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Age Pressure

1. Today I wanted to film a really chill heart to heart about the topic of age pressure.

2. It’s something I really struggled with. And I know I’m not alone because every culture has
societal expectations they put on us. Like we need to be at a certain place when we reach a
specific age. For example, there are some parts of the world where a woman is actually
considered expired if they’re not married by the age of 30. And that just bewilders me, it’s

3. I found it really moving because it really hit all the societal expectations and norms they put
on women, whether it’s finding a boyfriend on time , having a baby at a certain age. And it made
me really reflect on all of the times I felt pressured to make huge decisions in my life just because
I reached a certain age.

4. 18 is the age where you’re an official adult and you’re supposed to be, you know, going to
college, you’re supposed to have moved out of your parents’ place.

5. I felt like I was at this deficit trying to catch up with everybody and it was very panicky. I was
able to find a creative outlet, which was creating Youtube videos.

6. It felt so good to have this release where we would just get together every weekend, film
videos about our fashion and lifestyle.

7. So I just continued to swing both.

8. I, honestly, didn’t know whether I wanted to go the traditional route or the riskier route. I
went with my gut because I just knew Youtube made me so happy. And if I was gonna fail at
doing something I loved, I would rather do that. So I went with Youtube.

9. Quarter life crisis

10. I felt this pressure to figure out everything all over again and so the Virgo in me started to
plan maniacally. I created this very extensive five year plan of all these goals I wanted to hit.

11. I wanted to retire my parents. I wanted to have my channel at a certain place.

12. I was terrified that the older I got, the more irrelevant I would become on Youtube.

13. When it was, like, 2015, 2016, there was this flux of all these young Youtubers, and it was the
first time where I was like, whoa, like I am getting older.

14. I feel like my channel and myself, they really bleed in together, and so if one is not doing well,
then I’m not.
15. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. And I know with social media these days, it’s so pervasive
and everything ‘s always in your face and you just can’t help to compare your life with someone
else’s. But that’s when I knew I had to stop this delusion because everybody’s journey is
completely different. Just because one person has done this at a certain age doesn’t mean that
you have to. We’re all on our own paths.

16. I started to distance myself from my channel.

17. I feel like every year of my 20’s(twenties) has been so radically different. I’m so proud of this
evolution and I just know that comparing is a game where you will always lose. If I could go back
to my younger self, I would tell her to be present and to enjoy life the way it exactly is then.
Because it will never ever be like that ever again. So enjoy it and stop focusing on where you
constantly need to be because you’re gonna be where you’re gonna be. My age is only a tiny tiny
facet of me, it does not define who I am. And I absolutely do not have an expiry date until I
actually am dead in the coffin, that is when I expire. Not when I start getting wrinkles, not if I
don’t hit a certain age deadline. I am here and I will live my life on my own terms.(schedule)

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