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Paradilla, Zuhri, & U. Hasanah. (2021).

“The student's extrovert and introvert personality

toward speaking performance”. International Journal Of Research on English Teaching and

Applied Linguistics. Vol 1, No 1 (2020).

In this article, the authors try to investigate how personality affects speaking performance

through an analysis of the student's extrovert and introvert personalities' effects. The study

involves 10 students from MA Baytul Mukarromah Welalange, where an Eysenck

Personality Questionnaire was applied to separate them into 5 extroverts and 5 introverts.

Consequently, the data was gathered using Speaking exams, interviews, and questionnaires.

The result of the study suggests that speaking performance is not influenced by extrovert or

introvert personality traits, but rather, by different levels of knowledge, regular

participation, and meticulous preparation. The authors conclude that the study demonstrates

that personality types are not a determining factor for oral English learning performance,

and it can be inferred that students with different types of personalities may use various

learning methodologies. Even though the information in this article was interesting, there

are not much data or sources to support the assertions made. It can be helpful for our

research to better understand how students with introverted personalities interact since it

provides an analysis of their speaking performance patterns.

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