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Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003

Environmental Research Letters


Taxonomy of uncertainty in environmental life cycle assessment of

infrastructure projects
18 February 2020 Shoshanna Saxe, Gursans Guven, Lucas Pereira, Alessandro Arrigoni, Tamar Opher, Adrien Roy,
REVISED Aldrick Arceo, Sofia Sampedro Von Raesfeld, Mel Duhamel, Brenda McCabe, Daman K Panesar,
30 March 2020
Heather L MacLean and I Daniel Posen
Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A4, Canada
2 April 2020
21 July 2020
Keywords: life cycle assessment, uncertainty, infrastructure

Original content from

Supplementary material for this article is available online
this work may be used
under the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 licence. Abstract
Any further distribution Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly being used to evaluate infrastructure
of this work must
maintain attribution to products and to inform their funding, design and construction. As such, recognition of study
the author(s) and the title
of the work, journal limitations and consideration of uncertainty are needed; however, most infrastructure LCAs still
citation and DOI. report deterministic values. Compared to other LCA subfields, infrastructure LCA has developed
relatively recently and lags in adopting uncertainty analysis. This paper presents four broad
categories of infrastructure LCA uncertainty. These contain 11 drivers focusing on differences
between infrastructure and manufactured products. Identified categories and drivers are:
application of ISO 14040/14044 standards (functional unit, reference flow, boundaries of analysis);
spatiotemporal realities underlying physical construction (geography, local context, manufacturing
time); nature of the construction industry (repetition of production, scale, and division of
responsibilities); and characteristics of infrastructure projects (agglomeration of other products,
and recurring embodied energy). Infrastructure products are typically large, one-off projects with
no two being exactly alike in terms of form, function, temporal or spatial context. As a result,
strong variability between products is the norm and much of the uncertainty is irreducible. Given
the inability to make significant changes to an infrastructure project ex-post and the unique nature
of infrastructure, ex-ante analysis is of particular importance. This paper articulates the key drivers
of infrastructure specific LCA uncertainty laying the foundation for future refinement of
uncertainty consideration for infrastructure. As LCA becomes an increasingly influential tool in
decision making for infrastructure, uncertainty analysis must be standard practice, or we risk
undermining the fundamental goal of reduced real-world negative environmental impacts.

1. Introduction both vertical infrastructure (e.g. buildings) and hori-

zontal infrastructure (e.g. roads, bridges, tunnels).
Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) is increas- We focus on civil infrastructure (e.g. sewers, roads,
ingly being used to evaluate infrastructure products buildings) though much of the discussion can apply
and to inform their funding, design and construction to other infrastructure systems (e.g. telecommunica-
(Province of Ontario 2017, State of California 2017, tions, electricity networks).
City of Vancouver 2018, 2019, Infrastructure Canada While analysis of uncertainty and communic-
2019, Klimatkalkyl 2019). With increasing use in ation of uncertainty in results is accepted best
regulation and growing reliance on infrastructure- practice in LCA, to date, the majority of infra-
specific LCA standards (BSI 2010, BSI 2011 and BSI structure LCAs provide single value assessments
2016), there is a need to articulate the confidence (Chester and Horvath 2009, Iddon and Firth
with which results are known and to recognize key 2013, Hanson and Noland 2015, De Wolf et al
drivers of the uncertainty and variability across infra- 2016); the word ‘uncertainty’, for example, does
structure LCA. In this paper ‘infrastructure’ includes not appear in the EN15978:2011 standard. These

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

deterministic assessments omit explicit communica- uncertainty as they extend over even longer time
tion of the uncertain nature of LCA, which is critical periods and can occur far in the future in differ-
to proper interpretation of results (Lloyd and Ries ent socio-technical environments than exist today
2007, Williams et al 2009, Zhang et al 2019). Decisions (Gantner et al 2018). The additional uncertainty
based on a single value deterministic assessment can inherent in these long timelines is related to but out-
misdirect infrastructure investment. As infrastruc- side the scope of this paper.
ture LCA transitions from an academic discipline Section 2 provides a background from the lit-
toward having real-world influence on infrastruc- erature of infrastructure LCA and considerations of
ture decision-making, recognition of study limita- uncertainty in LCA. Section 3 presents important
tions and consideration of uncertainty are necessary drivers of uncertainty in infrastructure LCA and their
(Mendoza Beltran et al 2018b). deviation from manufactured products. We discuss
Infrastructure LCA has developed relatively the sources of uncertainty in infrastructure and cat-
recently and lags in adopting uncertainty approaches egorize their impacts. Section 4 explores implica-
common in other LCA subfields (e.g. fuels). LCA tions of these drivers with qualitative and quantitat-
began as a process for evaluating the environmental ive examples, followed by a conclusion in section 5.
credentials of consumer products (e.g. Coca Cola This paper articulates the key drivers of infrastruc-
bottles and milk cartons); it has since been applied ture specific LCA uncertainty, laying the foundation
to increasingly large and complex products and sys- for inclusion, and consistent approaches to, uncer-
tems like automobiles, building materials, and waste tainty as LCA becomes an increasingly influential tool
processing (Guinee et al 2011). The extension of LCA in decision making for infrastructure. The drivers
to infrastructure arguably stretches the ability of ISO of infrastructure LCA uncertainty categorized in this
standard LCA to capture the realities and complexities paper identify important differences between infra-
of these projects. LCA of whole infrastructure projects structure projects and manufactured products for
is only now starting to seriously address uncertainty. which LCA is most attuned. Wrestling with these
We argue that infrastructure projects present unique uncertainties is an important aspect of accurately and
challenges for LCA and associated uncertainty, stem- clearly communicating infrastructure LCA. The irre-
ming from the combined impacts of multiple devi- ducible nature of many of the uncertainties could
ations from traditional consumer product manufac- necessitate a move beyond strict LCA toward broader
turing. Assessing uncertainty in infrastructure LCA application of life cycle thinking to infrastructure.
has extra complexity related to the individuality of
each project: its size, the time to design and con- 2. Literature review
struct, and the accumulated uncertainty inherent in
being a system of sub-products (e.g. concrete, steel, Research on the energy intensity and associated
copper, electricity, diesel). These features point to environmental impacts of infrastructure attracted
potentially substantial uncertainty in infrastructure research attention starting in the 1970s (Hannon
LCA and the need for new sector-specific approaches. et al 1977). Early findings indicated that the envir-
A key challenge is that infrastructure is produced onmental impacts of construction materials and con-
in far smaller quantities than common consumer struction energy paled in comparison to operational
products, leading to a lack of databases to facilit- energy and, as such, received comparatively little aca-
ate LCA. For example, existing LCA databases may demic, government or industry attention for the rest
include entries for typical plastic packaging, but there of the 20th century (Cole and Rousseau 1992, Cole
can be no accurate standard equivalent for a ‘typ- 1999). With growing attention to the consequences
ical’ building or bridge. At the same time, compared and implications of global climate change and sig-
to other complex products, infrastructure is ubiquit- nificant progress reducing negative environmental
ous; we build many more buildings, for example, than impacts of infrastructure operation, increasing atten-
oil fields, ferries or jumbo jets. As ubiquitous, com- tion has been paid to embodied impacts and cradle-
plex products with outsized environmental impacts, to-gate LCA for infrastructure in the 21st century.
infrastructure requires subfield specific consideration For instance, a search for life cycle assessment, green-
of LCA, life cycle thinking and LCA uncertainty. We house gas emissions, and buildings finds nine relev-
provide a framing of the distinct drivers of uncer- ant documents in 1995 and 990 in 2018 (the last full
tainty in the life cycle environmental impact of infra- year before writing). Switching the term ‘buildings’
structure. for ‘infrastructure’ finds three relevant documents in
Full LCA of an infrastructure project includes 1995 and 791 in 2018.
assessment of the materials and energy used in Existing research has investigated the design and
mining, manufacturing and transportation to construction (cradle-to-gate) impacts of buildings
site, on site energy use, operation, and demoli- ranging from single family homes to large multistory
tion/disposal/reuse. We focus on assessments of buildings and institutional buildings, like libraries
design and construction processes. The operation and hospitals (Keoleian et al 2001, Iddon and Firth
and demolition phases create further complexity and 2013, De Wolf et al 2016, De Wolf et al 2017b, Ding

