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CSUMB College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: When I Grow Up Lesson Duration: 45 min.

Name: Diana Subject: ELA

Grade: Kindergarten
Chapa Academy

Class Introduction:
Description The reason I chose Evelyn and Tony for this lesson plan was because I
have personally been an English Language Learner growing up I identify
myself a lot on the character I chose of Evelyn. I added the
accommodations that I thought would help me if I were back in
Kindergarten and doing this lesson plan in school. As for Tony, I chose
him to have a learning disability. I decided to add the accommodations to
Tony to what I thought would best benefit his learning. I was able to learn
more about learning disabilities in this case Tony has trouble reading and
writing. I have a cousin who has a learning disability and did my research
on a possible application he could possibly use. Most important I chose
these students and the disabilities because as a future educator I have
started to take in mind what it would be to have a student in my classroom
with a disability and the process of making personal accommodations to
my lesson plans to make sure they are learning just as the rest of the

This class consists of 24 students; there are 15 boys and 9 girls. All
students have a Hispanic/Latino cultural background. Some students are
bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish. However, 17 of the students
are Emergent Bilinguals speaking entirely, or almost entirely, in Spanish.
Of the 17 students, 6 are emerging, 4 are expanding, and 7 are bridging.
There are no students with IEPs, however, two SST’s have recently been
filed by the cooperating teacher.

Student 1 ELL (Evelyn): Evelyn is a Kindergarten student, she is five

years old. She is the oldest in her family; she has a younger brother who is
three years old. Evelyn comes from a Hispanic/Latino cultural
background. She speaks her native language which is Spanish entirely at
home. Both of her parents speak Spanish only. Evelyn knows her letters
and numbers in Spanish. As well as communicating effectively in Spanish.
Evelyn uses visuals during class to describe what she is trying to translate
into English. This is what has identified her as a English Language
Learner. Evelyn currently has trouble keeping up with assignments during
class because of her language barrier she doesn’t understand directions.

Student 2 Learning Disability (Tony): Tony is a kindergarten student, he is

five years old. He is the youngest of three siblings. Tony comes from a
Hispanic/ Latino cultural background. Tony’s parents only speak Spanish
but Tony is also exposed to English through his siblings at home. One of
Tony’s strengths is that he is able to communicate with his classmates in
both Spanish and English. One of the things that Tony is currently
struggling with reading and writing because of his lack of phonemic
awareness. Tony has been provided with an Ipad in which he is able to use
applications such as speak it app and talk to me app that help him both
with reading and writing.

Background Prior to starting this lesson, students have practiced writing simple
Knowledge sentences using sentence frames (e.g., “I see the .”). We have
just finished reading the book, When I Grow Up, a day prior to this

Standards: Kindergarten ELA Standard: W.K.2. Use a combination of

drawing,dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts
in which they name what they are writing about and supply some
information about the topic.

Student 1: Evelyn can use the help of a classmate when reading. Her written
responses can be simple and short.
Student 2: Tony can use his Ipad to produce his answers for speech he can
use the speak it app and for writing he can use the talk to me app to properly
write. Tony can also be provided with sentence starters to help him with his

English Language Kindergarten ELD Standard: K.I.C.10. Composing/writing literary

and informational texts to present, describe, and explain ideas and
information, using appropriate technology,

Central Focus/ Learning The central focus of this lesson is for students to explore occupations
through the use of written and spoken language as well as a drawing to
create a sentence using a sight word.

Student 1: Poster of different careers will be posted to where it is

visual for students, fighterfire, scientists, nurse, construction worker,
etc. Each of the pictures on the poster will have a description of the
job or career. Evelyn will use sentence frames that will help her write.
Evelyn will also share verbally with the teacher what career or job
they chose and why.

Student 2: Tony will also choose a career or job and will write it down.
Tony will also be asked to sound out the career or job he chose. To
practice his sounds and pronunciation.
Lesson Learning Students will be able to use the sight word “want” in the sentence frame,
“When I grow up I want to be a .” both orally and in writing, as well
as illustrate their sentence with a drawing.

Accommodation for both students:For all students especially student 1

and 2 the word WANT will be the main focus, along with the sentence
frame, sight words will also be put up visually to students.

