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Hao Hoang

Prof. Oscar E. Martinez II

English 1302-203


The education system lack of practice for the real-world practical job

In the current modern era that the current human live in it’s essential for everyone to get

an education to obtain an opportunity for a job or a career since not many would want to hire an

employee that doesn’t provide the necessity; therefore, An education performance and level it's

what many use to measure the capability of a student for the job. As mentioned in the article

“We prepare students to Move into the Career” by Priya Peter The current high school system is

set up in a manner that provides the student with many courses to solidify their basic knowledge;

however, the high school system is far from perfect due to the lack of practice that it provides to

the student in their specific career. Many educators ignore the importance of the application of

knowledge that they are teaching to apply to the student's future careers even though it’s

extremely beneficial for the student to acquire a much earlier understanding of their future

careers that require skill. Such as the application of math to the student which would be a great

practice for the student. Or the application of history to analyze modern society politics. The

education system curriculum has to focus more on the practical aspect of the curriculum or

improving the engagement of the student, and practicing the application of the knowledge of the

student’s career since the current curriculum system does not allow for the student to develop

their understanding of the required knowledge and skill before entering their work field.

The practice of the high school system is lacking.

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Highschool is an extremely crucial education phase for the student's future since it’s the

first step that a graduate will take in their life whether it’s to continue their college education or

enter the workforce; however, the current high school curriculum doesn’t give the necessary

credit on practice of the student common relevance skill. Terell Jessica the author of “Bring

Careers into the Classroom'' implies that the current high school curriculum doesn’t emphasize

the student practice on their future career since they were programmed to solely focus on

studying for the content of a certain course to meet the mandate qualification of the content

(Terell 60). Although it might be a great process for the student to learn the basics and

understand the content that is being taught by the teacher, it doesn’t allow for the student to fully

comprehend the content due to the lack of application daily. For example, Terell said human is a

species that would ignore anything outside the scope of their need, the content that was taught to

the student won’t fully stick with them forever due to their lack of application, and it can be

easily forgotten by the next semester or so which is the reason why the student is so unprepared

for the real practical job. The more application for the student to visualize the necessary situation

in which the knowledge has been taught can be a great practice to further push the student's

progress in understanding the content.

Although many can argue that the current high school has produced many successful

individuals so there shouldn’t be any problem with the curriculum, the curriculum still presents

many little mistakes and errors that could potentially lead to a lack of understanding of the

student on the certain job requirements. it has been highlighted through an investigation by

Burkholder Eric that stated: “ 30 % of the graduate has struggle within the first few years of

trying to understand the application of their knowledge into their specific career.” (Burkholder

40) Which acknowledges the struggle that students encounter when entering the workforce. For
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example, The student might have a successful career after 3 or 4 years of struggling in their field;

however, the high school should have prepared the student much better, so the student wouldn’t

struggle so much and adapt to the career much faster. The student’s practice on their application

would be crucial to prevent the conflict they encounter within the first years or two since it

would prevent the student from baffling when it comes to the application of their knowledge and

apply it to their career. With the application of the student improved the student should be

capable of handling a much higher work difficulty and increase their understanding of their

specific career.

The engagement that the curriculum can implement

Although the student's understanding of the topic is significant, the engagement of the

content being taught shouldn’t be ignored either since it can affect the rate of the student's

understanding of the content. Priya Peter the author of “We prepare students to move into the

career.” provide the idea that student engagement accelerates their comprehension rate since the

student's interest in the concept would then be motivated to understand the topic and do further

research. The ideas acknowledge the need for the high school education reformation on the

curriculum to be more engaging since it allows for the student to grow as an individual that will

enter the workforce. For example, the student curriculum could change the content that is being

taught to be more interactable with the student by providing the student the task of using the

content in their daily life. A math problem is a prime example since they allow the teacher to

obtain an example of calculating a student's GPA to teach percentage and average content to

make the lesson more interesting and engaging. In addition for the content to be engaging, the

student has to be interested in the content being taught. As mentioned within “Books to Check

out. Advice for the Real World and Winning Grants.” by Caffrey Michelle “The most effective
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method to attract a student's attention to the content is through the use of a rewarding system or

benefit that can be earned since it invokes a sense of competitiveness with the student allowing

for the student to be more competitive.” According to a study mentioned by Caffrey Michelle

which said, “ the student understanding accelerated at a rate of 43% faster because the content

was much more engaging and interesting to the student, this allowed for the student to be more

attentive to the lesson while allocating more effort into the learning process.” These lead to the

understanding that the student needs more engagement to further develop their learning

capability and interest in the content being taught. The student being able to accelerate their

learning capability might seem like not as significant as ensuring the content is being covered

throughout the whole year; however, it would be extremely beneficial for the student in the long

run due to the curriculum set up the course to be in an order that would more than likely ask for

the student to understand the preceding course like Geometry preceding Pre-Calculus. Therefore;

allowing the student to do activities that will engage the student more would allow them to build

a much stronger foundation for the later stage of learning which is also one of the main reason

there need to be a major reform in the education system since as it stand of currently, there isn’t a

lot of the engagement for the student to be interest in learning but rather most student seem to be

seeing the classroom as an obligation or a challenge which is not beneficial to the student growth

during the educational stage.

