Edu Essay Philosphy WK 2

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Ryan O’Rourke

Professor Sweetman

The Educative Process

5 February 2023

My Philosophy on Life

I believe the question of whether or not humans are basically good or evil raises the

question of what really is good and evil. What is evil to me may seem like a normal thing to

another person. To me I think that all humans are born good. I believe that God created all

humans to be good. I also believe that God gave humans free will to be who they truly are in life.

So my answer to whether humans are basically good, or evil is that at birth, I believe that all

humans are born good, but the longer they are alive, the more evil things they do. I also believe

that there are certain people who also do not know what good or evil is. For example most

psychopaths act off of impulse and cannot tell if what they are doing is good or evil. I also do not

believe that the longer a person lives, the more evil they get. I think that the longer they live, the

more evil they do and the more evil they experience. I also believe that a person can be evil in

one moment, but good in the next. For example, a student could make fun of another student, but

if the student gets upset, the student stops and consoles the other student. Whether a person is

good or evil can be judged differently from person to person.

The most common way we can measure knowledge is through how smart a person is. We

can measure how intelligent a person is by using IQ tests. While IQ tests are accurate in

measuring intelligence, they do not necessarily measure what a person learns throughout life. I

believe knowledge can be determined through a person’s age, what they have experienced in life,

their IQ, and what schooling they received.

In a world where we are divided, I believe that there are still ethical values that are

universal. One ethical value that I believe is universal is human dignity. All humans are born

with human dignity and it can never be taken away from them. While dignity can be damaged, it

can never be taken away from someone. Another ethical value I believe is universal is honesty.

Every person in the world at some point in their life has been honest no matter how hard they try

not to be. I also think that empathy and sympathy are both universal. When we hear about a

tragedy that occurred in another country, most people feel badly about what happened and try to

find ways to help.

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