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

2018, Pomponi and Moncaster 2018). Modern find- (Ziyadi and Al-Qadi 2019); and critical review of stat-
ings indicate that the design and construction impacts istical techniques applied to interpreting LCA results
of buildings can be 50% or more of the total life in a comparative context (Mendoza Beltran et al
cycle impact (Skullestad et al 2016). LCA also been 2018a). However, while considerations of uncertainty
applied to horizontal infrastructure; roads (Hughes have become more common in other LCA sub-fields
2012, Hanson and Noland 2015, Noland and Han- (e.g. fuels), the vast majority of existing infrastructure
son 2015), bridges (Krantz et al 2015), rail lines LCA have provided discrete quantification with little
(Chester and Cano 2016, Hanson et al 2016, Saxe consideration of uncertainty. In a recent review of the
et al Saxe, et al., 2017a), water infrastructure (Pir- published studies, less than 25% incorporated uncer-
atla et al 2012), and components of infrastructure tainty into LCA of buildings (Richardson et al 2018).
construction (Soga et al 2011, Xu et al 2019) have The needs and benefits of more widespread inclu-
been investigated. In addition to whole project and/or sion of uncertainty assessment in infrastructure LCA
component assemblies, there is a large body of liter- can be illustrated by looking at the evolution of uncer-
ature on the environmental impacts of construction tainty treatment in the large body of literature on
materials (Hoxha et al 2014, 2017, Lasvaux et al 2016), LCA of energy and fuels. Early LCA of energy and
a key background system for whole project assess- fuels were largely deterministic, occasionally provid-
ment. While there is an increasing use of LCA and ing some treatment of uncertainty through the use of
other industrial ecology tools to study the environ- ranges or bounding scenarios (e.g. Deluchi 1991, Bell
mental impacts of the built world, infrastructure LCA et al 1995, Furuholt 1995, Lave et al 2000, MacLean
is still relatively early in its evolution and struggles et al 2000). Subsequent work provided more compre-
with challenges related to the complex nature of infra- hensive treatment of uncertainty in inputs/emissions
structure products. These challenges include access to from within fuel product systems (e.g. Venkatesh
data, diverging approaches among researchers, func- et al 2011a, 2011b, Hong 2012), later expanding
tional unit definition, properly defining boundaries, to uncertainty in producer/project specific analyses
extrapolating from case studies to the sector as a (e.g. Vafi and Brandt 2014, Masnadi et al 2018,
whole, and the development of infrastructure tailored Sleep et al 2018), uncertainty among LCA impact
approaches to LCA. characterization factors (e.g. Abrahams et al 2015,
Since its inception, the field of LCA struggled with Posen et al 2015), and even uncertainty within indir-
a potential disconnect between modeled and real- ect market-mediated consequences of fuel use (e.g.
world impacts. In the ‘decades of conception’ between Plevin et al 2010, 2015, Rajagopal and Plevin 2013).
1970 and 1990 (Guinee et al 2011), this tension was Evidence from these studies and others suggests that
manifest in diverging approaches that led to poor failure to consider uncertainty can lead to subop-
inter-comparability of results and competing claims timal or counterproductive policy decisions (Mullins
of environmental preferability. With the advent of et al 2011, Plevin et al 2014). There are now suf-
a standard framework first laid out by the Inter- ficient investigations of LCA of energy and fuels to
national Organization for Standardization (ISO) in warrant detailed meta-analyses and harmonization
1997, attention shifted toward recognizing limitations studies (e.g. Brandt 2012, Heath and Mann 2012,
of LCA results—initially through clear statements Menten et al 2013) that expose key sources of uncer-
of assumptions and data quality requirements (ISO tainty/variability across studies. Indeed, the wide
1997), and subsequently by adding a requirement for body of literature on fuels and energy has enabled
explicit analysis of sensitivity and uncertainty among practitioners to identify key sources of emissions
comparative assertions intended for public disclos- and associated uncertainties that were historically
ure (ISO 2006). Today, it is widely recognized that overlooked. Such developments suggest the potential
appropriate use of LCA results requires practition- for characterization of sector-specific uncertainty in
ers to convey the confidence with which those res- LCA to enrich our understanding of environmental
ults are known (e.g. Groen et al 2014, Hellweg and impacts of different products/systems.
i Canals 2014, Groen and Heijungs 2016). Thus, even Infrastructure LCA research has recently seen an
while many LCA continue to produce only determ- accelerating, but still early stage adoption of uncer-
inistic estimates, there has been a parallel prolifera- tainty analysis. Liu et al (2017) reported that uncer-
tion of techniques for uncertainty analysis, ranging tainty in concrete GHG intensity and LCA system
from the use of simple intervals and scenarios, up boundaries impact the life cycle GHG emissions from
to full stochastic analysis using Monte Carlo sim- road construction by up to 35%. Hong et al (2017)
ulation. Various references provide descriptions of provided an overview of approaches to parameter
the most common uncertainty techniques (Matthews uncertainty including data quality index, contribu-
et al 2014, Igos et al 2019), with others provid- tion analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, and para-
ing: more detail on advanced probabilistic techniques meter categorization. They found that key construc-
(Groen et al 2014); broader survey of uncertainty ana- tion activities have uncertainties ranging from 15% to
lysis applications (Lloyd and Ries 2007); proposals to 20%. Richardson et al (2018) examined the embodied
extend LCA uncertainty methods using data analytics GHG uncertainty in two alternative supermarket

