Quiz2 1-2

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1) Explain a situation of yours about the concept of Maslows propetency.

The concept of Maslows principle of prepotency makes me think of the experiences I had back
then till now.My family did everything to make my life comfortable and so I was well fed,well
sleeped,and full of everything and that had me happy,heathy and enough time to be motivated
to do the things like homeworks,my hobbies and rest.As I get older the idea of safetiness is
already in me specially when I had a dog.I became more matured and experienced half of what
adults or parents does and that is to give shelter,take care,and find ways to make my dog live a
comfortable life.I gained a sense a of reality and an idea of wanting more,for being responsible
and sensible to things and being a great student led me to new friends,new people,that I got
acquainted to.So I studied so hard to be able to join different occasions helping me know myself
more on what I want,where I belong and somehow part of a group.I gained confidence
showcasing all my talents and achievements and the things me and my friends relate to gaiining
respecting from peers.The taste of success made me more competitive and it starts of the
thought of being financially stable so I could buy things for myself that would make me look
good and presentable to people,so I had to be strong physically and emotionally and thats by
excelling sports and acads in school so I land a job in the future and be stable of everything.I
got so creative and wanted so many things at the same time.By reaching this different stages
only I could see myself to relax and not worry giving enough time to take care of myself again,to
help other people without being busy and be devoted to the things and people I wanna spend
myself with.

2)Are you in favor of abortion in Philippines?Cite theories or findings that may strength your

Many women in the Philippines are unable to achieve their desired family size, and have more
children than they want.The Philippine government has made efforts to improve access to
contraceptive services, but abortion is illegal under all circumstances and is thus highly

Some Christian believe that life begins at conception therefore having an abortion goes against
the commandment "Do not kill"-which is taken very seriously by most christians especially in the
Philippines. Roman Catholics are 'pro-life' and strongly feel the fetus has no voice and needs to
be protected as it has done nothing wrong and is defenceless and vulnerable.They may also
believe that the 'Sancity of Life' over rules the 'Quality of Life',and that women should still give
birth to the child no matter what and can give it up for adoption after birth if they wish to.

I love babies and children but I get stress easily when they cry too much,puke,and drool over
you.But why do my opinion on babies allow me to kill one?I really dont like abortion.I'm pro
choice under certain circumstances,and for that matter,I disagree with the statement above and
feel that it is not essential to be against abortion if you are a Christian.I think the mother should
have the right to decide what happens to her own body and should be allowed in abortion in
cases of mental illness and rape or forced pregnancy.But if you're just having fun there are
consequences that go wiith it,or in my words "If you play adult games you have to play the full
version,risks included".Another thing is that I personally believe that you should ONLY be able
to get an abortion before it has a heartbeat.I understand that some people don't even know that
they are pregnant until after it has a heartbeat.My issue with this lies in some new laws
countries like New York passed the law where it's stated that women can recieve abortion up
until nine months wich is preposterous.It is a living child that the mother had plenty of time to
decide on whether she want it or not.There is no reason why you should have kill a baby that's
nine months when there is adoption.This is when it bends our morals and everything stated from
the bible.Another issue I have with the New York law is when pregnant females are attacked
causing a miscarriage are not considered as a murder anymore.Another state (Virginia) tried to
pass a law where you could recieve an abortion while in labor which I strongly opposed to.In my
opinion,this law makers just committed a crime of injustice.Policymakers and government
agencies should educate the public about contraception, ensure adequate funding for
contraceptive services and eliminate barriers to obtaining methods, particularly among
disadvantaged populations. To help destigmatize postabortion care, the government should train
more providers in the use of safer and less invasive methods of care.

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