The reformation that the curriculum need

The curriculum needs to be more oriented to provide the student more practice to further

develop their critical thinking skill to fully prepare the student to enter the practical job once they

graduate. An idea was mentioned by Franco Armanda the author of “Education Sources.”

Assessment of Undergraduates' Real-World Outcomes of Critical Thinking in Everyday

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Situations” is that the student growth depends on the content that is provided to the student to

practice during their education stage since it allows for the student to comprehend the practical

job necessity thought process to be successful in the job. Early preparation for the practical job

allows for the student to practice their critical thinking skill which is a most notable skill that

would allow for the student to resolve many conflicts in the practical job due to their ability to

process the problem and address it in a much more efficient manner (Franco 709). Ackay Hakan

the author of “LEARNING FROM DEALING WITH career PROBLEMS” provides the idea that

Students need to understand their task and have the ability to critically judge the necessary

course of action to further develop their standing in their practical job. Therefore, the high school

curriculum needs to implement a course that would help develop the student's critical thinking to

further understand their practical job. It would allow them to take early practice to become more

adapted to the working environment which will put them into a higher position for more benefit.

The course that is more oriented toward critical thinking might seem quite unnecessary at first;

however, the critical thinking skill that they learn will be applied to their practical job which will

allow them to grow much faster.

The education that the high school curriculum provides doesn’t necessarily provide the

practice that the student needs to enter the real practical job due to the lack of experience in the

application of the content taught in school into the practical job assigned task which leads to the

slow progression with the career and struggle to follow the employer demand for the necessary

skill to accomplish the task required. A note by Wanchisen, Barbara A the author of “Lessons

from the ‘Real World.” The student needs to deal with more practice not just from entering field

day but rather daily whenever they enter school since they would be allowed to interact with

more conflict to allow for the development in the aspect of critical thinking to further improve
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their problem-solving skill and various other skill which will help the student excel in their

perspective career field. The students need practice to further enhance their experience in the

specific career which improves their ability to adapt to their environment much faster and

improve their comprehension ability once they enter the workforce. Another study mentioned by

Thakur, Anubhuti. The author of “ Stepping Into the ‘Real World’” stated that the student who

has experienced early practice will allow the student to adapt to their environment within 1

month which is 3 times faster than the average individual entering the workforce. The

acceleration of the student adaptation to their environmental change is going to be the major

factor of the student increase in efficiency. I would allow the student to improve in their future


In conclusion, the high school curriculum should make a change for the student to be

much more efficient and prepare for the real practical job. The high school curriculum should be

hasty with the application of the student-specific career skill into their education, the necessary

change should focus on the student application of their knowledge to the real job, the adaption to

the career environment, the critical thinking skill to resolve the problem more efficiently, the

engagement of the student to the content which allows for the acceleration of their

comprehension. Various people still think that the education system is perfect for the student;

however, they will have to question whether this statement is true and make changes to the

current curriculum so that the student who will enter the workforce in the future will not

encounter many conflicts that would cause them to struggle to maintain the job. Therefore, the

change to the high school curriculum should be implemented as soon as possible, and it won’t be

possible unless many individuals support the change and rush the process to prevent the struggle

of future graduates.
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Work Cited

Akcay, Hakan. LEARNING FROM DEALING WITH career PROBLEMS., vol. 137, no.

4, 2017, pp. 413-417. EBSCO,




Engineers must be able to solve problems, What does that mean, and how do we best

prepare students?” vol. 31, no. 4, Jan 2022, p. 40. EBSCO,



Caffrey, Michelle. “Books to Check out. Advice for the Real World and Winning Grants.”

Computers in Libraries, vol. 31, no. 1, Jan. 2011, p. 30. EBSCOhost,


Franco, Armanda. “Education sources.” Assessment of Undergraduates' Real-World

Outcomes of Critical Thinking in Everyday Situations., vol. 120, no. 4, August 2017, pp.

707-720. EBSCOhody,


Priya, Peter. “We prepare students to move into the career.” vol. 10, no. 7, Jul 2014, p.

26. EBSCO,

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Terell, Jessica. Careers bring career into classrooms., vol. 51, no. 11, Nov 2015, pp. 60-

61. EBSCO,



Thakur, Anubhuti. “Education sources.” Stepping Into the ‘Real World’: Architecture

Students' Preparedness for Professional Practice., vol. 43, no. 3, September 2009, pp.

910-923. EBSCOhost,


Wanchisen, Barbara A. “Lessons from the ‘Real World.’” Science, vol. 363, no. 6422,

Jan. 2019, p. 98. EBSCOhost,


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