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SKETCHES SCALE PERSPECTIVE ORIENTATION CONCEPT GROUP 2 ROAB AILIN ELIZAB GONZALEZ AREVALO KERSON GALVEZ LIA GARCIA JEREMY QUINO DANNA AMADOR INTRODUCTION In this unit, we'll learn a bit about sketching, perspective, orientation, and concepts. This will help us to know the process of a sketch, in which sketches are classified, whether conceptual, analytical, among others, sketches are essential for our career, since it helps us to have more practice in the strokes, we will also learn about the different perspectives to make a sketch, or carry out the development of a plan, this is undoubtedly the most fundamental for our career, since everything is based on perspectives, their different points of view among others. We will see a little about orientations, this will help us to know which is the best orientation so that a house can have more sunlight, be it north, south, east, west and different concepts that as future architects we need to learn The sketches: The process serves as a graphic study, with which the artist examines and determines methods. Each sketch that we make helps us to streamline our hand and when making our plans it is easier for us, so it is important to know exactly each of the processes to obtain a perfect result. Perspectives: The goal is to create an illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. Perspectives help us when making a sketch of a house or anything else. Orientation — The orientation of the drawing view is generally derived from the orientation of the model. It is important when building a house, so to be able to provide the desired natural light, it is ary important now to be able to do the shading well. Concept: Technical drawing includes works such as sketches, diagrams, diagrams, among others. It is important to have an extended vocabulary that helps us to function much better than now. INDEX O04 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOPICS os CONCLUSION o9 BIBLICAL INTEGRATION 10 BIBLIOGRPHY 11 ANNEXES SKECTCHES VOCABULARY * SKETCH Isa drawing dobe by hand to illustrate an idea. is to create a two-dimensional representation of it by making marks on a surface. * CONCEPTUAL Is a quick sketch done at the moment an idea is first conceived. * ROUGH If a sketch is rough, it’s imprecise or unfinished. * PENCIL Is a writing implement that uses soft graphite to make marks, and can be erased with relative ease. * PRELIMINARY It comes before other conceptual drawing or discussions * ABSTRACT Its not a literal representation of an object. * OBSERVATIONAL Is a sketch of an exi * ANALYTICAL ing buildign or landscape. Is an exploration of a specific desing element, usually done more or less to scale. * COMPONENTS It’s a part of an overall whole. The Skectch is a a rough or unfinishe drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture. Knowing its meaning we can learn a little more about this vocabulary. For us as drawing students, the sketch isa very useful tool, because it helps us to be able to do or design ina different way without damaging the main idea, giving it a great help to the thoughts that fly around us. PACE 04 PERSPECTIVE VOCABULARY + PERSPECTIVE Is the way that a two-dimensional image displays depth or distance to give the impression that the image is three-dimensional. + VIEWPOINT It’s of a drawing is the angle from angle form which a drawing is done, simulating the viewer “s relative location to the scene. + HORIZONTAL PLANES Is a flat surface in a drawing, such as a floor or ceiling, that divides the space into horizontal segments. * VERTICAL PLANES Is a flat surface in a drawing, such as a wall, that divides the space into vertical segments. + VANISHING POINT Is the place in the drawing where horizon lines and lines of view meet. + HORIZON The horizon of a drawing is the line where the ground meets the sky. * CONVERGE Is to meet or come together at a specific point. ‘+ CONSTRECTED Is a type of perspective drawing that is based on actual measurements. Perspective means: Is the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point. It is a widely used tool for all those people who make drawings, or who do some utility with the dimensions. This also helps how to visualize without the help of the lines, the different vanishing points that things around us have. PAGE 05 ORIENTATION VOCABULARY Face: the surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function Heat again: energy that is transfered from one body to another as the result of a differentece in temperature Natural light: the light from the sun Orientation: the relative physical position or direction of something Placement: the action of putting someone or something in a particular place or the fact of being placed Position: a place where someone or something is located or has been put Prevailing wind: existing at a particular time Rise: move from a lower position to a higher one Set: put, lay, or stand in a specified place or position Shadow: the dark figure cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a source of light Site: an area of ground on which a town, building Sola heat gain: the heat increase of a surface in a space that results from absorbed solar radiation This is the third vocabulary that we look at this unit, it was presented by a group of classmates during class and they explained to us how to use the words. In conclussion, the orientation of a house is of the utmost importance, since it depends on how much. The east and west orientations are good alternatives to te south; in cold climates the west is a good option and in hot climates the east orientation is better.. PACE 06 CONCEPT SN VOCABULARY Visions: This means, see from the imagination the objectives that are intended to be achieved. Interviews: Meeting of two or more people to discuss a matter, generally professional or business. Discuss: To talk [one person] with another about something, taking turns speaking Ideas: It arises from the reasoning or imagination of a person. Goal: End to which someone's actions or desires are directed. Develop: Making a thing or person go through a series of successive states, so that it grows, increases or progresses. Concepts: Is a mental representation that is built from the categorization of common es that are abstracted from objects. Take into consideration: Take into account any comment or idea among other things Purpose: It is the ultimate end towards which all actions are directed. Function: Firm: Not soft but not completely hard Factors: Element or cause that act together with others. Brief: Adverbial locution that means "very soon or within a short time" Impressions: Reproduction on paper, canvas of a text or drawing Specifications: Information provided by the manufacturer of a product They are the most basic units of all forms of human knowledge, through which we understand experiences. They are captures of reality (realism) or, on the contrary, mental constructions or self- projections (constructivism or idealism), which arise by abstraction from intelligible essences or by integration into classes or categories, which group our new knowledge and our new experiences with the knowledge and experiences stored in memory. PAGE 07 CONCLUSSIONS In this unit we saw several important and relevant words for architecture such as Purpose, Shadow, Horizon, Viewpoint and other words. Also in this unit we were doing exhibitions where we worked in groups and we presented the vocabularies that we saw and learned in this unit, we also made games in the exhibitions so that they could practice the ones seen in class They are very useful to people who follow architecture, since when we have projects or presentations in English on architecture topics, we will make ourselves understand and explain better with these words learned in the unit. PACE 8 BIBLICAL INTEGRATION JOSHUA 1:7 Only strive, and be very brave, to take care to do according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may prosper in all that you undertake. PACE 09 BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE USED FOR DEFINITIONS OF EACH WORD el-concepto- arquitectonico/#:~:text=Los%20conceptos%20arquitect% C3%B8nicos%20son%20la,el%20producto%20de%20constr ucci*C3%B3n%20f%C38%ADsica folio=361. 838/conceptos.pdf TEXTBOOK REFERENCE. PAGE 10 ANNEXES

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