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

designs focusing on material substitution between • Uncertainty due to choices, which arises due to
steel and glulam. Ott and Ebert (2019) highlighted normative decisions such as in regard to functional
uncertainties due to life cycle stage inclusion for wood unit or system boundary
buildings. Larsson Ivanov et al (2019) highlighted the • Model uncertainty, which relates to uncertainty in
importance of considering service life. Other research mathematical relationships or fundamental model
investigated the challenges in accurately quantifying structure
materials used in construction (Hoxha et al 2014, • Spatial variability, which refers to variability
Nahangi et al 2020) and the variation in impact brought about by differences in geographic con-
intensity of construction materials (Häfliger et al text
2017, Hoxha et al 2017, Pomponi and Moncaster • Temporal variability, which refers to variability
2018). The UK standard PAS 2080- Carbon Man- brought about by differences in the time/timescale
agement in Infrastructure requires considerations of of analysis
uncertainty (BSI 2016). Overall, uncertainty analysis • Variability between sources and objects, which
in infrastructure LCA has focused on two sources reflects other inherent differences between similar
of uncertainty: (1) uncertainty in quantification of processes
materials, particularly when predicting construction
inputs from the early design phase; and (2) the uncer- Infrastructure products are typically large, one-
tainty in material choices and the environmental off projects with no two being exactly alike in terms of
impact intensity of those materials. These sources form, function, temporal or spatial context. As a res-
of uncertainty have been examined for single fam- ult, strong variability between products is the norm.
ily buildings (Hester et al 2018, Tecchio et al 2018), Table 1, below, highlights the characteristics of infra-
multifamily residential buildings (Hollberg and Ruth structure products and their differences from manu-
2016, Cavalliere et al 2019), and multi-unit buildings factured products. Predicting life cycle environmental
(Röck et al 2018). impacts during design or early construction phases
While explicit consideration of uncertainty in is thus hampered by a lack of appropriate historical
infrastructure projects in LCA continues to be the data, creating a direct link between ex-post variab-
exception, there is a large body of knowledge out- ility, and ex-ante uncertainty. Given the inability to
side of the industrial ecology literature that discusses make significant changes to an infrastructure project
the consequential impacts of infrastructure develop- ex-post and the unique nature of infrastructure, ex-
ment. Harnessing this other literature may enable a ante analysis is of particular importance.
more complete accounting of emissions and uncer-
tainty than has been possible elsewhere in LCA. This 3. Drivers of uncertainty in infrastructure
includes geography, planning, and civil engineering provision
literature examining the economic, land use, and
behavioral implications of infrastructure projects Moving to deeper consideration of uncertainty in
(Cervero and Kockelman 1997, Ewing and Cervero infrastructure will require adopting and adapting
2010, Cervero and Guerra 2011, Kimball et al 2013, tools and approaches used in other fields (e.g. Monte
Nichols and Kockelman 2014, Saxe et al 2017a). Carlo analysis). It also involves a consideration of
To date, there has not been a systematic ana- the nature of infrastructure products, their con-
lysis of drivers of uncertainty in infrastructure, which, struction process and the uncertainties inherent and
we argue are qualitatively and quantitatively differ- specialized to these systems. The construction pro-
ent from uncertainty in the rest of LCA given the cesses of infrastructure stretch the traditional LCA
scale, temporal and spatial context of such pro- framework—originally developed for manufactured
jects. This paper provides an overview of these products—and add system-specific uncertainties to
drivers, focusing on what makes infrastructure pro- LCA. Table 1 discusses built environment-specific
vision unique, to inform LCA practitioners and uncertainty drivers and notes differences between
users in recognizing and thereby managing these construction process and traditional manufactur-
uncertainties. ing in a factory. The final column of table 1 out-
Multiple authors have proposed typologies of lines salient ways in which these drivers contribute
uncertainty within LCA (Huijbregts 1998, Heijungs toward uncertainty across the categories outlined by
and Huijbregts 2004, Lloyd and Ries 2007, Williams Huijbregts (1998). A simplified presentation of the
et al 2009). In this paper, we most closely follow the uncertainty taxonomy is presented in figure 1.
framing from Huijbregts (1998), dividing uncertainty The uncertainty drivers listed in table 1 fit
and variability into six categories: broadly into four categories: application of ISO
14040/14044 standards (functional unit, reference
• Parametric uncertainty, which relates to uncer- flow, boundaries of analysis); spatiotemporal realities
tainty in observed or measured values, includ- underlying physical construction (geography, local
ing due to inaccurate/imprecise measurements, context, manufacturing time); nature of the con-
unrepresentative data, or missing data struction industry (repetition of production, scale

Table 1. Differences in uncertainty between infrastructure projects and manufactured products LCA.

Manufactured products/fuels What makes infrastructure projects different Implications for uncertainty of infrastructure projects

Application of ISO Standards

Functional unit 1 product; usually easy to specify func- Multifunctional; similar functional units may Uncertainty due to choices:
tion (e.g. can contain x ml of water, or be fundamentally different (e.g. bridge crossing • Challenges with inter-comparability
y kWh of electricity); similar functional shallow river may require fundamentally differ- • Difficulty establishing baseline/benchmarks for comparison
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003

units are usually analogous (e.g. x ml ent structure than bridge crossing open strait). • Product lifetime variable, and often poorly specified; interacts with mainten-
water vs x ml juice) Buildings of the same size and shape can have ance/rehabilitation emissions
very different purposes and associated internal Source/object variability:
fit-out (hospital vs library vs factory) • Introduces potentially spurious variation when ‘buildings’ or building-types are all
grouped together

Reference flow Often clearly defined (e.g. 1 water bottle) Cannot be simplified into single unit (e.g. m2 of Source/object variability:
building is insufficient because different func- • Wide variety of reference flows may be used for normalizing inputs/outputs
tions require different design loads, e.g. science
lab vs condo building)
System boundaries One-time auxiliary activities (e.g. plant Construction usually requires auxiliary work (e.g. Uncertainty due to choices:
construction) usually not important utility relocations, temporary works, construc- • Difficult to specify system boundary (boundaries inconsistent between assess-
contributors to total emissions. tion of facilitating infrastructure, power lines for ment)
Each unit reasonably viewed as price- a power plant). • Need to include one-time processes
taker Can consume enough materials in one unit to • Consequential impacts often dominate (e.g. material supply & demand shifts are
Behavioral implications often limited to influence regional materials availability (e.g. sub- the norm; wide scale changes to user behavior extend beyond use of the product)
use of the product in question way construction) • Horizon of analysis influences material quantities (e.g. mainten-
Has potential to fundamentally shift lifestyle, and ance/refurbishment)
influence unrelated systems • Boundaries are often set based on available data
Parametric uncertainty:
• Material quantities heavily dependent on boundary selection
Model uncertainty:
• To what extent are consequential impacts considered? Can they reasonably be
S Saxe et al
Table 1. Continued.

Manufactured products/fuels What makes infrastructure projects different Implications for uncertainty of infrastructure projects

Spatiotemporal Realities Underlying Physical Construction

Geography Affects electric grid, transportation dis- Design codes vary across regions Source/object variability:
tances and impact on local population; Material availability varies by region • Fundamental nature of the product varies across regions, hampering comparabil-
usually does not affect fundamental Changes structural loading based on weather, ity
manufacturing/delivery process climate and seismic conditions • Material and sub-component availability varies
Many processes are seasonal (e.g. concrete curing Temporal/spatial variability:
in heated tents in cold environments) • Time and location are well specified for a given project
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003

• Need for climate-specific designs

• Variability due to geography is inseparable from parametric uncertainty (inputs
required) due to changing product characteristics

Local context Typically used to determine location of Noise ordinances influence construction methods Temporal/spatial variability:
plant (e.g. close to water source) rather Site layout influences available construction • Time and location are well specified for a given project

than process employed methods and material availability (e.g. ability • Past assessments have limited usefulness as proxy
to stockpile, local materials) • Unpredictability of weather; seasonality can affect emissions
Neighbours (NIMBY) influence what gets built Parametric uncertainty:
Site layout and project time/budget constraints • Key inputs such as weather, worker skill are unknowable during design phase
affect equipment choices Model uncertainty:
Site conditions (e.g. soil type) and weather affect • There exists a range of techniques for predictive modeling of construction pro-
daily operations cesses
Changes in ground capacity based on soil/rock
Availability of local construction teams varies,
affecting operating experience and equipment
Manufacturing/ Measured in days to weeks Measured in years to decades Temporal/spatial variability:
Construction time • Variability of background systems with time (e.g. changing impact factor of elec-
tricity) within a single unit
• Product design evolves over time—need for repeated/step-wise LCA?
• Difficult to foresee fate of components and materials at end-of-life
Parametric uncertainty:
• Data collection is more time consuming and less likely to be complete
• Actors change, hindering data collection
Model uncertainty:
• Actors change, hindering understanding of entire process
S Saxe et al
Table 1. Continued.

