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Fill out the chart with your own words and supporting evidence from the text.

You do not
have to write in complete sentences or formal language, just take notes.

Research the ➔ American novelist Stephen King, widely known for his
author and works "It" and "The Shining," is the author of this tale. The
context of the Cat From Hell is a horror short tale that was first published
story. When was in Cavalier Magazine in March of 1977.
it published?
Where? What is
the literary

Who is/are the ➔ John Halston Possible Effects?

main ➔ Mr Drogan The protagonist of this short
character(s)? ➔ The cat tale is John Halston. He
is an experienced hitman
who has never been
apprehended. The
depiction of Mr. Drogan
could frighten some
readers since he was an
elderly guy in a
wheelchair who
appeared ill, afraid, and
on the verge of passing

Describe the ➔ Professional hitman Possible Effects?

character(s). how John Halston has never The cat's portrayal as
does the author been apprehended. Mr. having deadly intentions
characterize Drogan is an elderly guy would definitely frighten
them? who is close to passing a lot of spectators.
away. The cat is
homicidal and has a face
that is partially black and
partially white.

Who tells the ➔ This narrative is told by Possible Effects?

story? Point of a narrator, who The mystery would increase
View (1st, 2nd, or addresses each if the narrative was told
3rd person) How character by name.This from a third person
do you know? Is means that this is a 3rd perspective since we
there anything of person perspective. wouldn't know what
note about this would happen next
perspective? because we wouldn't
know what the other
characters were thinking.

What is the ➔ This short story has two Possible Effects?

setting? primary settings: Mr. The description of Mr.
Drogan's Mansion and Drogan's home as being
the highway. chilly and quiet is a
strange setting that can
spook some readers.
Although the incidents
that occur on the
roadway are frightening,
the roadside itself isn't
very frightening.

Describe the ➔ The reader isn't fully Possible Effects?

atmosphere. Are informed as to why the The reader will be intrigued
there any points cat is acting this way, and experience some
when the which gives the narrative mild suspense if they do
atmosphere a strange and spooky not know the cat's
changes? tone and atmosphere. motivation for wanting to
kill people.

What’s the ➔ The conflict is that a cat Possible Effects?

conflict or exists that murdered This would frighten the
problem? three people before reader since it is
coming into contact with impossible for something
Halston.. as adorable as a cat to
be that terrible and
murder three people.

What are the ➔ When the cat begins murdering individuals at Mr. Drogan's
complications? home, the action picks up (His sister, Her friend, Dick
What is the rising Gage).
What is the ➔ The story's turning point occurs when Halston tries to
climax or high murder the cat, but the cat manages to escape from its
point of action in cage and causes Halston to crash. As a result of the
the story? collision, Halston becomes immobile, and the cat begins to
assault him until killing him by sliding down his throat and
into his stomach.

What is the ➔ The narrative comes to a close when farmer Will Reuss
resolution? How discovers Halston's Plymouth with his body inside and the
does the story cat protruding from his stomach

What choices ➔ In this story the author Possible Effects? The visual
does the author uses a lot of visual imagery in this story is
make that imagery which is usually really gross and
increase the really gruesome and gruesome and is sure to
suspense, disgusting. An example make some readers
tension, or fear? being the cat climbing scared and disgusted.
(literary into Halston’s mouth and The unusual character in
devices/elements entering his stomach. this story would also
like And also Will Reuss scare the user as a cat
personification, witnessing the cat crawl killing people and it being
repetition, out of Halston’s dead immortal is really scary.
figurative body.
language, ➔ The author also uses
automatism, Unusual character in this
animalism, story. The unusual
anthropomorphis character in this story
m, etc.) being the cat itself as its
really unusual if a cat
can’t get killed and has
murderous intent.

Check or indicate the suspense techniques that are present. Write the evidence below.

Unusual characters Unusual setting Withholding


Foreshadowing Unusual situations Dramatic action

Dilemma Ironic devices – Cliffhanger
verbal, situational,

Find example(s) of the following kinds of imagery if you can.

Imagery Effects

Visual (sight) ➔ The cat described to be murderous

and has a face thats half white and
half black.

Auditory (sound) ➔ The sound of the bowl smashing

Olfactory (smell) ➔ Yellow odors. ‘’Halston could smell This would

the yellow odors of fear, age, and definitely
urine all mixed. disgust

Gustatory (taste) ➔

Tactile (touch) ➔ The cat’s fur is described as soft

Kinesthetic (body, ➔ The cat claws at Halston’s balls. Some readers

feeling of ‘’The pain was gigantic terrible. ‘’At would feel this
movement) that moment Halston wished he pain as well
had been paralyzed.’’ which is scary.

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