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Module 8 Advanced Search Operators

4. Advanced Search Operators

In this module, we will learn some advanced search operators.

1. Intitle

This operator will give us only those web pages in which the searched term appears in the title of the
web pages. For example, if we are interested to search web pages in which the phrase “iPhone vs.
android” appears in the title, we can write the following query. 

 Intitle:“iPhone vs. android”
o Allintitle

The next similar operator is allintitle without double quotation. This will find all those web pages in
which any of the word “IPhone” or “android” is found. The query would be: 

 allintitle:iphone vs. android
o inurl and allinurl

The “inurl” operator finds all those web pages which contains the mentioned query in the url of the
web pages. For example, if we try the following query: 

 inurl:2018 “virtual university”

This will give us all those web pages in which 2018 is written and the phrase “virtual university” is

As we had allintitle above, here again we have allinurl which means it will find any of the those
mentioned terms within the url and will fetch all those pages in which any of the mentioned query
terms are present. 

4. Intext and allintext

If we are interested to search anywhere in the body of the document, we can use intext operator, for

 intext:“virtual university admissions 2018”  this will give all those pages in
which the whole phrase is present as it is. Furthermore, we can
try:   allintext:virtual university admissions 2018

 Which will return all those pages in which any of those terms are available. 

5. Proximity Search

Suppose we are interested to search two words: 

 Education 
 Virtual university

But both words should be collocated on the web page within the margin of three words. To achieve
this, we can use the operator around. 

 education AROUND(3) "virtual university"

This query will give all those web pages on which both words are available within the margin of
three words. 

1. Let’s solve a complex Query

As we have learnt many operators, now let’s solve a bit complex query. The query is:

“We are interested to see how many of pages of a website are not secured?” –inurl:https      

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