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21st Century Level of Target Self - Learning Time Support Resources Barriers/ Solution/

Literacies 1 Competency 2 KSVA 3 Activities 4 Framework 5 Needed 6 Challenges 7 Action Points 8

Media Literacy Developing Learn how to discern Participate and engage August 2022 onwards Technology support. Unstable Internet Con- Seek support from
news and information on the activities in con- nection. your co– teacher and
Professional Advance-
based on the form and tinuous programs of from the school ICT
content as to how using media in facili- coordinator.
these information tating learning. Seminars/Trainings and Access to seminars or
Find time for mentor-
based on the form of Workshops on the workshops.
Make use of different ing.
content as to how different forms of me-
media sites in the dia.
these information are teaching and learning Lack of information
transmitted via various Discuss in the LAC ses-
process. about media literacy.
forms of media. sions about Media

Social/ Emotional Developing Acquire social skills that Get connected and be August 2022 B e a member of civic Unstable participation. Establishing trust to
Literacy conforms to the norms involved in a cause ori- onwards groups or any cause Cannot be able to the group you in-
of the current society. ented group. oriented group. volved with.
maintain long term
membership. Ask for Professional
Read, watch, attend, help or seek advices
on stress manage-
conferences, meetings,
ment and how to take
seminars, workshops,
care of your Mental
about Mental Health.

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