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Social Neuroscience

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of eye-

tracking studies in children with autism spectrum

Eleni A. Papagiannopoulou, Kate M. Chitty, Daniel F. Hermens, Ian B. Hickie

& Jim Lagopoulos

To cite this article: Eleni A. Papagiannopoulou, Kate M. Chitty, Daniel F. Hermens, Ian
B. Hickie & Jim Lagopoulos (2014) A systematic review and meta-analysis of eye-tracking
studies in children with autism spectrum disorders, Social Neuroscience, 9:6, 610-632, DOI:

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Published online: 02 Jul 2014.

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Vol. 9, No. 6, 610–632,

A systematic review and meta-analysis of eye-tracking

studies in children with autism spectrum disorders

Eleni A. Papagiannopoulou, Kate M. Chitty, Daniel F. Hermens, Ian B. Hickie,

and Jim Lagopoulos

Clinical Research Unit, Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Sydney, Camperdown,

Aberrant eye gaze mechanisms have been implicated in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Studies of eye
movements in children with ASD reveal diminished eye gaze duration and lack of specific eye gaze fixation to
the eyes and/or mouth compared with controls. However, findings to date have been contradictory. We examined
eye-tracking studies on face processing in children with ASD and conducted meta-analyses to examine whether
these children demonstrate atypical fixation on primary facial regions. Twenty eye-tracking studies in children
with ASD were reviewed, of which the results from 14 studies were incorporated in the meta-analyses that
evaluated fixation duration on (i) eyes (eight studies) and (ii) mouth (six studies). The results reveal that children
with ASD have significantly reduced gaze fixation to the eye region of faces. The results of the meta-analyses
indicate that ASD patients have significant impairments in gaze fixation to the eyes. On the other hand, no
significant difference was uncovered in terms of fixation to the mouth region; however, this finding needs to be
interpreted with caution because of the significant heterogeneity in the mouth fixation studies. The findings of this
meta-analysis add further clarity to an expanding literature and suggest that specific eye gaze fixation to the eye
region may represent a robust biomarker for the condition. The heterogeneity associated with the mouth fixation
data precludes any definitive statement as to the robustness of these findings.

Keywords: ASD; Children; Eye-gaze; Face-processing; Fixation; Meta-analysis.

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often severe developmental disorder, from behavioral,
neurobiological, genetic and cognitive aspects (APA,
Initially described by Kanner, in 1943, autism is a 2013; Klin & Mercadante, 2006). More recent studies
pervasive developmental disorder, expressed across also highlight comorbidities commonly associated with
multiple disciplines (Boraston & Blakemore, 2007; ASD, such as epilepsy, anxiety and mood disorders
Kanner, 1968; Katarzyna, Fred, & Ami, 2010). It has (Lecavalier, 2006; Tuchman & Rapin, 2002).
been characterized by three main features: (1) deficits Established conceptualizations of ASD have indi-
in reciprocal social interactions; (2) atypical develop- cated that the emergence of its symptomatology
ment and use of language; and (3) repetitive behaviors ranges from the first 6 months (Jones & Klin, 2013)
accompanied by a confined diversity in interests and to the first 2 years of life, presents in one of two ways:
activities (APA, 2013; Kanner, 1968; Katarzyna et al., (1) “early onset” or (2) “regressive autism” (Ozonoff
2010). ASD is presently considered a common and et al., 2008). A series of miscellaneous cases have

Correspondence should be addressed to: Eleni A. Papagiannopoulou, Clinical Research Unit, Brain and Mind Research Institute, University
of Sydney, 100 Mallett Street, Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia. E-mail:
We would like to thank Speer and colleagues for providing us with their unpublished mouth and eye fixation duration data.
The authors have no interests to declare.

© 2014 Taylor & Francis


been described, where some individuals exhibit a Brain mechanism associated with
developmental plateau that fails to advance while atypical eye mechanisms in children
others exhibit assorted symptoms such as early delays with ASD
accompanied by a simultaneous loss of skills
(Ozonoff et al., 2008). Notwithstanding its onset, The last decade has seen significant advances in our
ASD appears and develops within the first 3 years of understanding of the brain mechanisms and neural
life and its median age of diagnosis is around 5 years circuitry that underpins social cognition and percep-
(APA, 2013; Jones, Carr, & Klin, 2008). tion (Pelphrey & Carter, 2008). The sophisticated
neuroimaging techniques that have probed brain struc-
ture, function, and neurochemistry have contributed to
these advances and revealed a series of neural sub-
Atypical eye mechanism in children strates, networks, and pertinent neurotransmitter sys-
with ASD tems that are crucial to the development of a novel
theoretical framework for understanding the workings
From the neonatal stage, the eyes act as receptors and of the social brain (Pelphrey & Carter, 2008).
conveyors of social cues (Norbury et al., 2009). Gaze According to research, mechanisms that result in
direction is a rapid and automatic process that triggers atypical eye gaze following face processing (Volkmar
reflexive shifts in visual attention (Watanabe, Miki, & & Juraska, 2011) arise from dysfunctions across a
Kakigi, 2002). Thus, gaze direction (normal or aber- range of brain regions that include the amygdala
rant) impacts emotional responses, social attention, (Adolphs, Baron-Cohen, & Tranel, 2002; Adolphs,
and the downstream face perception in humans Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1995; Ashwin, Baron-
(Langton, Watt, & Bruce, 2000; Watanabe et al., Cohen, Wheelwright, O'Riordan, & Bullmore, 2007;
2002). In ASD, the mechanisms that underpin the Kawashima et al., 1999), frontal eye fields (FEF)
ability to direct gaze to a specific stimulus (social or (Agam, Joseph, Barton, & Manoach, 2010), temporal
nonsocial) and hence the capturing of attention are parietal junction (Lombardo, Chakrabarti, Bullmore,
atypical (Jones et al., 2008), thus profoundly impact- & Baron-Cohen, 2011), insula (Critchley et al., 2000;
ing childhood development. Such aberrant eye gaze Morris, Ohman, & Dolan, 1999; Phillips et al., 1997;
behavior may not necessarily be a result of oculomo- Sprengelmeyer et al., 1996), and the dorsal lateral
tor dysfunction in ASD, but rather neurobiological prefrontal cortex (Senju & Johnson, 2009a). There is
factors that influence what eye movements are direc- now an expanding neuroimaging literature examining
ted toward. specific brain regions and their relative contributions
Behavioral studies of eye movements comparing to abnormal eye movements in ASD. For example, the
ASD to neurotypically developing children have right middle portion of the fusiform gyrus (FG) has
identified patterns of preferential looking as core been specifically highlighted for its significance in
diagnostic signs of ASD (Jones et al., 2008). face perception (Allison, Mccarthy, Nobre, Puce, &
Neurotypically developing children preferentially Belger, 1994; Kanwisher, Mcdermott, & Chun, 1997)
look people in the eyes; however, children with aut- in typically developing children. Research findings
ism prefer to orient their eye gaze on less socially suggest that increased activation of the FG area indi-
relevant aspects of their surroundings, and this is cates enhanced face encoding (Senju & Johnson,
often accompanied by sensory-oriented behaviors 2009b). The lateral aspect of the FG, also referred to
(Jones et al., 2008; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). as the “fusiform face area” (FFA), plays an important
These are often exhibited in stereotyped, self-stimu- role in structural face encoding in the environment as
latory behaviors (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). well as in rapid face recognition (Kanwisher et al.,
The robustness of the aforementioned characteristic 1997; Kleinhans et al., 2008; Pelphrey & Carter,
eye gaze abnormalities in ASD has been proposed to 2008; Volkmar & Juraska, 2011). Activation in the
have a predictive value in establishing a diagnosis FFA of neurotypical individuals is twice as strong
(Klin, Jones, Schultz, Volkmar, & Cohen, 2002; when subjects are presented with face stimuli rather
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). According to this notion, than everyday objects, such as a chair or table
the more dominant the fixation is on parts of the face (Kanwisher, 2000; Slotnick & White, 2013) support-
or body (aside from the eyes), the more likely that a ing the notion that this aspect of the FG specifically
child may be on the autism spectrum and the more mediates face processing. As a result, it was initially
severe the social disability (Jones et al., 2008; Klin speculated that atypical development of the FFA, in
et al., 2002). correlation with diminished activation to faces in this

