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CoC1/2 Deck Officers Course

Orals and Simulator Assessment Guidelines

Simulator Assessment:

1. Conduct of passage and determine position

Handing over, taking over watch, position fixing methods, duration of plotting, reliability of
position fixing aids, allowing for compass errors, use of paper charts and ECDIS effectively,
knowledge of ship routeing and mandatory reporting systems

2. Safe navigational watch, at sea, under pilotage, and at anchor

ROR, main and emergency steering, change over procedure between hand/auto/emergency
steering, proper lookout, lights, shapes, sound signals, Bridge standing orders, log keeping,
duties of OOW in presence of Master and/or Pilot

3. Manoeuvre and handle a ship

Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics with special reference to stopping distance and
turning circle at various draft and speeds, manoeuvre in shallow waters, including reduction
in UKC caused by squat, rolling and pitching, giving helm orders, action in case of grounding,
collision, ship handling in heavy weather

4. Use of radar and ARPA for safe navigation

Evaluate, interpret and analyze data from Radar and ARPA, use of parallel indexing, use of
Blind pilotage technique

5. GMDSS and communication at sea

Responses to GMDSS alerts and take initial action, effective verbal communication within
Bridge team, effective use of VHF


CoC1/2 Deck Officers Course

Oral Examination
1. Bridge procedures, equipment and publications

Content and intent of Colregs including IALA buoyage system, lights, shapes and sound
signals, plan passage for all meteorological conditions, use of nautical charts, publications,
navigational warnings and circulars, characteristics of various weather systems

2. Response to Emergencies

Use of IAMSAR for SAR procedures, picking up survivors from rescue boats and survival craft,
dealing with fire onboard, actions taken to prevent the fire spread e.g. fire in the hold, IMDG
container, engine room, cargo oil tank, galley etc, fundamentals of water tight integrity,
initial actions in case of collision and groundings, damage assessment, operation of
emergency steering system

3. Cargo handling

Regulations, codes, standards for safe handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes,
such as IMDG, BC, Grain code, MARPOL, code of safe practice for cargo stowage and
securing, cargo stowage plan for various ships e.g. general cargo, container, tanker, bulker
etc, stowage limitations such as draft, stress, capacity, port rotation, compatibility, load
density, lashing and securing etc, use of stability and trim tables and stress calculating
equipment, handling of heavy lift cargo with relation to ship stability, cargo securing and
load density

4. Operation of LSA,FFA and deck equipment

Type of fire, action in case of fire in different locations, anchoring in tide way in confined
space, controlling dragging of anchor, clearing a foul hawse and anchor, hanging off an
anchor, maintenance of cables, breaking and slipping cable, knowledge of ship’s machinery
and use of commonly fitted deck appliances

5. Maintain seaworthiness of the vessel

Thorough knowledge of IMO intact stability criteria, vessels safety certificates, relevant
survey requirements, thorough knowledge of load line items affecting seaworthiness

6. Compliance with pollution prevention regulations and other regulations

Action to prevent pollution as per MARPOL, knowledge of Oil record book, SOPEP, Garbage
management, knowledge of distress and pilot signals and penalties for misuse

CoC1/2 Deck Officers Course

7. Compliance with legislative requirements

Thorough knowledge of SOLAS such as frequency and conduct of safety drills, operation and
maintenance of LSA/FFA, compliance with ISM code, role and function of Classification
societies, knowledge of Flag and Port state controls and their purpose, compliance with
hours of work and rest regulations

8. Operational safety

Use of IMDG code, MFAG, MSDS, use and care of commonly fitted deck appliances, use of
COSWP including ‘Entry into enclosed spaces’ and Hot work permit, comply with the
requirement of Factories Act (Dock, ships), extra precautions to take before the onset of
heavy weather and managing a ship in heavy weather, knowledge of method and safeguards
for pest control, fumigation of holds and living spaces, knowledge of various plans required
for dry docking and general procedures and precautions in Dry-docking with or without


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