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180210401112 Muhamad Zais

180210401037 Ghalih Arif Purwanto

180210401107 Annisa ussoliha
180210401042 wahyu achmad setiawan


Based on the example of Jurnal Representamen (2019) Vol 5 No. 02 entitled

SURABAYA)” . The research journal discusses the intercultural communication conflict,
namely Papua students and Surabaya students who are predominantly Javanese. In the
journal, it was stated that students who came from Papua experienced an Intercultural
Communication conflict. Even though, they migrate to the island of Java for education. The
hope is when they returning to their hometowns, they would be more respected and
authoritative. However, as immigrants, they had a problem called Culture shock. Culture
shock happens when an individual leaves the comfort of their home and goes to a completely
foreign location, whether that's for work, school, a vacation, or for a permanent move. Based
on the results of the research, Physically Papuan students think that most Javanese people
assume that they are negative thinking and often racist to them. They perceive that physical
differences or skin color tend to be the focus of attention and conversation. In language,
because of differences in a language, they often communicate with students or sometimes
local society getting unpleasant treatment, namely being laughed at either because of their
funny accent. In addition, their stereotype assumes that people with dark skin are evil, even
though physical does not determine a person's goodness but their actions. Because of these
things they have the perception that they feel isolated from society.
In addition there are also other examples of intercultural communication conflicts between
ethnic Chinese and indigenous Indonesians. according to research conducted by Anugra
Pratama entitled ,"Hambatan Komunikasi Lintas Budaya Etnis Tionghoa Dan Pribumi Dalam
Kerukunan Bertetangga", the Indigenous people feel the emphasis of the Chinese. this is due
to differences in physical appearance between the two, but Chinese people do not experience
any emphasis. Indigenous people also feel the problem of ethnocentrism communication, this
is due to differences in background and culture. This can lead to misunderstanding and noise
in inter-ethnic communication, but in that case it does not affect inter-ethnic harmony.
There are also examples of intercultural communication conflicts between non-Hindus and
Hindus in Indonesia. There are cases where when a non-Hindu person offers processed beef
food to a Hindu person, the Hindu is angry and offended by the offer. Hindus consider cows
to be sacred animals, while non-Hindus consider cows to be ordinary animals. These different
perspectives on cows can create misunderstandings and lead to conflict. Non-Hindus, who
say badly about cows, can be seen as insulting the beliefs of Hindus who are considered
sacred. when there is no sense of self-cultural awareness. This can lead to misunderstandings
that lead to disharmony.

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