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Glittering Generalities in Political Campaigns

Political campaign promoters who use glittering generalities spread their messages far and wide,
hoping that they'll result in the bandwagon effect. The same glittering generalities will be
featured in political ads, talking points for TV interviews, digital media, posters, hats, t-shirts,
and more. The examples below have all been used in presidential campaigns.

1. Build Back Better (Joe Biden)

2. Not Me. Us. (Bernie Sanders)
3. Make America Great Again/MAGA (Donald Trump)
4. Change We Can Believe In (Barrack Obama)
5. Yes We Can (Barrack Obama)
6. Forward Together (Hilary Clinton)
7. Country First (John McCain)
8. A Safer World and a More Hopeful America (George W. Bush)
9. For People, for a Change (Bill Clinton)
10. A Kinder, Gentler Nation (George H.W. Bush)
11. Let's Make American Great Again (Ronald Reagan)
12. A Leader, For a Change (Jimmy Carter)
13. Vote Like Your Whole World Depended on It (Richard Nixon)
14. A Time for Greatness (John F. Kennedy)
15. The Buck Stops Here (Harry Truman)


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