Project Charter City of Kingston

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Project Charter

City of Kingston Redevelopment

Kareece Brown: 20211242

Omar Christie: 20211094

Jovan Coward: 20162766

O’Neil Jagoo: 030016

Graduate Studies Excelsior Community College

BPMF5101: Project Management Foundations

Assignment #1

Dr Marlon Farquharson

Due Date: November 01, 2021

City of Kingston Redevelopment 2

Table of Contents

City of Kingston Project Charter................................................................................................3

Project Title and Description:.................................................................................................3

Project Summary:...................................................................................................................3

Project Manager Assigned and Authority Level:...................................................................4

Business Case:........................................................................................................................4

Resources Preassigned:..........................................................................................................5


Stakeholders List.................................................................................................................6

Stakeholder Requirements as Known:....................................................................................6

Product Description or Deliverables:.....................................................................................6

Measurable Project Objectives:..............................................................................................7

Project Approval Requirements:............................................................................................7

High-Level Project Risks:......................................................................................................8

Project Sponsor Authorizing This Project:.............................................................................8

City of Kingston Project Charter

City of Kingston Redevelopment 3

Project Title and Description:

The goal of this project is to offer the City of Kingston with conceptual database

designs, review, and development of existing databases. With the inclusion of an ArcGIS

system (Geographic Information System) (GIS), this will manipulate data to assure and

promote safe future pedestrian access to areas by upgrading city signage, pedestrian walk

signal devices, and identifying and correcting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

pedestrian hazards.

Project Summary:

The main leader will be the Public Work Department which is sponsored and operated

through the stakeholders of the City of Kingston and local government. Other city agencies

will include: the Kingston & St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), Transport

Department and the Water Department, which will collaborate to locate all signs which may

be lost to deterioration, and add new signs that are needed and already in the process of being


A suitable and experienced technology firm will be contracted to undertake the

technical aspect of the project by means of a Request for Proposal (RFP). The decision was

made to use an RFP as it is the proper and lawful procedures for government at all levels to

use in awarding of contract unless the requested services is unique and is offered by a very

limited number of providers. This will remove all perception of bias, corruption, cronyism,

and nepotism which will build public confidence within this project. This process will

involve companies bidding after assessing our clearly stated scopes and goals. This will allow

for experts in the field to suggest a suitable timeline and outline the task they will undertake

using global best practices along with the associated charge. This method will ensure value

for public funds as it is the project managers goal to choose carefully after evaluating all bids.
City of Kingston Redevelopment 4

Once the project is completed and successful, it will contribute to the growth of the business

community because pedestrians now appreciate and trust the effective system.

Project Manager Assigned and Authority Level:

Omar Christie has a high success rate in completion of projects timely and an

excellent history in information technology, specifically Database updating and evaluating.

Omar will be assigned as the project manager for this project, with authority to select the best

project team members and establish the final project budget. This group will work with the

city team to ensure that the best contractors are chosen to complete the project.

Business Case:

● The goal of this initiative is to minimize or eliminate the number of traffic accidents

and fatalities that occur in the City of Kingston by 60% in the first year.

● With the implementation of city signs, signal devices, and a reduction in ADA

pedestrian hazards, the number of injuries on the city's streets will drop dramatically.

● To maintain pedestrian safety by providing a functional, versatile, and configurable

system software that is user pleasant.

● Pedestrians will be safer in the future thanks to the inclusion of the GIS to the city

matrix and database. As a consequence, more patrons will visit the city to conduct

business, resulting in economic growth.

● Access to building or Pavilion for public washrooms and equipment.

● It is anticipated that it will increase pedestrian contentment and trust in the technology

that will keep them safe throughout Kingston.

Resources Preassigned:

Preassigned team member:

City of Kingston Redevelopment 5

● Omar Christie: Expert in Safety database and GIS

● Jon Web: Community Engagement Officer

● Alice Graham: Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations

● Richard Mitchell: Installation team

There will be a need for computers, specifically laptops, for mobility throughout the

city when programming the signal devices and establishing the GIS, and other related capital

expense items.


The Mayor’s office of the City of Kingston will be the main sponsor. They will purchase the

GIS platform needed for a functional pedestrian safety system. Local Government sponsors

will contribute to other essential equipment and material for the completion of the project.

Stakeholders List

Stakeholder or Group Interest

Mayor Office of City of City Leadership

City of Kingston Redevelopment 6


MPs of the City of Kingston Leadership and resident


Community Development Exploratory Data Analysis

Director; Rachel Jay (EDA)

Jamaica Institution of Consultative and engineering

Engineers expertise.

Stakeholder Requirements as Known:

The stakeholder requirement of this project will involve the development of an

ArcGIS geodatabase that will contain current data regarding the city’s signs, all pedestrians

walk signal devices within city boundaries and pedestrian hazards dictated by The American

with Disability Act (ADA). A custom GIS application will also be developed to ensure that

the data can be accessed and updated as required by users.

Product Description or Deliverables:

1. A database model will be organized which will lead to the database design and

development to store information related to the signs and other city’s resources.

2. An evaluation of the existing data sources will be done and the viability of the used of

these data sources will be presented for decision making.

3. There will be ongoing collection of data on the ground in the city of Kingston to

ensure that all signs and related information are up to date and recorded. The data will

be sanitized and made available for entry in the new database.

4. The application that will be responsible to interface with the database will be

conceptualized and developed. Testing and debugging will also be included in this
City of Kingston Redevelopment 7

step. The application will be aimed to meet all the requirements and efficiency for a

user-friendly experience.

Measurable Project Objectives:

The goals or objectives of this project is to maintain pedestrian safety by implementing a

functional and versatile system software, signage and signal devices. The implementation of

this project will reduce the lack of safety and injury of pedestrians by 60%. Pedestrian

satisfaction and safety are the top priorities on this project, closely followed by schedule and

then cost.

● Budget for the City of Kingston Project: USD$183,000

This budget is suggested for contracted services.

● Estimated Time of Completion: April 15, 2022.

Project Approval Requirements:

The following approvals are required for the project to be successful:

● Before planning can begin, the sponsor must accept the Work Breakdown Structure


● System software and hardware for the project are located and quotations established.

● The sponsor must accept the list of quantifiable risks before any more preparation can


The sponsor will make the final decision on project approval.

City of Kingston Redevelopment 8

High-Level Project Risks:

● Project constraints may affect the timelines and scope of the project which include

high levels of trafficking within the city.

● Accidents are almost always a constant possibility. Therefore, any delay in the

installation of signs, signal devices and system software either upgrading or new

implementation could see an increase in the number of accidents or injuries.

● Theft of materials and equipment which will cause a setback in the project’s timeline.

● These implementations will improve pedestrian’s satisfaction and reduce the amount

or frequency of accidents.

● Because the integration of this system is diverse, changes to the system could affect

the vehicle trafficking system and the results can impact other business functions

throughout the city.

● The threat of external environmental factors like natural disasters may pose a risk in

delaying or even abandoning the project. Care is therefore being taken to observe

seasonal events and commence and complete the project outside of these periods.

Project Sponsor Authorizing This Project:

Kareece Brown Omar Christie

___________________ _________ _________
President Project Manager
Public Work Department

O’Neil Jagoo
Jovan Coward
______ __________
Vice - President
Sponsor Mayor’s Office
Public Work Department

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