Manufactured products/fuels What makes infrastructure projects different Implications for uncertainty of infrastructure projects

Nature of the Industry

Repetition of produc- Same process applied repeatedly over Number of projects by manufacturer (e.g. archi- Parametric uncertainty:
tion process thousands of units tect, engineer, contractor) measured in the 10 s • Less historic data to draw from (data gaps)
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003

per year, rarely are any two identical. • Cannot collect multiple data points to establish uncertainty bounds
• Input characteristics differ between projects, e.g. type of concrete (data unrepres-
Model uncertainty:
• Relationship between design and quantities variable/poorly established
• Analysis most useful before product fully designed; pilot scale testing not available

• One-off disruptions (e.g. rework) may substantially influence LCA results (i.e.
temporary disruption not amortized over many units)
Source/object variability:
• Less relevant—projects often analyzed individually
Uncertainty due to choices:
• Limited ability to use prior work hampers extension to system boundaries in later

Scale—number of Analysis of first-of a kind (FOAK) or nth Construction methods mature, but individual Source/object variability:
plants, number of of a kind sites are always first of a kind; individual com- • No convergence among estimates
construction sites panies develop nth of a kind expertise on types Uncertainty due to choices:
of infrastructure (i.e. always a mix of FOAK and • Difficulty establishing baseline/benchmarks for comparison
One building is not representative of all build-
ings. Varies by designer, contractors, local condi-
tions (e.g. ground conditions). One bridge does
not represent all bridges, varies in length and size,
height, wind loads.
S Saxe et al
Table 1. Continued.

Manufactured products/fuels What makes infrastructure projects different Implications for uncertainty of infrastructure projects

Division of respons- Single manufacturer Multiple manufacturers and separate assembler Parametric uncertainty:
ibilities • Lack of central data source exacerbates data gaps
• Disparate sources of information that do not agree (BOQ, BIM, Estimates)
Model uncertainty:
• Large potential for inconsistency in data collection protocols and assumed model
• No actor understands entire process
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003

Source/object variability
• Often required to use proxy data from an actor (e.g. contractor) that may not be
representative of all actors.

Nature of the product/project

Agglomeration of May contain few components (e.g. only Usually contains a large number of components Parametric uncertainty:

products plastic for a water bottle) or multiple (e.g. concrete, steel, glass, asphalt, HVAC sys- • Data gaps and challenges collecting data
components (e.g. vehicle parts for a car) tems) • Joint uncertainty compounded by large number of inputs
• Potential for parametric uncertainties to scale superlinearly (as product of quantity
and impact factor uncertainties)
Uncertainty due to choices:
• Large number of subsystems may necessitate aggressive system boundary cut-off
Model uncertainty:
• Lack of centralized control; relationship between components less well understood
• Low ability for individual actor to change process (i.e. reduce emissions or reduce
• Internally consistent, bottom-up modeling for all components/processes is prohib-

Recurring embodied Products are manufactured once per life Recurring input of materials and manufacturing Parametric uncertainty:
impacts with limited future material replacement energy into the life product to maintain function • Data collection is never complete, initial calculations of material use become
expected (e.g. clothing, water bottle) or (e.g. roof maintenance in a building, repaving of increasingly inaccurate with time
some future material replacement (e.g. a road). Uncertainty due to choices:
transportation vehicle) • Difficult to specify temporal system boundary (when does manufacturing end?)
Model uncertainty:
• Full ex-post study not feasible on human time scales.
S Saxe et al
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

Figure 1. Categories and drivers of infrastructure LCA uncertainty.

and division of responsibilities); and nature of infra- the service(s), including the time horizon, the sys-
structure products (agglomeration of other products, tem provides as distinguished from the physical sys-
and recurring embodied energy). While categories tem. When defining the study scope, it is critical to
and drivers presented in the table are intended to determine the relevant functions as not all product
highlight key differences between LCA of infrastruc- functions may be of equal relevance, and the dif-
ture products and typical manufactured products, ferent options for fulfilling the functions (Weidema
they are not necessarily exhaustive, nor are individual et al 2004). The reference flow describes the phys-
drivers intended to be unique to infrastructure deliv- ical inputs/outputs required to provide the service(s)
ery. Taken together, however, these drivers suggest a described by the functional unit. For manufactured
need for greater recognition of the challenges involved products, the system is typically more straightfor-
in infrastructure LCA, and sub-field specific uncer- ward to define. Manufactured products/processes are
tainty analysis. As such, table 1 provides an illustrative often uni-functional (e.g. chopsticks, pencil), or have
discussion of each outlined driver. a small subset of defined functions (e.g. laundry
detergent bottle, which contains and protects the
4. Discussion of infrastructure LCA detergent during distribution and use). In contrast,
uncertainty drivers many infrastructure products are inherently multi-
functional (e.g. buildings, tunnels and bridges) and
This section elaborates on table 1. For each driver, with reference flows that would be impossible to
we provide illustrative examples of uncertainty with define rigorously in the absence of detailed construc-
quantitative and qualitative examples from the liter- tion plans. As infrastructure projects are comprised
ature. These examples draw from a range of infra- of a multitude of other products (e.g. rebar, pumps),
structure products based on data availability and to the reference flows would consist of the material list
highlight the diversity of uncertainty considerations of the building or bridge project.
for infrastructure. Regarding the multifunctional nature of infra-
structure products, the minimum living space is
4.1. Functional unit and reference flow defined as 165 square feet (~15.3 m2 ) per person
Defining a functional unit and reference flow are (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
critical elements to the goal and scope phase of opment 2007) but in many countries and socio-
any LCA (ISO 2006). A functional unit describes economic groups far larger apartments or houses are