area of the brain, significantly contributed to face ASD as both regions are structurally altered in autism
processing deficits in ASD populations (Dalton (Critchley et al., 2000; Schumann et al., 2004).
et al., 2005; Schultz et al., 2000). A recent study The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is also puta-
employing a face recognition task has reported sig- tively involved in the processing of dynamic expres-
nificantly diminished activity in the FFA in ASD sions of emotions as well as in the translation of
subjects when contrasted to controls (Volkmar & others’ actions and intentions using biological motion
Juraska, 2011). However, despite its activation in cues (Bonda et al., 1996; Labar, Crupain, Voyvodic, &
response to facial stimuli, the FFA can also activate Mccarthy, 2003; Pelphrey, Morris, & Mccarthy, 2004;
to nonfacial stimuli too (Slotnick & White, 2013). Pelphrey, Singerman, Allison, & Mccarthy, 2003;
The latter reflects the fact that FFA activation is Pelphrey, Viola, & Mccarthy, 2004; Pelphrey et al.,
linked to both faces and nonface (i.e., shapes) fea- 2003). More recently, Pelphrey and Carter (2008)
tures, highlighting a mediating role in the left and reported that impairments in the STS are associated
central visual fields (Slotnick & White, 2013). with the level of social impairment.
Furthermore, a converging body of research has Activity in other brain regions including the cerebel-
failed to uncover significant changes in the FFA, lum, mesolimbic structures, and the temporal lobe has
implicating that aberrant face processing in ASD is also been reported to differ in ASD subjects, relative to
not a simple dysfunction of the FFA but rather a controls, in facial expression tasks (Critchley et al.,
complex anomaly in the extended neural network 2000). Finally, aberrant activity in the medial temporal
involved in social perception and cognition (Bird, lobe, striatum, and insula has also been implicated in
Catmur, Silani, Frith, & Frith, 2006; Dapretto et al., facial expression processing deficits in ASD (Critchley
2006; Hadjikhani et al., 2004). Kleinhans et al. et al., 2000), a finding that is corroborated by several
(2008) reported similar patterns of activation and previous studies (Morris et al., 1999; Phillips et al.,
location of activation for both ASD and controls, 1997; Sprengelmeyer et al., 1996).
concluding that FFA activation is neither correlated The vast majority of studies on face recognition in
with atypical heterogeneous nature of the face pro- ASD individuals have investigated teenagers and
cessing in ASD, nor with compromised sensitivity to adults (Bradshaw, Shic, & Chawarska, 2011; Shic,
faces. Further studies have indicated that differences Bradshaw, Klin, Scassellati, & Chawarska, 2011)
in FFA activation were subsequent to: (1) task even though the development of face recognition
demands (Piggot et al., 2004; Wang, Dapretto, skills and social engagement commences in the early
Hariri, Sigman, & Bookheimer, 2004); (2) familiarity months of life (Bradshaw et al., 2011). Attention to
(Pierce, Haist, Sedaghat, & Courchesne, 2004); or (3) the face, as well as the processing of facial features, is
duration of fixation on the eye region (Dalton et al., considered to be among the first expressions of these
2005). Taken together, the ambiguity of findings at skills (Bradshaw et al., 2011). Despite most eye-track-
present makes the need for further investigation of ing studies not focusing on children with ASD in their
the FFA in ASD imperative. early years, behavioral studies have shown that the
Another brain region that has received considerable onset age for atypical visual attention is within the
attention in recent years has been the amygdala. The first year (Ozonoff et al., 2008).
amygdala is activated when implicitly processing Eye gaze studies involving young ASD children
expressions of emotions and is integral to the modula- have typically employed static photographs and/or
tion of social and emotional behavior (Morris et al., color pictures. In these studies, children were pre-
1996). Given its role in the processing of emotion, sented with social and nonsocial stimuli in a static
unsurprisingly, it is also activated when interpreting form with the objective to measure attendance and
face and social cues (Bonda, Petrides, Ostry, & Evans, response to either condition. More recent studies
1996; Kawashima et al., 1999; Senju & Johnson, have employed more sophisticated audiovisual and
2009a) and in this regard strong correlations have biological motion paradigms. It has been suggested
been reported in face paradigms that have contained that the emotional expressions presented via audiovi-
emotionally provocative stimuli (Adolphs et al., 2002; sual and biological motion paradigms are less ambig-
Volkmar & Juraska, 2011). Moreover, the amygdala uous, thus resulting in more robust findings. It has
contains rich interconnections with frontal and limbic been posited that this is due to a more naturalistic
regions both of which are also implicated in the ana- experience that allows actions to naturally unfold to
lysis of facial expressions to determine emotional social events (Falck-Ytter & von Hofsten, 2011).
states (Adolphs et al., 1995). It has been suggested Audiovisual stimuli presently account for the majority
that deficits seen in the amygdalo-hippocampal com- of methods employed in eye-tracking studies of ASD
plex may partly account for social impairments in in children. They are generally preferred as they

provide richer insight to behavior mechanisms due to groups included neurotypically developing children,
their dynamic and ecological effect in comparison to unaffected siblings, children classified as high or low
static photos and cartoon-like images (Falck-Ytter & risk for autism, as well as developmentally delayed
von Hofsten, 2011). children; (3) experimental paradigms to measure face
More recently, there have been several studies that processing, attendance and response to social and
have acquired eye gaze in real time during actual nonsocial stimuli, were presented to an eye-tracking
social interactions (Falck-Ytter & von Hofsten, screen; (4) measurements included time and number
2011). Data collected in real-time, naturalistic social of fixation to the regions of the eyes and mouth
settings have advantages over traditional paradigms compared to nonsocial stimuli; (5) the mean age of
that have employed static photographs as it allows participants was 16 years or below.
for a better characterization of eye gaze abnormalities
since the social interactions are more representative.
However, these techniques are not without limitations, Experimental designs and stimuli
which may impact on the final study results. The main utilized in eye-tracking studies
limitation of such techniques relate to the presence of
the camera that acquires the eye gaze signal and is The studies included in this systematic review
mounted on a frame that is in turn located on the employed a range of experimental designs that
subject’s head. Given that children with ASD often included (1) static photographs and pictures
present with comorbid anxiety, the prominent nature (Anderson et al., 2006; Bradshaw et al., 2011;
of the equipment may result in increased anxiety and Chawarska & Shic, 2009; Dalton et al., 2005; Key
as a result encourage a “downcast gaze” phenomenon & Stone, 2012; van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten,
(Noris et al., 2011, 2012). et al., 2002; Wilson et al., 2010); (2) dynamic audio-
Presently, the literature on eye movement studies in visual stimuli (Hosozawa et al., 2012; Jones et al.,
ASD suggests a lack of consistency in the approaches 2008; Nakano et al., 2010; Shic et al., 2011); (3) digi-
to data collection, analysis, and subsequently, inter- tized stimuli exported from films (Speer et al., 2007);
pretation of the findings. As a consequence, this has (4) digitized color video clips (Norbury et al., 2009);
led to a number of contradictory findings and the lack (5) point light animations of biological motion (Klin
of an overall consensus on the interpretation of these et al., 2009); (6) naturalistic images (Noris et al.,
changes. The aim of this systematic review and meta- 2012); (7) semi-structured live interactions (Noris
analyses was to examine the methods and results of et al., 2011); (8) free-viewing tasks (Chawarska
the currently available eye movement studies in ASD et al., 2013); (9) free viewing of dynamic social
and to ascertain whether children with ASD have scenes (Rice et al., 2012); (10) scanning of social
significantly abnormal eye gaze responses to the stimuli (Dalton, Nacewicz, Alexander, & Davidson,
mouth and eye regions. 2007); and (11) cartoon-like images containing social
and nonsocial stimuli (van der Geest, Kemner,
Camfferman, Verbaten, & van Engeland, 2002).
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Taking into account the technical approach of the
aforementioned studies in conjunction with the study
Methods findings, this review has been arranged in types of
stimuli/techniques employed by the eye-tracking stu-
A literature search for papers published in English dies that met the inclusion criteria.
was conducted via PubMed, MedLine, Embase,
PsycINFO, and ScienceDirect on 21 April 2013
using the following keywords combined with autism Eye gaze patterns in children with ASD
spectrum disorders: “infants,” “toddlers,” “children,”
“eye tracking,” “face processing.” van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al. (2002) con-
Our initial literature search yielded 35 articles on ducted two studies on gaze behavior involving human
eye-tracking studies in children with ASD. Of these faces and examined gaze fixation times. In the first
35 articles, 20 met eligibility criteria and were study, the stimuli were composed of faces with emo-
included for systematic review (see Table 1). tional expressions, and in the second, faces with neu-
Eligibility criteria were as follows: (1) patient tral expressions were in different orientations.
group had a diagnosis of high/low functioning autism Interestingly, the first study showed that both neuro-
disorder, Asperger’s syndrome or pervasive develop- typically developing and children with ASD exhibit
mental disorder-not otherwise specified; (2) control the same fixation duration for upright faces with or
Tabulation of eye-tracking studies in children with ASD reviewed (highlighted: studies included in the meta-analysis)
Mean age Gender (M)

