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Philosophy for Teaching Math

This is my philosophy of math education as a teacher candidate in the Cal State University of

Monterey Bay Credential program. My beliefs are based on my studies I have done in the

program and my experience I have had before and during the program. Ultimately, I believe that

an educator has to be a life-long learner and that this philosophy of mine will take different forms

once I begin to teach on my own. I look forward to the future for two reasons, applying my

philosophy as it is right now and adjusting my philosophy based on experience over time.


The base for my teaching style and philosophy is rooted in building positive mental attitudes in

my students and showing them the strength of self discovery in mathematics. The role of a

teacher is complex and diverse. I feel that having a well founded background knowledge of

mathematics needs to be accompanied by good instructional skills in teaching, promoting, and

assisting for students ' effective learning. Teachers are the guides and facilitators of knowledge.

As teachers we should motivate students to actively examine and extend their thinking, create a

conversational environment in which students share and construct their own knowledge, design

instructions that enable students to learn by discovering, align the curriculum according to

standards and students ' assessment, and apply technology to improve teaching and learning.

When all of these aspects are integrated into the class the students acquire a better understanding.

I have two goals for my students. First, I want my students to develop a conceptual

understanding of how the math they learned has meaning in a broader context. Second, I want
my students to walk away with a greater confidence in their own mathematical abilities, better

equipped to successfully approach math in the future. My teaching style will aim to achieve these

goals for all types of students. While my teaching philosophy will continue to develop with time,

there are defining characteristics of who I am as a teacher: I will employ multiple teaching

approaches to optimize student learning, I will strive to create an inviting classroom environment

to engage students, and I challenge students’ preconceived notions of mathematical ability and

mathematics itself.


● Curriculum. Must be coherent, focused on important mathematics, and well articulated

across all grade levels

● Teaching. Understanding what students know and need to learn and then challenging and

supporting them to learn it well.

● Learning. Students must learn mathematics with understanding, actively building new

knowledge from experience and prior knowledge.

● Technology. Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences

the mathematics that is taught and enhances students' learning.

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