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

common, indicating that they provide more than the of implications for the utility of the study and its abil-
basic function. Living spaces are inherently multi- ity to inform decision making. Uncertainties associ-
purpose; providing shelter, space for entertaining and ated with the functional unit and reference flow defin-
recreation, home offices and home daycares, as well itions may arise due to conceptual errors, such as not
as social signaling of aspects such as wealth. Multi- taking into account relevant information, taking into
functionality is common in infrastructure products. account irrelevant information, and/or incorrectly
The concept of Complete Streets (City of Toronto identifying the relevant market segment (Weidema
2019) is another example of the multi-functionality et al 2004). For instance, if a heated sidewalk were
of construction products in that roads should do a thought to be required for an application and this
lot more than facilitate the movement of motorized information were considered in specifying the func-
vehicles. Throughout much of the 20th Century, there tional unit but then in reality the heating was not
was little attention to streets having multiple func- required, then the functional unit would have been
tions, including safety and accessibility for all users, defined incorrectly and the life cycle impacts likely
facilitating non-motorized forms of transport such overstated compared to not including heating in the
as walking and biking and a focus on more liveable specification. Considering the above discussion of the
neighbourhoods that include shopping, trees, side- challenges of multi-functionality of many construc-
walk cafes, space for utilities, etc The image of trans- tion products and their often-changing uses over their
port infrastructure as only about moving people is lifetimes, the likelihood of conceptual errors in defin-
commonly manifest in functional units that focus of ing the functional unit is likely higher than for many
vehicle or person kilometer travelled, overlooking the other products.
multifunctionality of the project. In any comparative study of products, the func-
Another distinguishing feature of infrastructure tional unit must be the same for all products being
projects compared to many others, and one that com- compared. While a common functional unit could
plicates the definition of functional units, is that due be used for buildings and this would, in principle,
to their often long service lives, their form and/or satisfy the requirement for comparison, if the actual
functions may change over that life. These changes functions of the building were different or changed
may have major implications for the selection of over their service life, then the study insights could
appropriate functional units. For example, the ret- be misleading and result in suboptimal decisions. In
rofit of a century old industrial facility used for inter-study comparisons, differing functional units
manufacturing clay bricks was analyzed (Opher et al cause many challenges, the same is the case for setting
2019). The kiln building has been converted into an benchmarks (e.g. product must meet a target GHG
event and educational space with the aim of achiev- intensity) and as above, could lead to misleading
ing carbon neutral operations for the site (Evergreen insights and suboptimal decisions such as selecting an
2019). Functional units appropriate for represent- option that was actually worse for the environment
ing the function of the original brick plant build- and society. Overall, more effort needs to be focused
ing would not appropriately represent the function on methods that guide the selection of appropriate
of the event space retrofit building. Overall, in many functional units for construction products and a bet-
LCAs of infrastructure projects, functional units are ter understanding of the implications of the selected
not considered or are confounded with the reference units on the results of a study. Transparency and com-
flow. Rather than focusing on the service it provides, prehensive documentation of the process, including
authors often resort to a simplified reference flow, the implications of using alternative functional units
such as the product itself as a house (Ghattas et al and reference flows, will be critical for giving confid-
2013), subway system (Saxe et al 2017b), manhole, ence to this process and study results.
concrete pipe, or other precast concrete infrastruc-
ture product with an average service life of 100 years 4.2. Boundaries of analysis
(Hershfield et al 2010), or one m2 of floor area Drawing boundaries of analysis around infrastruc-
(Ghattas et al 2013). Other authors examined mul- ture products is a challenge and introduces uncer-
tiple options that inadequately captured the multi- tainty due to the interconnected nature of both phys-
function nature of the systems. Examples show differ- ical and social systems. On the physical side, the
ent results when normalizing by m2 living space, m2 development of new infrastructure products neces-
of function-based space (e.g. bedroom, garage), per sitates the construction of supporting infrastructure.
dollar of construction cost, and per person (Zhang A new building will require transport and utility
et al 2014, Norman et al 2016). connections or upgrades. Enough new homes will
Several implications result from the challenges require a new school. A new energy generation facil-
of defining functional units in construction product ity often requires new transmission capability. Due to
LCAs. Approaches where a functional unit is not spe- the physical disruption needed to manufacture infra-
cified or a reference flow is used as a proxy inherently structure products, construction itself can disrupt
overlook critical questions around how the building the function of adjacent systems. Examples include
or road, for example, is used, which has a multitude traffic interruptions due to construction blockages

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

(Hanson and Noland 2015), or loss of water and As illustrated in figure 2, large variations between
energy service proximal to construction activities. countries exist in the mean material intensities for
For large infrastructure projects, the scale of mater- both concrete and wood. The average MI for concrete
ial consumption can affect material markets. Further, ranges between 203 kg m−2 (Japan) and 666 kg m−2
temporary works of these projects can result in sub- (Austria), and for wood between 26 kg m−2 (Ger-
stantial impact, requiring additional attention in LCA many) and 75 kg m−2 (Norway). These findings
compared with manufactured product systems where are significant at a 95% confidence level using the
one-time processes tend to fall below LCA cutoff rules Kruskal-Wallis test, which suggests that there are
when accounting for the marginal impact over a large differences in the material intensity distributions
number of products. between the countries based on a p-value of 0.002
On the social side, the development of new con- for concrete and 0.001 for wood (see table S1.2 of the
struction products can have strong implications on supplementary information (SI), which can be found
the behaviours of people who interact with them. online at
A new highway incentivises more driving and more More information can be found in the SI regarding
development at the urban edge (Baum-Snow 2007). the descriptive statistics of the dataset and the results
A change in the size of homes incentivises a change in of the Kruskal-Wallis test and pairwise comparisons
other consumption patterns such as energy use, fur- of the countries.
niture, or food storage. Residential energy retrofitting The causes of these differences stem from local
can lead to gentrification and displacement (Bouz- history and conditions. For example, to speed recon-
arovski et al 2018). Across the literature, bound- struction in the 1950s, Austria and Germany shifted
aries for the LCA of the infrastructure have been much of their residential construction from masonry
defined in different ways. In transport infrastructure (brick and mortar) to concrete prefabrication (Wien
LCA, for example, boundaries range from embod- 2006, Amtmann 2010, Pugh 2015). The low wood
ied materials only to the consequential impacts of MI in both countries relative to the others can be
construction (Nahlik and Chester 2014, Hanson et al attributed to the restricted use of this material for fit-
2016). This introduces substantial uncertainty due tings and installations (Kleemann et al 2017, Ortlepp
to choices into LCA of infrastructure, leading to et al 2018). By contrast, the large availability of wood
inconsistencies that hinder comparisons across stud- in Nordic countries and in Japan resulted in most
ies. The highly consequential nature of infrastructure residential buildings being constructed with wood
decisions also makes indirect (market- and behavior- (Tanikawa et al 2014, Gontia et al 2018).
driven) impacts problematic to ignore (Plevin et al These results infer that geography leads to inher-
2014), even though their inclusion is challenging and ent variability in infrastructure construction. This
their uncertainty bounds are wide (Suh and Yang type of variability can occur on even smaller geo-
2014). graphical scales where local materials or history
strongly influence construction. As a result, seem-
4.3. Geography ingly equivalent products may be built in different
A reflection of the unique nature of infrastructure ways depending on their location. The influence of
projects (elaborated further in section 4.4) is the geography on building MIs also increases paramet-
influence of local construction traditions, architec- ric uncertainty whenever proxy data are required, as
tural trends, history, climate, and material availabil- there can be a strong influence from local geography.
ity (Gontia et al 2018). These influence the types and
intensity of materials used for construction in differ- 4.4. Local context
ent locations (Kleemann et al 2017, Gontia et al 2018, Going beyond the general region (section 4.3),
Ortlepp et al 2018). As an example of the influence of there are numerous local conditions that affect the
geography on constructed projects, we examine the construction process and associated environmental
inter-country difference in material intensity (MI) of impacts. These include the specific location of the site
buildings as reported in Heeren and Fishman (Heeren (within an urban core or on the periphery), the per-
and Fishman 2019). MI is responsible for the major- ceptions and sensitivity of neighbours to construc-
ity of embodied environmental impacts in infra- tion, the size of the site and the ground conditions
structure products (Chester and Horvath 2009, De (e.g. soil or rock, clay or sand), daily weather vari-
Wolf et al 2016). The database consists of 301 build- ations, and more.
ing case studies of different occupancy types (resid- As an example of the impact of local context, we
ential, commercial, industrial, mix-used buildings) discuss the GHG emissions of onsite equipment used
from 21 countries. We focus on residential buildings for the construction of infrastructure products. Local
as they represent more than 75% of the buildings climate and weather effects such as precipitation,
in the database. Looking at countries with at least temperature, and humidity affect worker efficiency,
10 data points each (Austria, Germany, Japan, Nor- equipment operating efficiency, and average engine
way, and Sweden) illustrates meaningful differences load, all of which lead to fluctuations in equip-
in MIs. ment emissions (Koehn and Brown 1985, Cole 1999,

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

Figure 2. Box plots of concrete and wood material intensities of residential buildings in Austria, Germany, Japan, Norway, and
Sweden (data from Heeren and Fishman 2019). Box plots show the median and the inter-quantile range of the material intensities.
N is the number of case studies in each country, µ denotes the mean and σ represents the standard deviation of material intensity.