N Authors ASD C ASD C Stimuli type Measures Principal findings Interpretation

1 (Anderson, Colombo, 46.9 M 49.8 M (TD) N = 9, 8 M N = 9, 8 M Still color Fixation time: ASD group showed pupillary Could not determine whether
& Jill Shaddy, photographs landscapes, construction to children's faces, differential responses were
2006) toys, animal/ while controls showed pupillary specific to one particular age or
children dilation. age range.
faces Visual scanning responses to Potential use of these measures as
landscapes had a negative early markers of ASD.
correlation with behavior subscale
2 (Bradshaw et al., 39 M 36 M N = 21, N = 12, Color images of (1) Fixation time: ASD groups exhibited difficulties Young children with ASD exhibit:

2011) 19 M 11 M affectively neutral objects, encoding and recognizing faces, (1) specific impairments in face
female faces, (2) blocks, faces compared to TD. recognition and (2) may exhibit
common objects ASD groups adept in encoding and advantage over TD controls when
and (3) geometric recognizing objects and block processing complex nonsocial
block patterns patterns, reflecting a specific stimuli.
social impairment and a specific Implications for ineffective
advantage for complex nonsocial processing of complex and high
stimuli (nonsocial visual socially relevant stimuli.
processing advantage) Pivotal need for early intervention
(for later development of social
info and attention), given that
impairment appear so early in life.
3 (Chawarska, Macari, 6.47 M 6.15 (LR- N = 12, N = 35, Free viewing task Fixation time: Infants later diagnosed with ASD, Highlighted continuity of social
& Shic, 2013) TD) 64%M 55%M with multimodal scene, compared to controls: (1) attended attention deficits in ASD and
stimuli in four person, less to social scene; (2) in case of continuity in evolution of the
conditions objects, face, attendance, spent less time deficits, from a limited attunement
eyes, mouth monitoring actress in general, and to more specific deficits in
face in specific; (3) limited interaction and communication.
attention to actress and her First study to demonstrate prodromal
activities, was not accompanied behavioral features involving
by enhanced attention to objects. ASD at 6 months: (1) diminished
ability of spontaneous attendance
All infants spent more time looking to people and their activities; (2)
at the eyes in the two social bid limited attentional bias toward
conditions, in comparison to people early in development:
objects. possible detrimental impact on
social brain networks
specialization and the generation
of social interaction patterns.
Likelihood of identifying phenotypic
linked to visual attention for ASD
diagnosis in the first year.
4 (Chawarska & Shic, (1) N = (1) N = 26.3 N = 44, N = 30, KDEF color pictures Fixation time: TD toddlers at both age levels (2 and Face processing in ASD may be
2009) 26.9 M M 84%M 71%M of affectively eyes, mouth, 4 years) scanned visual scenes and early affected and further
neutral female nose, cheeks/ recognized faces similarly. compromised with age
(2) 46.4 M (2) 46.3 M faces forehead, development.
hair, neck/ Toddlers with ASD: (1) looked Deficits in: (1) recognition associated
body, increasingly away from faces; (2) with imbalanced attention among
background atypically attended to key face key face features; (2) face
regions; and (3) showed impaired processing to impact the ability of
Inner/outer/non face recognition. toddlers with ASD in engaging
face and developing social
relationships. Hence, the
highlighted significance for
Simply looking is not a firm
implication of effective assessing/
processing of facial identity.
5 (Dalton et al., 2007) 14.4 Y 14.16 Y N = 12 N = 12 Face recognition task Fixation time: Robust differences in gaze fixation Eye fixation likely to be a useful
(photos: familiar/ familiar and while viewing images of human quantitative behavioral/phenotypic
Sib: N = Sib: unfamiliar faces) unfamiliar faces in unaffected siblings, trait to determine genetic and
13.10 Y faces compared to TD controls. environmental contributions to
N = 10 Siblings and ASD groups spent ASD social impairments.
significantly less time fixating the Evidence for differences in social/
eye region in response to emotional processing, underlying
naturalistic photographs of genetic predisposition and neural
familiar and unfamiliar faces. circuitry in first degree relatives of
Siblings’ gaze patterns similar to children with ASD.
ASD group.
6 (Dalton et al., 2005) (1) 15.9 Y (1) 17.1 Y (1) N = 14 (1) N = 12 Study 1. Facial Fixation time Variation in eye fixation in children Compromised gaze fixation in ASD
M M emotion and number: with ASD group may reflect reduced
(2) 14.5 Y (2) 14.5 Y discrimination task human Studies 1 and 2: (1) ASD group spent overarousal to social stimuli.
(2) N = 16 (2) N = 16 Emotional and neutral figure, significantly less time fixating on
M M faces from KDEF neutral the eyes, compared to TD
set. objects controls, (2) no profound group
differences in fixation time on
Study 2. Facial mouth or face in general.
recognition task:

(Continued )
(Continued ) 616

Mean age Gender (M)

N Authors ASD C ASD C Stimuli type Measures Principal findings Interpretation

7 (Hosozawa, Tanaka, 58.3 M 37.7 M N = 25 N = 25, 14 12 short videoclips of Fixation time: ASD children, compared to TD Eyes provide abundant information
Shimizu, Nakano, M individuals eyes, mouth, controls, exhibited: (1)atypical on emotion, identity and social
& Kitazawa, 2012) SLI: 30.1 M 21 M engaging in social face, mouth/ gaze patterns; (2) less interested phenomena.
SLI: N = interaction face and attentive to social stimuli Children viewed: (1) eyes to collect
16, 11 (faces and social context); (3) social and emotional info; and (2)
M viewed faces less frequently mouth to collect visual info related
throughout a scene and; (4) shifted to speech.

their gaze out of the context of Limited time spent at eye region
scene, while TD naturally shifted while viewing speech
gaze from one speaker to another communication, may lead to less
and fixated on speaker until end of social and emotional information
speech (eyes and mouth). obtained from eyes, implying
generation of misunderstandings
and poor social communication
skills in the future.
8 (Jones et al., 2008) 2.28 Y 2.03 Y N = 15, 11 N = 36, 24 10 video clips of Fixation time: ASD children exhibited significantly Significantly poor social
M M actress looking eyes, mouth, decreased looking at eyes and development with profound
DD: 2.06 Y directly into body, object increased looking at mouth, consequences in social adaptation
DD: N = camera, engaging compared to TD and DD controls. in life, indicate a likely biomarker
15, 11 viewer for quantifying the manifestation
M TD and DD not different in fixating of the condition at early
patterns. developmental stage of toddlers
with ASD.
Fixation on eyes by children with Fixation on the eyes as the most
ASD linked to level of social profound predictor of membership
disability: less fixation on eyes in ASD group.
predicted greater social disability. Reduced fixation on eyes predicted
greater levels of social disability.
Evidence that toddlers with ASD are
deprived of an early generating
bias toward preferential attention
to the eyes of approaching
Implications for (1) more
progressively complex social
interactions that follow diminished
mutual gaze, gaze following and
language acquisition; and (2)
atypical manifestation of social
mind and brain.
9 (Key & Stone, 2012) HR-ASD AR-ASD N = 15, 9 N = 20, 13 Fixation time Eye-tracking data did not reveal any Lack of group differences not
9.19 M 9.01 M M M and number: group differences in face-scanning surprising, given literature
eyes, mouth, behavior of AR and HR infants. indicating 12 months as the
face, hair, No significant group differences or starting point of behavioral ASD
body, stimulus related effects for symptoms.
background, duration or number of fixations
eyes and and total looking time.
10 (Klin, Lin, Gorrindo, 2.05 Y 2.05 Y N = 21 N = 39 TD 10 point light Fixation time: Toddlers with ASD show Inverted presentation to disrupt
Ramsay, & Jones, animations of upright and preferential attention to biological biological motion perception and
2009) DD: N = biological motion inverted motion, compared to TD and DD processed by different neural
16 with audio controls. circuits in infants up to 8 months.
Significant implications of genetic
predispositions profoundly
exacerbated by atypical
11 (Nakano et al., 2010) 4:11 Y 3:1 Y N = 25, 21 N = 25, 14 12 short A/V clips Fixation time: TD participants displayed highly Study investigated temporal and
M M eye, mouth, stereotyped gaze patterns, spatial gaze patterns of children
face, mouth/ compared to ASD variety in with and without ASD, while
face patterns: (1) shorter fixation time viewing ecologically relevant
on the face; (2) preference for stimuli.
Quantitative demonstration of TD
subjects exhibiting highly
stereotypical gaze patterns, while
ASD subjects exhibit atypical
gaze patterns.
12 (Norbury et al., 2009) ALI: 14.9 TD: 14.50 N = 28, 27 N = 18 M Digitized color video Fixation time: Children with ASD-LN showed: (1) Differences in (1) viewing behavior
Y M clips: story Eyes profoundly less time fixating on associated with variations in
containing social Mouth eyes and (2) fixate slower on language competence; and (2)
ALN: interaction and Body mouth, compared to TD. fixation duration to the eyes, not
14.9 Y emotional Other There was no difference in the likely to alter social abilities in
responses viewing behavior patterns daily interactions.
between ASD-LI and TD controls. Increased fixations to the mouth
linked to greater communicative
abilities across the spectrum.
(Continued )
(Continued )
Mean age Gender (M)

