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chapter8 safety and security

Physical security
Health problems
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
causes of RSI
typing on a computer for too long
using a mouse for long periods
holding the mouse incorrectly
how to prevent RSI
take breaks to rest your hands
use an ergonomic keyboard/mouse
use a wrist rest
Back and Neck Strain
causes of Back and Neck Strain
working in a cramped workspace
not sitting upright in your chair
incorrect positioning of the computer screen
how to prevent Back and Neck Strain
take regular breaks to stretch your body
use adjustable chairs so you can sit in a position suitable for your height
sit upright against the back rest
keep your feet flat on the floor
Eye Strain and Headaches
causes of Eye Strain and Headaches
starting at a computer screen for a long time
working in a room with bad lighting
using a computer screen with glare or flickers
dirt on the screen
how to prevent Eye Strain and Headaches
use LCD screens rather than CRT as they have less flicker
use a anti-glare screen
ensure the room lighting is good with no direct light causing glare on the screen
have eyes tested regularly
Safety Issues
causes of Electrocution
faulty equipment
spilling drinks over electrical equipment
opening up an electrical device when you don't know what you're doing
how to prevent Electrocution
make sure wires are insulated
keep drinks away from equipment
never open up an electrical device
Tripping over wires
causes of tripping over wires
long wires spread across a floor
how to prevent tripping over wires
hide wires in cable ducts
tuck trailing wires under desks or carpets
use wireless technology to eliminate the use of wires altogether
Heavy equipment falling on you
causes of heavy equipment falling
equipment not positioned securely onto desk
poor quality and flimsy desks
how to prevent heavy equipment falling
make sure that equipment is positioned away from the edge of desks
use strong desks/tables that can support the weight with ease
Fire risks
causes of fire risks
too many devices plugged into a single mains outlet
leaving devices plugged in unattended for long periods
covering air vents on devices like laptops
how to prevent fire risks
make sure that your room has plenty of mains outlets
don't plug too many devices into the same outlet
turn off and unplug devices if you are going to be away for a long time
have a CO2 fire extinguisher at hand
keeping personal data safe
donʼt give out any personal information to people who are unknown to you.
donʼt send people photos of yourself, either online or via a mobile phone.
always maintain your privacy setting on whatever device is being used online or during
when accessing the internet make sure the websites being visited can be trusted.
only open emails from know sources.
security of data
Hacking is where people 'break' into computer systems without permission.
To cause damage to files and data by deleting or changing them
To commit fraud by stealing data (bank numbers etc)
To access sensitive information
Phishing is used to describe methods that thieves use to 'fish' for our data.
Smishing(SMS phishing)
It is similar to phishing, but it is carried out using SMS text messaging rather than email.
Vishing (voice mail phishing)
It is the act of using a telephone call to try and scam a user into giving their personal data.
Pharming is another method of collecting personal data.
A hacker will install malicious code onto a personʼs computer or server.
When a user types in a web address they will be redirected to a fraudulent, but legitimate
looking, replica website, without their consent.
Spyware and key-logging so ware
Spyware is so ware that gathers user information through their network connections
without them being aware that is happening.
Viruses are programs that automatically make replicates (copies) of themselves and then
attach to other files within the computer.
What problems can viruses cause?
Annoying pop-up messages on the screen
Causing the computer to slow down or even crash (stop responding)
Deleting important files or programs
Trying to access your personal files like passwords, bank details or credit card numbers
How do viruses infect computers?
Downloading infected files from the internet
Email attachments that contain infected files
Plugging a flash memory stick that containing infected files into your computer
Spam is 'junk email' that is sent automatically to thousands, or even millions, of email
Additional security of data online
can be either so ware or hardware. it sits between the userʼs computer and an external
network and filters information coming in and out of the userʼs computer.
Security protocols
SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)
It is a type of protocol that allows data to be sent and received securely over the
TLS(Transport Layer Security)
It is a form of protocol that ensures the security and privacy of data between devices
and users when communicating over the internet.
is used primarily to protect data in case it has been hacked or accessed illegally.
encryption key
decryption key
plain text
cypher script
is used to verify that data comes from a secure and trusted source.
digital certificates
userID and passwords
Other methods
use varied and complex passwords for your accounts
only provide personal informationon sites that have ʻhttpsʼ in the web
do not open emails or attachments from unknown senders
only download so ware from sites that can be trusted.
cloud security(store or backup)
you do not need to carry memory sticks around with you
you do not have to pay for large storage capacity on your computer

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