Shahin et al 2011, Devi and Palaniappan 2017). Site of the factors shown in the table are related directly to
altitude impacts engine performance, with higher site conditions such as soil type, temperature, hauling
altitudes reducing fuel efficiency and increasing emis- distance, others are implicitly constrained by site lay-
sions (Caterpillar 2017, Fan 2017). Adjacent pop- out (e.g. fleet size), and others are more closely related
ulation and infrastructure affect hauling distances; to decisions made at individual sites (see section 4.7).
road traffic obstructions similarly affect hauling Results vary by up to an order of magnitude, both
time/speed, scheduling, and site layout restrictions between studies, and associated with variation in
(Ahn and Lee 2013, Devi and Palaniappan 2017); some specific site conditions such as soil type.
and, site size or compactness affect equipment idling Given the high variation in energy use and emis-
rates (Hagerty 2011, Ahn and Lee 2013). Soil type sions associated with local context, the need for
influences the extent of environmental impacts. For predictive modeling has led to the use of several
example, denser, wetter soils require more time and techniques. Typical methods include: Multi-Linear
higher engine loads to excavate (Lewis and Hajji 2013, Regression models (Lewis 2009, Hajji and Lewis 2013,
Forsythe and Ding 2014, Trani et al 2016, Devi and Hajji 2015, Jassim et al 2017), Discrete Event Sim-
Palaniappan 2017), and solid rock requires drilling— ulation models (Ahn et al 2010a, 2010b, Li and Lei
further increasing fuel use and emissions (Devi and 2010, Pan 2011, Jassim et al 2018), and Artificial
Palaniappan 2017). Additionally, temporary works Neural Networks (Ok and Sinha 2006, Jassim et al
and foundation construction requirements are adap- 2017, 2018). The proliferation of methods and mod-
ted to address soil types and water table elevations. els, each using different inputs, introduces a further
These impacts vary from project to project, even if layer of model uncertainty in embodied GHG emis-
the final constructed products are expected to be sim- sions accounting.
ilar. As with other drivers of infrastructure projects,
this further increases the uncertainty of LCA. This 4.5. Construction time vs manufacturing time
has a profound impact on parametric uncertainty— Constructing infrastructure products is inherently
particularly as many of these key inputs (e.g. worker time consuming. Projects can range from months to
skill) cannot be known prior to construction, or are a decade or more, depending on their complexity,
not considered part of design plans (e.g. equipment size, location, material, energy, and labour require-
selection). ment. In 2018, the average time to construct a mul-
For example, figure 3 illustrates site condition tifamily building with more than 20 units in the
variations on emissions from excavation oper- U.S. was 17.4 months after obtaining authorization
ations—often a substantial contributor to construc- (U.S. Census Bureau 2019). This does not include
tion environmental impacts (Sandanayake et al 2016, the time to conceptualize, design, assess environ-
Seo et al 2016, Trani et al 2016, Liu et al 2017). Many mental impacts, and consult affected communities.

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

Figure 3. Impacts of selected project-specific management decisions and local conditions on the GHG intensity of soil excavation.
Results are ordered according to the total range in predicted/observed emissions intensity. Categories that appear multiple times
represent results from different case studies. Results presented are based on: [1] (Lewis 2009, Caterpillar 2017); [2] (Hughes and
Jiang 2010); [3] (Carmichael et al 2012); [4] (Ahn and Lee 2013); [5] (Hajji 2015); [6] (Devi and Palaniappan 2017); [7] (Koehn
and Brown 1985).

In transportation projects, time from initial idea to far smaller variations in the emissions from concrete,
opening is measured in decades and is often more which is less electricity intensive. Over a construction
than 50 years including a decade of construction. period from 2013–2015, steel GHG emissions would
During the execution of the project, changes may have differed by up to 11% from a high of 1016 kg
occur in production technologies, market conditions, CO2 e in February 2014, to a low of 909 kg CO2 e kg−1
weather conditions, and input transportation logist- steel in December 2015.
ics that affect the calculation of the emission factors Extrapolating to a full building, figure 5 illustrates
associated with the materials, fuels and equipment the percentage variations of the embodied GHG of
used on the construction site. As a tangible example, non-residential buildings with typical materials com-
electricity is a major contributor to the environmental positions from China, Europe and North America
impact of construction, including some materials (table S2.11 in the SI) due to monthly (area) and
(e.g. steel) and construction-site operations. Emis- 18 month moving average (lines) variations in U.S.
sions associated with electricity production are sub- electricity emissions (2001–2018). Buildings with the
ject to potentially large intra- and inter-annual vari- North American composition are subject to higher
ations, due to changes in the mix of grid electricity inter- and intra-annual variation due to their higher
sources. average steel content (45%) compared to Europe
Figure 4 illustrates the change in GHG intens- (18%) and China (10%). Given that construction
ity with time for 12 construction materials, with a can take place over multiple years and may not be
range on dependence on electricity for their manu- evenly distributed throughout the year (e.g. slower
facturing. table S2.1 in section 2 of the SI lists the progress in winter months in cold climates), the use of
specific matches within the Ecoinvent v3.5 database a single average emission factor can introduce consid-
(Weidema B P et al 2018) for each material (e.g. Con- erable false-precision in embodied emissions estim-
crete Architectural = Concrete, 25 MPa CA-QC | con- ates, especially for metal-intensive buildings.
crete production). For each material, we substitute Electricity is one example of a system that will
the default upstream electricity mix with monthly change over the long manufacturing time of infra-
values of U.S. electricity GHG intensity from 2001 structure products. The environmental impacts of
through 2018 (Carnegie Mellon 2019), as described fuels, manufacturing processes, availability of mater-
in section 2 of the SI (tables S2.1–S2.10), and calcu- ials, and other systems can similarly change espe-
late the embodied GHG of the material with time. cially on long projects. As such, the bigger the pro-
As shown in figure 4, large variations are observed ject and the longer its predicted construction time, the
over time for the impacts of construction materi- greater the uncertainty is likely to be. In a similar vein,
als such as zinc, aluminum, steel, and copper, with planning stage assessments can be completed years

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

Figure 4. Percentage variation in the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of construction materials due to monthly variations in
the emissions of electricity generation in the U.S. (2001–2018).