N Authors ASD C ASD C Stimuli type Measures Principal findings Interpretation

13 (Noris et al., 2011) 5.3 Y 3.3 Y N = 12, 11 N = 12, 11 Semi-structured live Vertical and Children with ASD: (1) looked down “Downcast” phenomenon in ASD
M M interaction with lateral gaze more often (downcast) and (2) reflects hypersensitivity to these
items, e.g., soap angles explored lateral field of view more stimuli. By down casting, children
bubbles blowing, extensively compared to TD are more likely to view static
toy playing children. stimuli that will not perturb them.
Study favors theory of Enhanced
Perceptual Functioning (arguing
high frequency visual stimuli

sensitivity in ASD).
14 (Noris et al., 2012) 5.3 Y 2.4 Y N = 10, 9 N = 10 Naturalistic images Fixation time Compared to TD, children with ASD Study identified generalized strategy
M (WearCamera) and number: showed: (1) significantly less of lateral gaze in ASD group
vertical and looking at face and for shorter while viewing objects.
lateral field amount of time; (2) when viewing Downcast gaze to reflect sensory
of view more generally at environment, overload due to visual stimuli
directed gaze further down hypersensitivity, interpreted as an
(downcast gaze) and explored inability to filter excessive/
lateral field of view more irrelevant information and
extensively; and (3) preference for distorted perception that generates
local features and less affection by anxiety, confusion and stress.
perturbations of images (i.e., scene
inversion). Preference for local features to reflect
why children with ASD use lateral
field of view, given their need to
examine more directly local
features of objects and
environment, compared to TD
15 (Rice, Moriuchi, 10 Y 9.5 Y N = 37, 30 N = 26, 18 Free-viewing of Fixation time: TD and ASD subjects: profoundly Profoundly altered social visual
Jones, & Klin, M M dynamic social eyes, mouth, different visual fixation times on engagement patterns in children
2012) scenes in body, object all ROIs (eyes, mouth, body and with ASD, with varying social
naturalistic object) adaptivity of behavior patterns
contexts. within different groups.
ASD focused: (1) less on eyes and Strongest predictor of group
mouth than controls and; (2) more membership: level of fixation on
on body and object; and (3) less face area (eyes and mouth).
viewing time focused on faces Variability in these primal
(eyes and mouth), relative to TD. socialization mechanisms may
indicate proximal behavioral
manifestations of genetic
16 (Shic et al., 2011) 20.7 M 19.6 M N = 28, N = 34, 30 s video of female Fixation time: ASD children, compared to TD Eyes provide abundant information
20 M 22 M adult and male activity, controls, exhibited; (1) atypical on emotion, identity and social
DD: 19.3 M toddler playing background, gaze patterns; (2) less interested phenomena, children viewed: (1)
DD: N = with puzzle people, head and attentive to social stimuli eyes, to collect social and
16, body (faces and social context); (3) emotional info; (2) mouth, to
viewed faces less frequently collect visual info related to
10 M throughout a scene; and (4) shifted speech
their gaze out of scene context, Significantly increased mouth
while TD naturally shifted gaze viewing and lack of efficient shift
from one speaker to another and b/w eyes and mouth, may be an
fixated on speaker until end of explanation for gaze patterns
speech (eyes and mouth). difference in two groups.
Limited time spent at eye region
while viewing speech
communication, may lead to less
social and emotional information
being obtained from eyes,
implicating future generation of
misunderstandings and poor social
communication skills.
17 (Speer, Cook, 13.6 Y 13.3 Y N = 12 M N = 12 M 20 digitized stimuli in Fixation time: Compared to TD controls, ASD Fixation duration in ASD group
Mcmahon, & Clark, four conditions: eyes, mouth, subjects, in social dynamic predicted scores on a measure of
2007) (1) social dynamic; face/other, condition: (1) significantly less social responsiveness.
(2) social static body, object. time viewing eyes; (2) marginally ASD-associated deficits in face
(3) isolated off more time viewing body; and (3) processing related to more general
dynamic; and (4) decreased fixation duration for eye deficits in social functioning.
isolated static regions and increased for body Implications for early intervention
regions. treatment in increasing children's
social responsiveness by training
them to direct eye gaze more
towards eyes, rather than body,
during social interactions.

(Continued )

(Continued )

Mean age Gender (M)

N Authors ASD C ASD C Stimuli type Measures Principal findings Interpretation

18 (van der Geest, 10.6 Y 9.9 Y N = 16 N = 14 Cartoon like images Fixation time All children looked longer and more No evidence of a general processing
Kemner, with a human and number often towards human figure, abnormality in first paradigm.

Camfferman, et al., figure (2 blocks: 12 human figure, compared to neutral objects.

2002) and 13 stimuli) another item Limitations: (1) highly controlled lab
situation: implications of not
being ecologically valid; and (2)
social validity of full-color cartoon
like images, of questionable
19 (van der Geest, (1)10.6Y (1)10, 1 Y (2) N = 16 (1) N = 16 Study 1: Photos of Fixation time ASD children: same fixation Abnormal gaze behavior in everyday
Kemner, Verbaten, (2) 10.8 Y (2) 9.9 Y M M human faces: (1) and number: behavior as TD for upright faces, life, not due to the presence of
et al., 2002) (2) N = 13 emotional; and (2) face, mouth, with/without emotional facial stimuli per se.
M neutral expression, eyes, eyes expression. Absence of a face orientation effect
and mouth, in ASD children likely to reflect
Study 2: Orientation other parts TD controls: less time looking at lack of holistic processing of
(faces presented upside-down faces, but fixation human faces in ASD.
upside down) times of ASD children were not
influenced by the orientation of
the faces.
20 (Wilson, Brock, & 10.13 Y 10.65 Y N = 13, 9 N = 14, 6 20 photos of natural Fixation time Compared to TD controls, ASD In ASD group, an individual’s
Palermo, 2010) M M scenes and number: exhibited: (1) similar tendency to viewing preference first at people
people, fixate on people prior to objects in scenes was associated with
Passive viewing of objects but were slower to do so; (2) less level of face recognition. Future
five scenes time viewing peoples’ faces; and research to determine existence of
(3) overall initial preference for possible causal relationship
attending to people, but their total between the two factors.
looking time at people was
Abbreviations: ALI = autism language impaired, ALN = autism language not impaired, DD = developmentally delayed, TD = typically developing, SLI = specific language impairments,
HR-ASD = high-risk ASD, AR-ASD = average risk ASD, L-R = low risk typically developing Sib = siblings, A/V = audiovisual, M = months/male, Y = years, ROI = region of interest.