Student 1: Evelyn can get assistance with reading from a classmate and
with writing she can out together simple sentences as her response.

Student 2: Tony will be able to put together through a drawing. Tony will
then be asked to provide me with details about his drawing orally. When
it comes to writing he will be able to use the Speak it app.
Academic Language Students will be able to use the sight word, “want” to explain what they
Demands want to be when they grow up through use of a written sentence, a

Functions drawing that corresponds, and orally through partner talk.


Formative assessments will be taking place throughout the lesson

Assessment Plan,
Rubric, and where I will be observing, monitoring, and taking notes. This
Feedback includes observing and monitoring student interactions, student
Procedures After
Student Work engagement, students oral skills, etc.
Analysis Once students complete their independent work, I will be
examining each student’s work and writing notes for each for
things such as: students’ handwriting skills, ability to use spaces
between words, and whether or not the student created a
sentence using the word “want”.

Student 1: Evelyn will be able to continue getting assistance

from her classmate partner directly and will be up where
students can visually see it. Incase Evelyn needs more clarity
her classmate will be able to help her.

Student 2: Tony will also be able to get assistance from a

classmate or from the teacher. Tony will continue using his
sentence frames so he can continue getting help from his Ipad
applications. The teacher will continue to monitor Tony’s

Feedback will be given orally the next day. For students who need
additional support, I will either be working with them one on one,
or in a small group (depending on how many students need
additional support).
Materials When I Grow Up by Al Yankovic
Anchor chart
Sticky notes
“Spaceman” for word spacing
Student journal with room for drawing
Instruction Teacher does: Students do:
(Identify Accommodation for both student 1 and 2:
necessary Students will stop what
supports/scaffoldi I will gather students on the rug they are doing and answer
ng/ modifications) by first ringing the bell and saying
my cue by saying, “…eyes
the cue they are familiar with, “1,
on you!”
2, 3…”.
[Time Allotted: _10 I will have students clean up their Students keep their hands
] tables; by now, students associate the raised until the teacher is
bell sound with raising their hands finished speaking. They then
up in the sky until I have finished clean up their table area.
talking and then they clean up their Students wait to be called on
area. to go to the carpet. Students
I call tables to the rug based on the
walk to their designated spot
groups who have put all their
on the carpet.
materials away, “Ok group one great
job putting everything away, now you Students think about the story
can sit on your spot on the carpet”. we read yesterday and raise
Accommodation for both student 1 and 2: their hand if they remember.
After all students have sat down, I
will remind them about the story
we read the day before (When I Students may answer,
Grow Up). “Alright everybody, so “Yesterday we read the story
yesterday we read a story; who
When I Grow Up”.
would like to remind us what the
Students listen.
name of the story was?”

Student 1: Evelyn could be asked if

she recalls the book illustrations? If
she is having trouble understanding Students pair up with their
the question it can be asked in thinking buddy and discuss.
Spanish. Possible student responses: “I
remember Billy wanted to be a
I call on a student who is raising
snail trainer.” “I remember
their hand.
Billy wanted to be a chef.”
“Yes, exactly you remembered.”
Student 1: The teacher will be able to Students raise their hands and
read the book title in Spanish. share what they discussed with
I would then repeat the name of the their brainstorm buddies.
title in Spanish as well. “Ayer leemos Students listen.
el libro, Cuando Sea Grande”.

“There were many different things

that the character, Billy, said he
wanted to be when he grows up.
Let’s pair up with our brainstorm
buddy and think of the different
things he wanted to be”.
Student 1: Evelyn will be allowed
extra time if needed and will
continue to get assistance from her
classmate partner.

Student 2: Tony will get encouraged

to share his answers by asking
questions such as What did a blank
character want to be?

After 30 seconds, we will share as a

class as I write their answers on an
anchor chart. “Ok thinking buddies,
can anyone raise your hand and
share what you talked about.
“Wow everyone, great ideas! Today,
we are going to think about what you
want to be when you grow up. You
are going to take this idea, write a
sentence, and draw a picture of you
showing what you want to be when
you grow up.” Repeat in Spanish.

