Ed 109 Essay 1

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Ryan O’Rourke

Dr. Sweetman

ED 109

22 January 2023

There are many reasons that make me want to become a teacher. The main reason is that I

want to be able to guide all future generations toward their goals. I also want to help future

generations discover their goals. I want to be seen as someone who my students can come to for

help with any of their needs, as well as someone who can inform them from a teaching

perspective. I want to teach my students the importance of our history and why our ancestors

truly make us who we are today. I am comfortable working with students with disabilities. I

worked at a community pool where there were patrons who had disabilities and that experience

helped me understand that they are humans too with goals like everyone else. By seeing that I

know that they should not be treated as less than a human created in the eyes of God. I currently

do not believe I would be prepared to work in a classroom dominated by minority students. I do

not have a lot of experience with working with minority students, but that does not mean I would

not be comfortable in that setting. It may take me a while to get adjusted to teaching in a

classroom dominated by minority students, but I would not be opposed to it. I would be most

comfortable teaching secondary education students. I expect student performance and behavior

to be very different for each student. I expect that some students will be harder to work with than

others. I am prepared to work nights and weekends for my job. I am willing to engage in on-

going professional development and am planning on continuing my education after finishing my

college degree. I am comfortable working on a team and do not find it difficult to implement
team decisions that I do not agree with. What I would not be comfortable with would be

implementing a team decision, but it does not work as planned. I believe my communication and

interpersonal skills are strong and will be sufficient enough to be prepared to interact with

parents and other school community members.

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