without emotional expression. Both groups extended significantly and positively correlated with their dura-
duration of fixation when looking at eye and mouth tion of gaze fixation to the eyes region; and (2) varied
regions compared with other parts of the face (van der their gaze fixation behavior, spending significantly
Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al., 2002). However, the diminished duration of fixation on the eyes as
second study showed that while neurotypically devel- reflected by their amygdala activation, while there
oping children diminished their fixation duration was no significant difference in the duration of fixa-
toward faces that were projected upside down, chil- tion toward the mouth or face. Accordingly, the
dren with ASD exhibited similar fixation duration for authors reported that while the former may suggest
both upside up and upside down faces, revealing less that compromised fixation duration may be the out-
sensitivity to orientation of faces (van der Geest, come of FG hypoactivation in response to faces, var-
Kemner, Verbaten, et al., 2002). Absence of a face iation of their gaze fixation is also very likely
orientation effect in children with ASD was suggested associated with amygdala activation, hence highlight-
to reflect a compromised holistic processing mechan- ing a heightened emotional response commonly
ism of human faces in ASD. Adopting a similar reported in ASD (Dalton et al., 2005). Notably, the
approach but replacing photos of humans with car- study findings propose a model of atypical face pro-
toon-like images of human figures, van der Geest, cessing in ASD, whereby deficits occur by hyperacti-
Kemner, Camfferman, et al. (2002) reported the vation in the central circuitry of emotion generate
same duration as well as number of fixations toward heightened sensitivity to social stimuli that in turn
human figures rather than objects, in both children lead to compromised gaze fixation, resulting in atypi-
with ASD and neurotypically developing controls. cal activation of FG. The same KDEF stimuli were
The findings do not support the notion that children also employed by Chawarska and Shic (2009) to
with ASD exhibit atypical processing of socially examine visual scanning and face recognition in tod-
visual stimuli and neutral objects. The experimental dlers with ASD compared with controls. The study
design did not allow for refined gaze analysis but reported that compared with controls the toddlers with
instead the setup on the whole reflected a highly ASD atypically attended to key face regions and
controlled laboratory situation that may have impacted dwelled more on external rather than internal facial
on the social relevance of the experimental stimuli. features, thus indicating impaired face recognition
Although both aforementioned studies did differ sig- (Chawarska & Shic, 2009). In this study, recognition
nificantly in the nature of stimuli employed, static deficits were linked to imbalanced attention among
photos (van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al., key face regions.
2002) versus cartoon-like images (van der Geest, A further study utilized static color photographs
Kemner, Camfferman, et al., 2002) of humans both that included children faces, animal faces, toys, and
yielded similar patterns of results. A conclusion that landscapes to investigate visual scanning and pupil-
could be drawn at this point is that both types of lary responses as potential early markers in children
visual representation of humans may be insufficient with ASD (Anderson et al., 2006). Inconsistent with
in encompassing an everyday social interaction, thus previous study findings (Adrien et al., 1993; Dawson
potentially impacting the ecological validity of the et al., 2004; Klin et al., 2002; Osterling & Dawson,
experimental paradigms employed. 1994; Pelphrey et al., 2002; Swettenham et al., 1998),
Expanding on these study designs, Dalton et al. this study did not provide evidence of classification of
(2005) also conducted two studies investigating gaze three groups characterized by their visual scanning of
fixation behavior, extending to the neural circuitry of face stimuli. Again, as discussed for the studies of van
face processing in ASD. The aim of both studies was der Geest, Kemner, Camfferman, et al. (2002) and van
to investigate the association between diminished der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al. (2002) inconsis-
duration of gaze fixation and neurophysiological tency as such may lie in the nature of the stimuli
abnormalities, employing eye tracking while measur- employed; this study employed static as opposed to
ing functional brain activity during face discrimina- dynamic and multimodal stimuli. However, pupillary
tion tasks. Similarly to van der Geest, Kemner, responses to face stimuli and duration of eye gaze
Verbaten, et al. (2002), in the first study they used fixation to landscape stimuli were the most robust
emotional and neutral faces extracted from the predictors of group classification. Compared with neu-
Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) set. In rotypical controls and developmentally delayed (DD)
the second study, they employed a facial recognition controls who both exhibited pupillary dilation, chil-
task to investigate the familiarity of a photograph. In dren with ASD exhibited pupillary constriction while
both studies, compared to neurotypical controls, chil- increasing duration of their gaze toward landscape
dren with ASD (1) exhibited FG activation photographs (Anderson et al., 2006). Low sample

size did not allow the study to determine measures social stimuli, children with ASD exhibited equal
that differentiate ASD groups from neurotypically duration of fixation for both social and nonsocial
developing groups. Similar to Anderson et al. stimuli, and a diminished duration for faces in parti-
(2006), Key and Stone (2012) presented three color cular (Wilson et al., 2010). Adding to this, a brief
pictures of human faces (standard face, same face but report in 2011, by Bradshaw and colleagues, extended
different eyes, same face but different mouth) to the traditional visual experimental paradigms to study
infants at average and high risk of ASD, with the memory deficits by utilizing a visual paired compar-
objective to investigate whether an increased risk of ison paradigm comprised color pictures (neutral faces,
ASD was linked to a difference in processing of facial objects, and block patterns). The study aim was to
features (i.e., eyes compared to mouth). The results ascertain whether recognition impairments in children
indicated that both groups had similar gaze patterns; with ASD were targeted toward faces or whether it is
they increased fixation duration toward faces and part of a generalized impairment in processing extend-
facial features compared to hair, body, and back- ing to nonsocial stimuli (Bradshaw et al., 2011). The
ground elements and exhibited similar number and study confirmed previous findings in regards to spe-
duration of fixation toward eyes and mouth regions cific impairments in face encoding and recognition
(Key & Stone, 2012). Consequently, there were no (Chawarska & Shic, 2009; Klin et al., 1999).
significant group differences in face-viewing patterns, Further, it replicated a targeted advantage to nonsocial
corroborating previous findings while suggesting (i) stimuli as demonstrated by their performance in block
12–24 months as the onset of atypical behavior in design tasks and characterized by a “weak central
ASD symptomatology, that is, failure to respond to coherence” model, highlighting a detail-focused style
name calling (Key & Stone, 2012; Nadig et al., 2007; of processing nonsocial stimuli (Happé & Frith, 2006;
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005); and (ii) lack of ecological Rinehart, Bradshaw, Moss, Brereton, & Tonge, 2000;
validity indicated by the nature of static photos of Sasson, Turner-Brown, Holtzclaw, Lam, & Bodfish,
human faces (Anderson et al., 2006; van der Geest, 2008). In conclusion, as previously highlighted by
Kemner, Camfferman, et al., 2002; van der Geest, Dalton et al. (2005, 2007), the authors suggested that
Kemner, Verbaten, et al., 2002). A separate study these impairments extend beyond attention, highlight-
investigating gaze fixation correlated with brain acti- ing underlying deficits in the neural mechanism of
vation and amygdala volume, extended the investiga- processing relevant stimuli.
tion of atypical patterns and brain behaviors, to Moving from static photographs (static stimuli) to
unaffected siblings of children with ASD (Dalton interactive experimental paradigms, several research
et al., 2007). In response to naturalistic photos of un/ groups have employed audiovisual stimuli in their
familiar human faces, both ASD and sibling groups eye-tracking studies in children with ASD. This cate-
(1) diminished their fixation duration toward the eye gory of studies is more complex in its implementation
region and (2) exhibited hypoactivation in the right in young children; however, it is considered to stand
FG, as compared with controls. Extending to Dalton out in ecological relevance compared to still photo-
et al. (2005), this study provided evidence for differ- graphs. Speer et al. (2007) utilized 20 digitized stimuli
ent social/emotional processing and underpinning to measure preferential viewing across the eye, mouth,
neural circuitry in first-degree relatives of children face, or other body regions or objects. Stimuli were
with ASD. Wilson et al. (2010) edited 20 photographs presented in four conditions: (1) social dynamic, (2)
of natural scenes so that each one would include social static, (3) isolated dynamic, and (4) isolated
people and objects (i.e., van, ice-cream, pelican) and static. The most interesting finding arose from the
presented them to children with ASD and controls. social dynamic condition. That is, relative to controls,
Their aim was to record eye gaze pattern behavior individuals with ASD significantly reduced their dura-
while both groups were passively viewing and to tion of fixation to the eye region and increased dura-
identify a possible correlation between compromised tion to the body (Speer et al., 2007). Specifically,
face recognition and reduced attention toward social diminished fixation duration to the eyes was corre-
stimuli in ASD as proposed by Schultz (2005). lated with an increased fixation duration pattern to the
Replicating previous studies, neurotypically develop- body, further predicting scores on a measure of social
ing children preferentially attended to social prior to responsiveness (Speer et al., 2007).
nonsocial stimuli in scenes. A similar tendency was In a similar idea, Jones et al. (2008) employed
exhibited by children with ASD; however, the speed audiovisual stimuli to quantify preferential viewing,
of orienting their gaze toward social stimuli was sig- across regions of the eyes, mouth, body, and objects,
nificantly slower, relative to controls. Further to this, in 2-year-old toddlers with ASD. Compared to neuro-
while duration of fixation for controls was longer for typical controls and DD toddlers, toddlers with ASD