Accommodations for both students:

Students 1 and 2 will continue
working with their classmate
partners. Students will also use frame

Formative I will be observing students' responses as well as their interactions

Assessment with their “brainstorm buddies” (e.g., if they are participating, use of
complete sentences).
Student 1: I will observe and see if the student is able to connect the
right image to the right word. I will also observe to see if she is using
English language when speaking with her classmate partner.
Student 2: I will observe and see if the student is able to connect the
right image to the right word. I will also observe to see if Tony is
using the sounding out the word strategy.

Instruction Teacher does: Students do:

and/or Practice Before moving on, students will Students jump in their spot
Activity stand and jump 10 times for a “brain
10 times before sitting
break”. “Now, before we move one,
back down.
(Identify lets have a brain break and get the
necessary wiggles out.”
supports/scaffoldi “Ok everyone, we read about what Students listen to teacher
ng/ modifications) Billy wants to be when he grows examples.
up, but what do you want to be
[Time Allotted:10] when your grow
up?” (Repeat in Spanish) “I could say,
when I grow up, I want to be a
teacher. Or, when I grow up, I want to Students continue listening
be a doctor.” and looking at the anchor
I use and show the anchor chart
with the sentence frame, “When I
grow up I want to be a .”
written boldly by pointing to it and
placing an index card with the word
‘teacher’ on the empty line. Students on the red or blue
Students will remain seated in their spots turn around to face their
spots for this thin pair to share. partner. Students discuss
“Now, let's think about what you
possible things they want to be
want to be when you grow up. If you
are sitting on a red or blue spot, turn when they grow up.
around to face a partner. Think
together about different jobs people
have and what you want to be when
you grow up. Then, you are going to “…Eyes on you!” Students
share with the class.” Repeated in turn back around to face
Spanish. the teacher. Students raise
“1, 2, 3… (wait for response) Great
their hands and answer.
sharing everybody! Now, raise your
hand to share what you want to be Possible responses: “A
when you grow up.” (Repeat in police officer” “A doctor”
Spanish; students are encouraged to “A princess”, etc.
answer in any language) Students look and listen.
I write student responses boldly
on an index card and place them
on a pocket chart that is located Students go one by one and
next to the anchor chart.
place an index card and say
Once I have received enough ideas, their sentence frame while
students will practice using the using a pointer to point at
sentence frame by coming up to the each word they are saying.
anchor chart and placing an index
card with an occupation on the
space in the sentence frame and
reading the sentence frame out loud.

Formative During this time, I will be observing students' verbal skills when they
Assessment say their sentence using the sentence frame; also observing which
students use the pointer for the correct corresponding word they are
saying while reading.

Instruction Teacher does: Students do:

and/or Practice “Great job everyone! There are so Students listen.
Activity many cool things you want to be
when you grow up.”
(Identify At this time I would show students
Students listen and look
necessary an example of my sentence that
supports/scaffoldi at the example.
goes along with a drawing. “When
ng/ modifications) I was in kindergarten I wanted to
be a teacher so here is my
[Time Allotted: 15-20 sentence, ‘When I grow up I want
min] to be a teacher.’ and here is my Students listen.
drawing of me as a teacher.”
“Now, we are going to practice
writing what you want to be when we Students grab their personal
grow up and draw what you would
writing journal and decide
wear for that job.”
where they want to work.
Students grab their writing journal
and are able to work either on the Students work
carpet with a clipboard or at their independently on their
tables. sentence using the sentence
This is independent writing time, frame.
although students are able to whisper
to each other or talk to me if they
need clarification.
Accommodations: Evelyn and Ivan
will work with their partners and I
will work with them closely to clarity
instructions to both.
Student 1: Evelyn will receive
instruction in Spanish from her
classmate partner only when needed.
Evelyn will refer to the career job she
chose from the poster. Evelyn will
then write her sentences then I will
review her sentences with her.

