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A Tale of Two Cities

- Bourgeoises: (middle class)

- Those who won their own business
- Social class:
- 1-Monarchy (Royalty)
- 2-Aristocary (Nobility)
- 3-Bourjoesis (Working class)
- 4-Peasents
- 2 countries: England, France
- Genre: - Historical fiction
- Tile: - Long fiction
- Setting: England +France (Place)
- Before, During, and After the French Revolution
- Background: France + England Detreating Social, Medical, Educational, and
Economic Conditions Leading to a Revolution
- Chapter 1:
- A dreif yet detailed account of life in both England and France.
- Charles Dickens: stylistic device was: parallelism and controls (opposite
- Chapter 2:
- The mail, weather is stormy
- Slippery and Muddily rood: Indicates that the government ignores the
safety and comfort of the people.
The Armed coachman and the Irritated Passengers: Indicates the insecurity
and unsafety they feel
- The foggy or misty weather sets a creepy mood foreshadowing trouble.
- People were all the time anxious because they except to be either robbed
or attacked and killed as poor people sometime out of dispreads would
wait for travelling coaches, attack it and rob he travelers.
- Characters:
- Mr. Jerry Cruncher: Telson’s Bank
- Mr. Jarvis Larry: Works for telson bank an old man who was travelling when
he said he got a message from telson bank to return to London he sent a
reply saying recalled to life.

Characterizes of gothic novels

Edgar Allan Poe: Father of Gothic Literature (Gothicism) Master of macabre

Elements of Gothic Novels:
-Death, Decay, Gloom
-Haunted Houses
-Family Curses
-intense love, Emotions
- Shallow Society Gossips
-Supernatural Presence
-Struggling Character
-Forbidden Passengers Trapdoors
-Bad Weather (Stormy -Foggy- Mistey)
-Mystery /Horror

elements of stories
- A story has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the
characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution.
1-Title: Attacks attention, adds suspense, gives and ideas about the plot,
foreshadows events help create the mood.
2- Setting: Place, time, background: Political, Social, Psychological, Historical,
3-Characters: Flat vs Round, Static vs dynamic, Protagonist vs Antagonist, Mirror
vs Major, foil

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