exhibited significantly decreased visual fixation dura- monitoring preferences of toddlers with ASD, neuro-
tion on the eye region and simultaneously increased typical, and DD controls (Shic et al., 2011). Compared
their fixation duration on the mouth region (Jones to both control groups, the duration of fixation for
et al., 2008). In addition, reduced fixation duration ASD toddlers was shorter toward subjects’ activities,
on the eyes predicted greater level of social disability specifically shorter at the head region, while longer at
(Jones et al., 2008). Most importantly, it highlighted the body region of social stimuli and nonsocial stimuli
the significance of understanding ontogenetic mechan- in the background (i.e., toys) (Shic et al., 2011). These
isms in ASD. That is, while neurotypical controls findings suggest that from an early developmental
exhibited stereotypical eye gaze fixation and appro- stage (i.e., 20 months), the ability of children with
priate duration patterns, children with ASD aberrant ASD to monitor social activities is compromised and
gaze patterns indicate divergence from a neurotypical may therefore underlie progressive impairments in
process of socialization that namely lies in (1) spon- later developmental stages (Shic et al., 2011).
taneous searching for eyes and (2) responding to gaze Although knowledge regarding early onset of such
cues that infer mental states (Jones et al., 2008; von impairments is not yet sufficient, a recent prospective
dem Hagen, Stoyanova, Rowe, Baron-Cohen, & longitudinal study in infants later diagnosed with ASD
Calder, 2013). As a result, this divergence has been showed compromised eye fixation patterns at
suggested to not only impact language acquisition but 2–6 months of age. Interestingly, these patterns were
also shape an atypical mind and brain (Johnson, 2001; not observed in typically developing infants (Jones &
Klin, Jones, Schultz, & Volkmar, 2003). Extending to Klin, 2013). This marked indicator of social impair-
the previous study designs, digitized color video clips ment in ASD highlights the process of decline, reveal-
including a story with a social interaction and emo- ing the earliest onset known thus far. A similar
tional responses were also employed to measure fixa- experimental paradigm to Shic et al. (2011) was
tion duration on the eyes, mouth, body, and other used to measure visual fixation during free viewing
regions (Norbury et al., 2009). Study participants in older children. In all regions of interest (i.e., eyes,
involved ASD children with language skills that mouth, body, and objects), ASD children showed
were deemed to be normal (i.e., autism language profoundly different visual fixation orienting their
normal (ALN)) or impaired (i.e., autism language gaze away from socially salient aspects of the scenes
impaired (ALI)). Compared to controls, children compared to neurotypical controls (Rice et al., 2012).
with ALN exhibited significantly diminished duration Most significantly, children with ASD reduced their
of fixation to the eyes. Surprisingly, no difference was fixation duration to eyes compared to mouth regions
detected in the duration of fixation to the eyes (Rice et al., 2012). Once again, level of fixation on
between ALI and TD groups, demonstrating for the either the eyes or mouth predicted the subject’s mem-
first time typical fixation patterns in ASD in the con- bership in either one of the groups (Rice et al., 2012).
text of dynamic social stimuli viewing (Norbury et al., In this study, although patterns of social engagement
2009). This between-group variation was suggested to via visual stimuli were shown to be severely atypical
reflect underlying cognitive and/or perceptual differ- in children with ASD, there was significant variation
ences, such as level of ocular motor control abilities. in the patterns within-group populations. In order to
Additionally, increased fixations to the mouth were ascertain whether this variation is associated with a
associated with variation in language acquisition and genetic predisposition or compensatory learning, both
greater communicative competence in children with adaptation and maladaptation require future follow-up
ASD (Norbury et al., 2009). Stimuli from audiovisual across the child’s primal years to Rice et al. (2012).
clips were also employed by Nakano et al. (2010) to Adding to the existing literature, a study directed on
investigate both temporal and spatial eye gaze patterns. deficits in language acquisition reported atypical gaze
Aligned with previous findings in nonsocial compared patterns for the children with ASD, accompanied by
to social stimuli (Klin et al., 2002), this study reported diminished interest and attendance to social stimuli
that while control children revealed stereotypical gaze throughout a scene, compared to the controls
patterns, children with ASD exhibited (1) shorter fixa- (Hosozawa et al., 2012). Specifically, control children
tion duration when facial stimuli were presented, as shifted their eye gaze (toward both eyes and mouth)
well as (2) a preference to viewing letters rather than naturally from one speaker to the other during speech
social stimuli (Nakano et al., 2010). Notably, eye- communication while children with ASD shifted their
mouth fixation proportions were not a discrimination eye gaze out of the context of the scene (Hosozawa
marker between ASD and control groups. et al., 2012). These findings were consistent with
Employing a video task that depicted an adult and previous findings in children with ASD reporting
child during play a further study investigated compromised social skills with profound implications

to the collection of information from the eyes and processed by different neural circuits in infants up to
mouth, which ultimately lead to poor social commu- 8 months of age (Klin et al., 2009). Compared to
nication and deficits in understanding (Hosozawa neurotypical and DD controls whose attention was
et al., 2012). directed to biological motion, children with ASD
A recent study on 6-month-old infants that were failed to orient to such motion exhibiting random
later diagnosed with ASD utilized a free-viewing task patterns of visual scanning, relative to social content.
with the aim to detect spontaneous regulation of atten- Further, for the between-group analysis, the ASD
tion and response to multimodal stimuli in four con- group showed significant preference for the upright
ditions of motion (Chawarska et al., 2013). The study condition in instances where the animation task
used four groups: children with ASD, high-risk atypi- included a physical contingency (a condition where
cally developing (HR-AD), high-risk typically devel- human interaction takes place) as opposed to anima-
oping (HR-TD) and low-risk/no history of ASD (LR- tions without physical contingencies. Interestingly, as
TD). Six-month-old infants later diagnosed with ASD revealed by post hoc quantification of audiovisual
showed compromised attention to social scenes and in synchronies (AVS) and preferential looking, 90% of
cases that they did attend, their duration of fixation reported atypical viewing behavior in 2-year-old chil-
was shorter toward social stimuli in general and spe- dren with ASD, reflected a marked reliance on AVS
cifically the face (Chawarska et al., 2013). (Klin et al., 2009). Such reliance was not evident in
Interestingly, atypical pattern directed to social stimuli either neurotypically developing nor DD controls
(i.e., subject or a subject’s face regions) was not (Klin et al., 2009). In support of naturalistic techni-
accompanied by increased duration of fixation toward ques, another research group sought to extend eye-
nonsocial stimuli (objects) (Chawarska et al., 2013). tracking studies on children with ASD by utilizing a
The study raised the issue of continuity in ASD in “WearCamera”; an eye tracker, worn by the children
both social attention impairments per se and the evo- (Noris et al., 2011). During a semi-structured interac-
lution of the impairments in the sphere of interaction tion with a variety of items, this study investigated eye
and communication (Chawarska et al., 2013). gaze from the child’s viewpoint (Noris et al., 2011).
Importantly, this was the first study to demonstrate Relative to controls, children with ASD were reported
prodromal behavioral patterns in ASD at 6 months, to exhibit the “downcast” phenomenon, in that they
thus highlighting that it may be possible to identify looked down, more often (Noris et al., 2011).
visual phenotypic behaviors and use these as diagnos- Moreover, they also were found to explore the lateral
tic tools in ASD in first year of life (Chawarska et al., field of view in more detail compared to controls
2013). These uncharacteristic gaze behavior patterns (Noris et al., 2011). The implication for the “down-
in ASD were later replicated in infants 2–6 months of cast” phenomenon was that by looking downward
age, providing new insight on the onset symptomatol- children with ASD were better able to view static
ogy in ASD (Jones & Klin, 2013). elements (i.e., objects like a table, and also the ground
The first attempt to investigate biological motion itself) and it was posited that these static elements
perception in ASD aimed to investigate the manner in were less likely to create any form of agitation or
which 2-year-old children relate to and facilitate adap- emotional stress to the ASD children (Noris et al.,
tive interaction with others at this early stage of brain 2011). In this study, the vast majority of the visual
development, hallmarked by the absence of any com- stimuli were present on the top part of the screen
pensatory coping strategies (Klin et al., 2009). A leading the authors to suggest that the “downcast”
preferential attention paradigm of point light displays phenomenon reflects their hypersensitivity to these
of biological motion accompanied by audiovisual stimuli (Noris et al., 2011). This sensitivity to high-
matching the motion/action was employed to examine frequency visual stimuli has been previously
orientation to nonsocial, physical contingencies, com- described in the theory of enhanced perceptual func-
pared to other biological motion displays (Klin et al., tioning (Mottron, Dawson, Soulières, Hubert, &
2009). This study paradigm contained figures on a Burack, 2006). The same naturalistic effect
split screen, in two conditions: (1) standard upright (WearCamera) was utilized in the same year, with a
with audiovisual of vocalizations and (2) inverted slight variation in the stimuli presented to children.
played in reverse order (no audiovisual). Increased The same authors set out to investigate the eye gaze
fixation toward the upright condition (accompanied strategies of children with ASD and controls while
by matching of human voice) provided evidence for viewing naturalistic images (Noris et al., 2012).
recognition and preferential attention to biological Consistent with the previous literature (Noris et al.,
motion. Inverted condition was introduced as a bias 2011), study findings reported that children with ASD
toward biological motion perception, which is exhibited aberrant eye gaze toward faces as indicated

