Lesson 7 Search Operator 03

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Module 7 Search Operators (3)

4. Search Operators (3)

In this module we will further learn about some remaining search operators. 

1. Stocks Operator

Using this operator, we can find the trend of the stock market for a particular company for example, if
we want to see what the stock market trend for the company “Apple” is, we can write the following
query:  ü stocks:aapl

2. Map Operator

If we are interested to see the map of some location, we can use map operator in the
following way: ü map:Lahore

3. Movie Operator

Using movie operator, we can find information about any movie. For
example, try:  ü movie:steve jobs

4. Compare Food

If you want to compare two foods based on their nutrient values, you can go and explore the
following website: 

 https://www.myfooddata.com/ 
o Define Operator

If you are interested to find the definition of a particular term, type: 

 Define:Computer
o Image Search

There is a dedicated web link at Google:


Using this link, you can search images even by giving a query of another image. Google will provide
you other images which look quite similar to the queried image. 
7. Tilt

This is an interesting option available at Google. Using this option, you can perform number of funny
things with the shown screen of the Google. For example, you can rotate the Google screen to 360
degree etc. To do it type the following query: 

o Tilt

On the show results, select the appropriate link like: https://elgoog.im/tilt/ and then perform the
interesting tricks with the Google screen. 

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