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Hi Mrs. Curtis!

Hope you are well! This is Marianne Thayer, Mr. Melefsky's student teacher. 

I wanted to send an email to you today to let you know about some things that went on in class
this morning. Finley, Jude, and Rex were giving me a hard time unfortunately by constantly
speaking during instruction (thus not knowing what to do) not putting their recorder cases away
when asked (I had to ask 4-5 times AND do a countdown), and Ms. Rosen had to speak with
them as well about the amount of yelling and lack of attention they were paying to the topics at

If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to reach out! 


Hi Mrs. Cordes!

This is Marianne Thayer, Mr. Melefsky's student teacher. I wanted to share with you that Callie
had been experiencing some bullying/negative interactions with Juliette and Dylan. She first told
Ms. Rosen, who approached her promptly after she noticed her crying and shut down. 

Sandy said that Callie was upset because Juliette was picking on her outside of class, and when I
asked Callie to share some more details during a movie break, she explained to me that Juliette
and Dylan had been following her around the playground to complain about her to her face. She
mentioned something about the word "Useless', but I didn't quite understand what she meant by
that. I assume they were saying that to her, but I'm not sure. Nora was also a part of this in some
way, but Callie said that Nora was a lot better of a friend and that she was not the problem. 

I did not talk to either of the other girls for sake of time, but I wanted to make you aware of the
situation! I advised Callie to stay far away from them if possible, especially at recess. 

Gwen was also upset because Naomi had been cheating off of her when we did a small
worksheet. When she asked her to stop, she was yelled at. I had her move away. 

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Let me know if you need any more information! 


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