by shorter duration of fixation on salient face regions treated separately in the two meta-analyses. As sum-
compared to controls. Once again, “downcast” gaze marized in Figure 1, the first meta-analysis reported
reflected a sensory overarousal triggered by visual eye-fixation duration results from Studies I and II
stimuli, especially when subjects were viewing the conducted by Dalton and colleagues (i.e., “Dalton
broader environment. et al., 2005 (I) E”: n = 14 males with ASD, ASD
mean age = 15.9 years, “Dalton et al., 2005 (II) E”:
n = 16 males with ASD, ASD mean age = 14.5 years)
META-ANALYSES (2005) and Studies I and II by van der Geest and
colleagues (i.e., “van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten,
Methods et al., 2002 (I) E”: n = 17 males with ASD, ASD
mean age = 10.6 years, “van der Geest, Kemner,
In the meta-analyses, studies were included only if Verbaten, et al., 2002 (II) E”: n = 16 males with
they provided sufficient data to determine the effect ASD, ASD mean age = 10.8 years). Similarly, as
size of the study or if we were able to obtain these summarized in Figure 2, the second meta-analysis
values from the authors via correspondence. We con- reported mouth-fixation duration results from Studies
ducted two such analyses: eight studies were included I and II conducted by van der Geest and colleagues
for the eye-fixation duration meta-analysis and six for (“2002 (I) M”: n = 17 with ASD, ASD mean
the mouth-fixation duration meta-analysis. Two arti- age = 10.6 years. “van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten,
cles incorporated two separate studies (experimental et al., 2002 (II) M”: n = 16 with ASD, ASD mean
paradigms) each, on different populations; hence, both age = 10.8 years). In Study II, only the “upright in
studies were included in the two meta-analyses orientation” condition was included in the analyses.
(Dalton et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2008). On this One study (Jones et al., 2008) included in the analyses
note, each study provided separately eyes and mouth provided fixation duration data in four conditions
fixation data and as such, these observations were (social dynamic, social static, isolated dynamic,

Study name Statistics for each study Hedges's g and 95% Cl

Hedges's Standard Lower Upper

g error Variance limit limit Z-Value p-Value

Dalton et al. (2005) (I)E –0.696 0.393 0.154 –1.467 0.074 –1.772 0.076
Dalton et al. (2005) (II)E –0.785 0.358 0.128 –1.488 –0.083 –2.191 0.028
Dalton et al. (2007) –0.868 0.414 0.171 –1.679 –0.058 –2.100 0.036
Jones et al. (2008)E –1.566 0.340 0.116 –2.232 –0.900 –4.606 0.000
Rice et al. (2012) –0.743 0.261 0.068 –1.255 –0.231 –2.844 0.004
Speer et al. (2007)E –1.108 0.425 0.181 –1.942 –0.274 –2.605 0.009
van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al. (2002)(I)E –0.361 0.338 0.114 –1.023 0.301 –1.070 0.285
van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al. (2002)(II)E –0.611 0.372 0.138 –1.340 0.117 –1.644 0.100
–0.829 0.124 0.015 –1.072 –0.586 –6.682 0.000

–4.00 –2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00

Decreased fixation Increased fixation

Figure 1. Forest plot of eye gaze fixation directed toward the eye region in children with ASD and their 95% confidence intervals.

Study name Statistics for each study Std diff in means and 95% Cl

Std diff Standard Lower Upper

in means error Variance limit limit Z-Value p-Value

Dalton et al. (2007) 0.467 0.414 0.171 –0.344 1.278 1.130 0.259
Jones et al. (2008)M 1.016 0.323 0.106 0.382 1.649 3.141 0.002

Rice et al. (2012) –0.644 0.262 0.069 –1.158 –0.130 –2.457 0.014
Speer et al. (2007)M –0.038 0.408 0.167 –0.839 0.762 –0.094 0.925
van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al. (2002)(I)E –0.066 0.343 0.118 –0.759 0.586 –0.251 0.802
van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al. (2002)(II)M 0.146 0.374 0.140 –0.586 0.879 0.392 0.695
0.061 0.139 0.019 –0.212 0.334 0.440 0.660

–4.00 –2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00

Decreased fixation Increased fixation

Figure 2. Forest plot of eye gaze fixation directed toward the mouth region in children with ASD and their 95% confidence intervals.

isolated static) of which only social dynamic data sizes was not significant (x2 ¼ 7.635, I 2 ¼ 8.321,
were included. Following our request for unpublished p > 0.1) and similarly the Eggers’ test was not sig-
(mouth and eyes) duration fixation data, an additional nificant (p > 0.05).
study was included (Speer et al., 2007).
In total, the eye-fixation meta-analysis included
eight studies (Dalton et al., 2007, 2005; Jones et al., Mouth fixation
2008; Rice et al., 2012; Speer et al., 2007; van der
Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, et al., 2002) and the mouth- Overall there was a nonsignificant effect size for dura-
fixation meta-analysis included six studies (Dalton tion of fixation to the mouth region in the ASD popula-
et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2008; Rice et al., 2012; tion compared to neurotypical controls (Hedges’
Speer et al., 2007; van der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, g = 0.123, 95% CI: −0.380–0.627, p > 0.05).
et al., 2002). Study populations included children with However, the heterogeneity of effect sizes was signifi-
ASD compared to control groups. cant across the studies (x2 ¼ 17.208, I 2 ¼ 70.944,
p < 0.1) and thus the robustness of these findings
needs to be interpreted with caution. Finally, the
Procedure Eggers’ test was not significant (p > 0.05). The effect
sizes for each study are plotted in Figure 2.
Meta-analyses were conducted using comprehensive
meta-analysis developed by Biostat (Borenstein,
Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2005). Effect sizes DISCUSSION
were standardized mean differences in duration of
fixation on the (1) eye region and (2) mouth region. Aberrant patterns of eye gaze and fixation times have
Standardized mean differences were reported with been reported by numerous ASD studies and indeed
Hedges’ correction for small samples using 95% con- several have proposed that eye gaze abnormalities are
fidence intervals. Hedges’ effect size (g) was inter- a biomarker of the condition that can be utilized for
preted in the same way as Cohen’s d: 0.2 = small; early detection and diagnosis (Boraston & Blakemore,
0.5 = medium; and 0.8 = large (Cohen, 1988). Alpha 2007). However, while the ASD eye gaze literature is
was set to 0.05. The Q-statistic was reported to index expanding, as yet there does not appear to be a con-
significant heterogeneity of effect sizes across studies, vergence of findings. The heterogeneous nature of the
and I2 was the effect size quantifying this heterogene- condition almost certainly assumes a significant role,
ity. An I2 of 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 denoted small, but the variability in findings across studies may also
moderate, and high levels of heterogeneity, respec- be due, in part, to the variety of experimental para-
tively (Higgins & Thompson, 2002). Alpha was set digms and technologies that have been employed. In
to 0.10 to test for heterogeneity as this procedure our meta-analyses, we sought to evaluate two eye
typically lacks power (Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, gaze abnormalities that have previously been reported
& Altman, 2003). Random effects modeling was in ASD: (1) atypical gaze directed to the eyes of the
adopted over fixed-effect modeling since the latter human face and (2) atypical gaze to the mouth of the
assumes there is no variation in effects across studies human face. Meta-analyses of the identified studies
over and above sampling error. Random modeling revealed that patterns of eye movements directed
provides a more conservative estimate of the pooled toward the eyes were significantly abnormal in chil-
effect size and therefore less likely to inflate the true dren with ASD. However, no significant effect was
effect. Publication bias was assessed using Eggers’ found for the patterns of eye movements that involved
test (Egger, Smith, Schneider, & Minder, 1997). looking at the mouth. It should be noted that the lack
of any significant difference for mouth fixation how-
ever needs to be cautiously interpreted since the find-
RESULTS ings might be influenced by a lack of statistical power
(N = 6 studies in the mouth meta-analysis) and high
Eye fixation heterogeneity.
The meta-analysis findings for eye fixation
Overall there was a significant effect size between revealed that compared to neurotypical controls, chil-
duration of fixation on the eyes in the ASD population dren with ASD exhibit significantly reduced gaze
compared to controls (Hedges’ g = 0.831, 95% CI: fixation on the eyes when viewing human faces.
−1.66 to −0.575, p < 0.001). The effect sizes for each Notably, the effect size for this variable was large
study are shown in Figure 1. Heterogeneity of effect (Hedges’ g = 0.831) and overall statistically