Student 2: Tony will work with his

classmate partner. He will continue
using his ipad to write his sentences.
His classmate partner will also help
pronouncing the career or job Tony
chose. I will have Tony read to me
his sentence out loud.
Closure with Teacher does: Students do:
Assessment Students finish up their work.
After the time for the practice
activity is over, students will be Students know the bell
brought back to the rug with their means to drop what they are
[Time Allotted: 5min ] writing journals. doing and put their hands in
Teacher rings the bell and says “1, 2, the air; students respond,
3…” “Great work everyone! Now
“Eyes on you!” After the
finish cleaning your areas and go to
your spot on the rug with your teacher is finished talking,
journal.” they clean up their area.
Once all students got to the rug: Students listen.
“Alright everybody, today we used
the sight word “want” in a sentence
to explain what we want to be when
we grow up; we also drew a picture
to show our sentence. Now, you are
going to share with each other what
you want to be when you grow up;
this also helps us practice using our This means partner talk time;
words to say sentences.” students should know the
We have been practicing partner talk procedure by now but will be
by standing in a sharing line. There reminded if they are unsure.
are four rows, students stand in their Students stand up and face their
spots and the students on the outside
face inwards; students on the red
and green spots share first. A timer
is put on for 1 minute then the two
rows of students on the inside rotate
to the next partner. This is repeated Students share their sentences
about 5 times. “Peanut butter jelly and drawings.
time!” (Pair share)
“Tell each other what you want
to be when you grow up using
the sentence frame, ‘When I
grow up I want to be a
.’, also share your drawing.”
Sentence frames will still be up on Assessment:
the anchor frame if they want to Students turn in their writing
reference it. Directions repeated in journal back in the designated
Spanish. box; there should be enough time
for students to finish but if they
Student 1: Evelyn will be able to are not finished, they will have
share her drawing in Spanish.
time the following day to do so.
Student 2: Tony will talk about his
drawing with the assistance of his
At the end of the lesson, I will be
collecting student work. I will be looking
through each student’s work while
making notes: specifically if they are able
to write a sentence with the word “want”
but also legibility of their writing, use of
spaces, etc. Students will receive oral
feedback the next day and I will be
taking time to help those that need extra
help, using Spanish for EB students.

Student 1: I will continue monitoring

Evelyn’s work this can be through the
use of short sentence phrases. I will also
see how useful the visuals were to her.

Student 2: I will continue monitoring

Tony’s work from his drawing and ipad
assistance. I will look for how the visuals
were helpful for him.

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up Rubric

Ex De Dis Ex
e v c p
m e o l
p l v o
l o e r
a p r i
r i i n
y n n g
4 g g 1
3 2
Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is unable to

the word “want” in complete two of the complete one of the complete any of the

the sentence frame, tasks (either write tasks (either write tasks (either write
the the the

“When I grow up I word “want” using word “want” using word “want” using
the the the

want to be a .”, sentence frame, sentence frame, sentence frame,

draw draw draw

draw a picture that a picture that a picture that a picture that

corresponds to the corresponds to their corresponds to their corresponds to their

sentence, and use drawing, or use the drawing, or use the drawing, or use the

sentence orally sentence orally sentence orally sentence orally

during during during during

partner talk. partner talk). partner talk). partner talk).

Student 1:Evely
was able to use the
word “Want”
correctly; she was
able to draw a
picture and was
able to write short
connecting to her
Student 2: Tony
was able to write
short responses
about what he was
dictating with the
use of his ipad. He
drew a picture that
connected back to
his sentence. Tony
was able to orally
pronounce his
sentence using his
ipad assistance.

The several adaptations and modifications I constructed to this lesson plan will benefit Evelyn in
her classroom. It will allow her to use both her native Language and the language she is still
working on. Providing her with visuals about possible careers and jobs. These modifications will
allow the inclusion of English Language Learners in a general classroom setting. Through these
modifications students will feel included in the classroom if their needs are being met through
the proper modifications making Evelyn feel comfortable. Both classmates and teachers have
shown that they have patience and will make the proper modifications needed for Evelyn to
complete her work.
Tony as well some modifications and adaptations I did for this lesson was allowing Tony to use
his ipad, for assistance I also provided Tony with visual posters with the titles of the different
careers and jobs. This modification shows the inclusion of Tony in a general education
classroom setting that regardless of his learning disability he was able to get the additional
support he needed by granting him the use of his ipad to complete his work. The application
speaks it app and the talk to me app and being allowed extra time for him to complete his work
Tony is able to successfully participate and complete his work in a general education classroom.

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