Figure 5. Percentage variation of the embodied carbon of non-residential buildings with typical materials compositions from
China, Europe and North America due to monthly (area) and 18 month moving averages (lines) variations in the emissions of the
electricity generation in the U.S. (2001–2018). The figure is illustrative, and so Chinese and European electricity sources were not

before construction starts, thereby magnifying this 4.6. Repetition of production process
impact. Manufactured products are generally produced in
Beyond changes to the background systems, the large numbers using repetitive steps, infrastructure
long planning period for infrastructure projects often projects by contrast are repeated less often. For
leads to significant changes in the project scope and example, in 2010, 2.8 million passenger cars were
design features (Flyvbjerg 2014, Siemiatycki 2015). manufactured in the U.S; in the same year, 5917 high-
Modifications to the original scope and design of an way bridges were built (OICA 2010, U.S. Depart-
infrastructure project can happen across the design ment of Transportation 2013). In terms of LCA of
and construction process, even years to decades after infrastructure products, the scale of production is
the original concept was established (Rider 2019). a limiting factor that makes it difficult to obtain
These changes can result in substantial differences in numerous data points. As there are too few of the
the product and consequently its GHG emissions, and same product built within a suitably recent time to
often leads to rework or revision of works that result study and compare, it is very challenging to develop
in cost overruns and delays (Desai and Pitroda 2015), a database of infrastructure LCA to draw from for
further influencing the LCA results. new product LCA analysis. Given the small number

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

Table 2. Characteristics of new single-family houses completed in U.S. in 2016 (U.S. Department of Commerce 2016) and the variation
in cradle-to-gate embodied GHGs for primary exterior wall materials and framing materials.

Primary exterior wall material Framing material

Vinyl siding Stucco Brick Fiber cement Wood Wood Concrete

Building material (% 27% 24% 22% 20% 5% 91% 8%

of houses containing
the material)∗
Cradle-to-gate 1.83 0.091 0.454 0.679 0.168– 0.168– 0.121–
embodied GHG (kg 0.369 0.369 0.135
CO2e /kg)∗∗
∗ 2% of the primary exterior wall material and 1% of the framing material are other materials that are not accounted for in the
calculations.∗∗ From U.S. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database (U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database 2012), Ecoinvent v3.5 (Weidema B P
et al 2018), ICE Database v3.0 (The Inventory of Carbon and Energy 2019), Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) from American
Wood Council (AWC) and Canadian Wood Council (CWC) (AWC and CWC 2013a, 2013b), and EPD from (epddenmark 2016).

of products created, infrastructure LCA has to be regarding CO2 and local area pollutant emissions
tailored to the specific building, bridge, or tunnel associated with on-site decisions as discussed in
being studied. As such ex-post LCA, when data is section 4.4.
theoretically available, is of reduced value; it is too As a result of project-specific decisions, the pro-
late to change the specific infrastructure product duction of infrastructure products is similar to one-
and only loosely predictive of future projects. As of-a-kind production where there is a high level
such, uncertainty for infrastructure LCA is unusually of customization, low level of repetitiveness, large
aleatory. uncertainties, and complicated and dynamic sup-
The large variation of infrastructure projects can ply chains (Tu and Dean 2011). It also shows sim-
be illustrated by residential buildings. Large cities ilarities to the environmental assessments of emer-
have hundreds of thousands of buildings, more than ging technologies that are at the pilot or lab scale.
numerically sufficient to allow for comparison and In the earlier stages of development, these products
development of a background database. On closer have limited reliable data and higher uncertainty for
examination, however, residential building in urban LCA (Sharp and Miller 2016, Cucurachi et al 2018,
areas vary significantly in terms of type, age, size, Bergerson et al 2019) . Even though companies gain
material, function, and appearance (Meijer et al experience by building the same type of projects,
2009, Tian and Choudhary 2011, Ghiassi et al 2017). each site will have a different design and construc-
Table 2 illustrates characteristics of 738 000 single- tion team, owner, design requirements, and site con-
family houses completed in the U.S. in 2016 in terms ditions. For example, bridges vary with respect to
of the percentage of houses containing the types of their style, length, height, and effective loads. As such,
primary exterior wall material and framing mater- estimates of material and energy use do not con-
ial in the first row (U.S. Department of Commerce verge and there is a lack of historical data that can be
2016), and the variation in cradle-to-gate embod- used to establish baselines or benchmarks for com-
ied GHGs of these materials are calculated in the parison when conducting an LCA. Instead, we use
second row. comparable or similar projects (De Wolf et al 2016) to
Other factors that impact the repeatedness of establish benchmarks, but due to the wide variations
infrastructure projects include building codes and that exist, uncertainty persists and the applicability of
standards change through time (Martin et al 2015) these benchmarks are limited with wide uncertainty.
disconnecting new buildings from any data gath- There are initiatives to move site construction to
ering on older buildings built using a different standardized manufacturing facility production and
code. include more precast, factory-manufactured, com-
ponents. For example, modular buildings, units and
4.7. Scale of production components are made at off-site factories and trans-
Unlike manufactured items that are produced in ported and assembled on-site. This is favorable where
the same factory setting using the same technique, repetitive units are needed such as in hotels, schools,
equipment, and personnel, constructed facilities are hospitals, and offices (Ferdous et al 2019). Mass
uniquely designed and built, adapted to site condi- housing and small-scale works also include repe-
tions, and customized to have the desired appearance tition. However, the one-off nature of the con-
and functions (Halpin and Senior 2001, Pilateris and struction industry remains stronger in megaprojects,
McCabe 2003, De Wilde 2014). Due to these charac- such as subways and airport terminals (Kwofie et al
teristics, there is uncertainty in material and energy 2014, Brockmann et al 2016). A large body of lit-
use in construction, as the design and construction erature is investigating the ability of prefabrication
processes vary considerably from site to site. Pre- to reduce embodied emissions in construction, but
vious research outlined environmental implications the findings are not clear (Mao et al 2013, Teng

