more of a loner, only really talking to people who
he knew. During school, Rhys's brother Luca was
often bullied, so Rhys sometimes took that into

Mentoring a
his own hands. That is where Rhys learned to

A Future Mentor fight.

When Rhys heard his name called, he grabbed
I am very excited to mentor! It will be sad to know onto his little brother, Luca's, arm as hard as he
that at least one of my tributes will die in there but could. The peacekeepers had to force him onto the We sat down with Rhys’ mentor to
stage, where he was trying to break his way loose. ask about their experience mentoring
maybe with my help they will have a fighting
Luca was trying to volunteer for him, but Rhys' a victor.
chance. District Eleven is a strong district, and a
screams drowned his brother's voice out. When he
bit of a wildcard. We have so many skills that we “When Rhys won I was surprised but
had his time to say goodbye to his family, all of
acquire while working that most people overlook us I knew he was very much capable of
his siblings ran in crying and hugging him. Rhys
when comparing us to Careers. promised to get back home. it. His desire to win to go back home
was very strong and I had no doubt
he wouldn’t let Cal kill him. I
honestly held my breath during his
fight with Cal, it was full of action
and emotions!”

What would you like to say to Rhys?

“Well, first off I want to say

CONGRATS! Rhys, I never lost hope
in you, as soon as I saw you get
reaped I knew you were going to be a
victor. I can’t wait to mentor tributes
with you in the future.
Congratulations Rhys you deserve
We were able to acquire some rare photos taken of Rhys
Bullok in District 11 taken last summer before the games!
friends & family
Finding An Agent That’s Right For You
Panem Forever interviewed Rhys’ younger brothers Luca (age 16) and Abe (age 9)
during the family and friends interviews for the final eight tributes. We asked Luca
what he thought the crasiest part of the games had been and Abe told us how it felt to
see his brother in the arena!

Abe Luca
“Ha, I really didn't expect him to make it past “When Aisly-Parca died, our normally
the first day to be honest. If you didn't know, orderly district went into chaos. She was my
Rhys is a bit dumb. When I say a bit, I mean a friend, as much as she was Rhys'. I loved
panem forever >>>
lot. He dropped out of school last year. How Aisly, not just as a friend. Aisly was the girl
irresponsible of him. At least, I thought he was
dumb, but when he came up with the brilliant
who brought so much light to us, but with
her gone, no one knew what to do. She was
Coming Soon
idea of almost drowning the other tributes, I did kind to me, kind to my whole family. She Nov 6th: Rhys Bullock’s Victory Tour
not think that he was dumb, I was certain that would always take my sister Eden on walks
July 4th: Reaping for 52nd Games
he is dumb. In another situation, the hand- through flower gardens, and she would
warmer trap would have been clever, but have come home with the biggest smile on her July 10th: The 52nd Annual Hunger
a bit of common sense, Rhys. At least he has face. She watched Aisly die, right on the Games Begin!
good taste in allies. Posi Rio and Tesla Watt television. She hasn't smiled since then. I
are geniuses.” want to see my sister smile, I want to hear

Contact us at 763-988-4735 my brother's laugh. I want him home, I need

him home!”

14, Main Street, Capitol


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