significant. The strength of this result is of particular aim of which is to retrieve information and social cues
importance as it offers the possibility that aberrations lost through reduced attention to the eyes. However,
in the fixation to the eyes may be of diagnostic rele- this trend has not been consistently reported in the
vance. This result lends credence to those early inter- literature and may be reflected in the results of our
vention programs specifically implementing eye gaze meta-analysis. It has been established that neurotypi-
interventions and furthermore corroborates the find- cally developing infants (18–20 weeks old) recognize
ings of previous studies that have suggested this correspondence between speech sounds presented in
impairment represents a reduced holistic processing either auditory or visual way, and that the information
strategy that is characteristic of the severity of the conveyed by the sounds is significant to the detection
disorder. Moreover, it has been posited that atypical of such correspondences (Kuhl & Meltzoff, 1982).
gaze patterns in the eye region also represents a cri- Hence, given this bimodal perception (auditory and
tical quantitative behavioral and phenotypic trait of visual) in speech acquisition, toddlers learning to
ASD (Boraston & Blakemore, 2007). speak would be expected to exhibit some fixation on
Diminished attention to the eyes during social the mouth (Kuhl & Meltzoff, 1982). The results of our
interactions has significant implications across multi- meta-analysis support this conceptualization, although
ple domains of a child’s development. These include we do acknowledge that discrepancy in stage of lan-
negatively impacting communication (Norbury et al., guage acquisition and, furthermore, the age and devel-
2009), social interactions (Bradshaw et al., 2011), opmental stage of an individual with ASD, may
theory of mind (von dem Hagen et al., 2013), as explain the level of increased fixation to the mouth.
well as language development (Hosozawa et al., That is, older and average to highly verbal/social
2012; Norbury et al., 2009). Indeed, failure to observe individuals with ASD may seek communicative cues
or understand important communication cues leads to (mouth serving as a tool for language) more, com-
the misattribution t of social cues (e.g., gaze, shifting pared to nonverbal, younger individuals.
head toward speaker, the significance of cheering at a Another interesting theoretical speculation was dis-
social event and social smiling), which ultimately cussed by Jones et al. (2008) according to which, in
results in the failure to develop theory of mind in studies where alongside visual non/social stimuli,
these children (von dem Hagen et al., 2013; ADV effects are also incorporated in the background,
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). Absence or the under- increased mouth fixation patterns may be prompted
development of capacities, such as theory of mind, and attributed to the synchrony of the ADV per se.
directly disrupts the ability to follow verbal instruc- This purports an alternative learning path for lan-
tions in real-life situations and/or within academic guage, where language skills are being acquired with
environments. Most often this promotes a sense of the help of physical features (motion/sound) rather
constant underachievement and diversity (compared than social-affective features (speech sounds as social
to peers/colleagues), leading to gradual isolation pat- cues) (Jones et al., 2008). Finally, most recently pre-
terns. Alternatively, in instances where the individual sented data by Evers, Hermens, Steyaert, Noens, and
is quite enthusiastic, verbal and extroverted, the pre- Wagemans (2013) on global scanning patterns in chil-
ferential avoidance of others’ eyes can result in the dren with and without ASD while watching video
failure to detect more complex emotional states such clips have revealed no differences in the number and
as sarcasm as well as the possible lack of interest. In duration of fixation, or saccade amplitude, between
such instances, individuals with ASD can dominate a these two groups. Preliminary analysis has also shown
discussion, which may have no value from the audi- no differences in viewing time, when fixation patterns
ence’s point of view and as a consequence cause were compared on four dynamic areas of interest that
social disengagement and lead to isolation patterns. include the mouth (Evers et al., 2013), Despite the
The meta-analysis findings for mouth fixation absence of marked differences in fixation patterns,
revealed that compared to controls, children with compared to the neurotypically developing group,
ASD show no significant differences in fixating to the ASD group tended to perform worse on social
the mouth when exposed to faces of humans. The emotional questions that followed the video clips. As
robustness of this finding is uncertain given the high expected, this tendency was mostly evident in ques-
heterogeneity of the mouth fixation data; however, tions involving emotion recognition and emotion clar-
with these caveats in mind, this result is in contrast ification. Conversely, the ASD group performance
with a number of previous studies (Jones et al., 2008; was enhanced when questions involved visual details
Klin et al., 2002; Norbury et al., 2009; Rice et al., (Evers et al., 2013). Similar findings were also shown
2012). Previous studies have suggested that fixating in a facial emotion recognition and visual search task,
on the mouth serves as a compensatory strategy the where no difference was found between children with

high functioning ASD/Asperger’s syndrome and neu- need to be interpreted cautiously. A further issue for
rotypically developing children for either total number future consideration is that of ecological validity.
of fixations or emotional ability (Leung, Ordqvist, Highly controlled lab situations, cartoon-like social
Falkmer, Parsons, & Falkmer, 2013). Also, although stimuli, emotional expressions presented in black
both groups fixated more toward the eyes, fixation and white still photographs, poorly encapsulate natur-
duration was longer in children with ASD, indicating alistic environments. In fact, it has been proposed that
different task demands. unstructured settings are more likely to reveal impair-
Notably, this trend marked by the absence of ments social cognition and processing in ASD (Klin
different viewing patterns in children with ASD, et al., 2002). Next, it would be beneficial if study
while they still perform poorly or intact on emotion populations employed were larger in size and at the
recognition tasks, brings new insight in the field, earliest possible stage of development. Alongside this,
implicating the validity and reliability of eye-track- longitudinal follow-up could then extend the scope of
ing techniques as a measure of aberrant social beha- research, investigating gaze behavior and patterns of
vior in ASD. This raises a point for future fixation in the course of atypical development in ASD
consideration; if eye gaze orienting is intact, but and look at the extent to which these impose on the
processing of information is impaired, then perhaps development of social cognition, language compe-
there is an imperative to move focus from eye gaze tence, and social skills in real-life conditions.
behavior to the underpinning neural circuitry Equally important, combining functional imaging
responsible for impairments in ASD. While in the with eye-tracking studies may offer new insights into
present meta-analysis we did not find a significant causal relationships with respect to whether aberrant
effect for eye gaze fixation to the mouth region, the eye gaze is centrally mediated or indeed it drives
literature suggests that there may be a more com- much of the observed impairments in cognition. The
plex relationship between mouth fixation and emo- final issue lies in early intervention treatment aiming
tional processing. For example, studies have shown to improve social responsiveness. Computerized emo-
that mouth fixation and face processing can be tion and/or face-specific training have been designed
modulated by emotional state (Curby, Johnson, & to target atypical discrimination, recognition, and
Tyson, 2012). Perhaps this relatively new insight memory of faces, increasing familiarity and redirect-
provides an avenue for future research where emo- ing visual attention, in children and adolescents with
tional state is incorporated into ASD eye gaze stu- ASD (Blair, Frith, Smith, Abell, & Cipolotti, 2002;
dies and may strengthen the overall reliability of Faja, Aylward, Bernier, & Dawson, 2007; Klin et al.,
findings. 1999; Williams, Goldstein, & Minshew, 2005). To
date, only a few studies have investigated the extent
to which such training can positively impact face
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE processing strategies (Baron-Cohen, Hill, Golan, &
CONSIDERATIONS Wheelwright, 2002; Bölte et al., 2002; Silver &
Oakes, 2001) and their efficacy is still being explored.
There are a number of limitations inherent in studies Recent studies have placed significant limitations in
of eye gaze, primarily associated with the absence of a the ecological validity of such training protocols aim-
distinct difference in viewing patterns (i.e., fixation on ing to develop emotion perception (Golan & Baron-
mouth region). While fixation duration on the mouth, Cohen, 2006; Silver & Oakes, 2001). For example,
for instance, may be intact, children with ASD still improvements in key domains on computerized tasks,
exhibit difficulties when presented with emotion individuals with ASD, failed to be extended to natur-
recognition tasks and social interactions compared to alistic conditions (Faja et al., 2007). However, some
controls. Hence, what is yet to be explicated is argue that this artificial nature of computerized train-
whether marked (viewing) patterns or the absence of ing in fact encourages the development of unfamiliar
these in face processing are correlated with the pro- face processing-related skills in individuals with
cessing of information. underdeveloped capacities (Faja et al., 2007). In this
In terms of limitations, the mouth fixation studies regard, it is imperative to refine the design of pro-
warrant further discussion. In the analysis of these grams that direct gaze behavior preferentially toward
studies, a large heterogeneity of effect sizes was the eye regions in social interactions (Speer et al.,
observed, which was most likely due to the limited 2007) and emphasize on emotion recognition
number of studies that met the inclusion criteria. As (Boraston & Blakemore, 2007) to further explore
such, it was not possible to conduct a meta-regression improved performance on real-life events and/or in
analysis; subsequently, the mouth fixation findings theory of mind measures (Silver & Oakes, 2001).

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