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

et al 2018, Tavares et al 2019). By improving data with process modeling in which each manufactur-
collection, prefabrication might decrease the uncer- ing stage is modeled individually using a bottom-up
tainty in construction through repetition, implica- methodology (Garcia and You 2015, Montazeri and
tions for reduced uncertainty requires further study. Eckelman 2016, Khojasteh Salkuyeh et al 2017), or
collected from the manufacturers (Franklin Associ-
ates 2011). In contrast, infrastructure LCA is often
4.8. Division of responsibility
forced to rely on aggregate results from other stud-
Project teams are typically created to deliver a partic-
ies for entire systems found within the product. In a
ular project and disbanded after construction is com-
study of a metro line, Saxe and Guthrie (2019) relied
plete (Halpin and Senior 2001, Yang et al 2011, Yusof
on Chester and Horvath (2009) for estimates of the
et al 2016). This reduces the sharing of knowledge
material intensity of entire surface level transit sta-
and best practices gained in previous projects, and
tions (Chester and Horvath 2009, Saxe and Guthrie
transferring professional knowledge to organizational
2019); Chester and Horvath (2009) similarly took
knowledge for reuse in future projects (Dave and
the entire train vehicle as a single input from an
Koskela 2009, Flyvbjerg 2014, Yusof et al 2016, Wang
LCA database (Chester and Horvath 2009). Infra-
and Meng 2019). Typically, the key parties involved in
structure LCA must then accept some uncertainty
the delivery of an infrastructure project are the client,
stemming from the variability between sources and
designer, contractor and subcontractors. Each party
objects since the modeled system is unlikely to be
brings their own objectives, interests, and cultures to
identical to the new one as well as from any incon-
the construction process (Arditi and Alavipour 2019).
sistency between assumptions across prior studies
Hence, the extent to which a party comprehends the
(model uncertainty). Moreover, the uncertainty in
boundaries of a construction project depends upon
infrastructure LCA unavoidably encompasses uncer-
its role in the project. Division of data follows divi-
tainties within the LCA of its many components.
sion of responsibility, which is usually not shared ver-
Agglomeration uncertainty is further exacerbated
tically. The owner for instance has little knowledge of
when the scale of the project requires the scope of
the quantities of materials used in construction; the
input quantities to be limited. For example, it is
subcontractor focuses on one specific task (e.g. con-
common for LCA of infrastructure to focus only on
crete forming) and has little insight into the rest of the
structural materials (De Wolf et al 2017a). Simil-
construction process. Due to the fragmented nature
arly, emission factors often have to be approxim-
of the infrastructure industry, there is generally no
ated because the exact identity of inputs is unknown.
central data source in construction projects. Within
With increased reliance on performance specifica-
the industry, there is a tendency to protect company-
tions (Lobo et al 2006, Alexander et al 2010) for
specific data. For example, data on waste and site
example, there is little information available about
energy use is difficult to obtain from subcontract-
material components such as concrete mix designs.
ors (Moncaster and Symons 2013). Also, the available
We contend that these added uncertainties are a dir-
sources of information, such as building information
ect result of the large-scale of infrastructure projects,
models, bills of quantity, and cost estimates are pre-
which represent an agglomeration of other products.
pared by different members of the larger construc-
As a result of the many inputs to an infrastruc-
tion team, using different methods and are commonly
ture project and the uncertainty on both quantities
not fully in agreement. This lack of coherent data is
and impact factors like GHG intensity, it is also pos-
a widely cited challenge in infrastructure LCA and
sible for uncertainty to scale in a superlinear fashion.
introduces an inherent uncertainty as data gaps are
Simplistically, a life cycle inventory results from mul-
tiplying input quantities by their respective impact
Overall, the division of responsibilities within
factors. In many other LCA subfields, it is com-
construction products challenges the detailed data
mon for either uncertainty of quantity or impact
needs of high quality LCA. This uncertainty is irredu-
factors to dominate. For example, the dominant vari-
cible without changing the structure of the industry
ability in grid electricity production is the relative
or its data sharing practices.
input from energy sources such as coal vs renewables
rather than uncertainty on the impact factors for each
4.9. Agglomeration of products source (Weber et al 2010). The dominant variabil-
Infrastructure projects are large and multifaceted, ity in freight transport by diesel truck is fuel use per
with the end-product being larger and more envir- t-km related to cargo capacity utilization rate and
onmentally impactful than nearly any other single drive cycle (e.g. Zhou et al 2017) rather than uncer-
product to which LCA is applied. As a result of both tainty in the impact factors for diesel (e.g. Venkatesh
the division of responsibilities (section 4.8) and the et al 2011a). Equivalently, consumer product man-
sheer scale of the product, it is often necessary to ufacturers typically know their inputs per unit
model infrastructure as a sum of other products— product, with uncertainty stemming primarily from
many of which have incomplete data. By way of com- the impact factors for these inputs. Infrastructure
parison, LCA of chemical products is often linked projects exhibit large parametric uncertainty in both

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 083003 S Saxe et al

input quantities (Hoxha et al 2014, Nahangi et al and 11 drivers where there are important differ-
2020) and impact factors (Häfliger et al 2017, Hoxha ences between infrastructure products and the man-
et al 2017, De Wolf et al 2017a, Pomponi and Mon- ufactured products for which LCA was originally
caster 2018), both of which are (usually) strictly developed and for which common uncertainty meth-
positive—leading to superlinear uncertainty when ods are most often applied: application of ISO
they are multiplied. 14040/14044 standards (functional unit, reference
flow, boundaries of analysis); spatiotemporal realities
4.10. Recurring embodied energy underlying physical construction (geography, local
Finally, where in many products there is a clear end context, manufacturing time); nature of the con-
to the manufacturing stage, infrastructure products struction industry (repetition of production, scale,
are often ‘re-manufactured’ in the middle of their ser- and division of responsibilities); and nature of infra-
vice life without changing function (e.g. repaving a structure products (agglomeration of products, and
road) (Makarchuk and Saxe 2019, Saxe S and Kasraian recurring embodied energy). We provided a mostly
D 2020). While ongoing maintenance is not unique qualitative and example driven discussion of the
to infrastructure, it differs by scale and by levels potential impact of these drivers, illustrating their
of uncertainty compared with simpler, shorter-lived importance and highlighting that they should be
products. Other products’ upkeep usually involves a considered in infrastructure LCA. Future work is
small set of pre-defined maintenance activities such needed to develop and agree on approaches for quan-
as cleaning filters and replacing refrigerant in air tifying and communicating these uncertainties—
conditioners, but maintenance of an infrastructure potentially necessitating a move beyond strict LCA
project typically includes major efforts related to toward broader application of life cycle thinking to
its numerous components and their interdependen- infrastructure.
cies. For example, a burst pipe might result in dam- Some of the uncertainties identified are irredu-
aged floor boards or allow faulty electric wiring to cible (functional unit, local context); others are sens-
cause a fire. Depending on the facility, a significant itive to changes in the construction industry (division
portion of the overall materials (up to more than of responsibilities), changes in the approach to infra-
100%) may be replaced during its lifetime. Refur- structure design and construction (repetition of pro-
bishments, as well as most maintenance activities, duction), and/or collection of better data (recurring
may take on different forms within presently used embodied energy). Many uncertainties will be diffi-
practices. Recurring embodied energy may add up cult to quantify, but their existence should nonethe-
to between 21% and 44% of a building’s life cycle less be considered.
(excluding end of life) embodied energy (Dixit 2019). As infrastructure LCA becomes an increasingly
Within 38 years, recurring embodied energy nearly influential tool in decision making about infrastruc-
doubled the embodied GHG of a streetcar line in ture funding, design and construction, uncertainty
Toronto (Makarchuk and Saxe 2019). The uncer- analysis must be standard practice, or we risk under-
tainty regarding these activities is further enhanced mining the fundamental goal of reduced real-world
if they operate for decades and are likely to evolve. negative environmental impacts.
The ongoing need for maintenance and refurbish-
ment leads to parametric uncertainty regarding the
scale of future maintenance operations. For example, Acknowledgments
any assessment based on initial construction will be
inaccurate as to full material needs. The total quant- The authors would like to thank our industry part-
ity and timeline of materials will be unknowable and ner, EllisDon for contributing the following: fund-
sensitive to future weather, unforeseen events and ing, access to data, and in-kind support of staff time
decisions about deferred maintenance. This connects to this work. We also thank the NSERC Collaborat-
to model uncertainty and how maintenance sched- ive Research and Development (CRD) program and
ules are predicted, for example with use, atmospheric Ontario Centre of Excellence (OCE) TargetGHG pro-
chemistry, and weather (e.g. freeze thaw cycles) all gram for matching grants and BASF and WSP for
affecting maintenance and future input of materials. in kind support for this research program. We thank
the anonymous reviewers for their comments and
5. Discussions and conclusions suggestions and the associated improvement to this
We opened this paper by proposing that the nature
of infrastructure projects, and the limited consid- Data availability
erations of uncertainty to date in infrastructure
LCA, necessitate a detailed consideration of infra- Any data that support the findings of this study
structure uncertainty drivers. We identified four are included within the article and supporting
broad categories of infrastructure LCA uncertainty information.

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