Malumu Consitution PDF

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We the people of Malumu, hereby declare the constitution of the first gamer republic to protect

the rights of the people of Malumu and establish a fair, balanced and effective government to
support the growth of the Country of Malumu.
Article One: Legislation
Section One
The legislative branch of the Maluminian government shall consist of two houses of Parliament,
The House of Grass Touchers, and the House of Weebs.
Section Two
The House of Grass Touchers shall consist of 420 members, each of which must be at least
twenty-five years old, and shall be up for a popular election according to the people of Malumu
every 69 months (every five years and nine months). Representatives shall be divided equally
among the 210 districts dividing up Malumu, with each district electing two representatives. The
House of Grass Touchers has the power to propose and pass laws according to a majority, and
the power to overrule a Chief Moderator veto with a supermajority of 69%. These laws and
voting results must be made available to the public. Additionally, they must be able to review
and approve by majority all High Council appointees, which will be nominated by the Chief
Section Three
The House of Grass Touchers can also delegate committees (For education, defense, etc.) to
review proposed bills pertaining to that committee before they are voted on. The House of Grass
Touchers must have an oil committee which listens to and reviews laws proposed by an oil
lobbyist appointed by foreign oil companies.
Section Four
The House of Grass Touchers shall elect a leader of parliament immediately preceding the
swearing in of the new members after a popular election. This leader shall be known as the
“Chief Moderator.” The Chief moderator can propose High Council candidates for the approval
of The House of Grass Touchers, and can veto laws passed by the House of Grass Touchers. He
shall also be the commander in chief of the Malumu military.
Section Five
The Chief Moderator shall have a cabinet consisting of the following positions:
- Moderator of State
- Moderator of Defense
- Moderator of Education
- Moderator of Gaming
- Moderator of Oil
- Moderator of Economy
- Moderator of Subreddit
Each moderator shall be an adult Malumu citizen that shall be appointed according to the desires
of the Chief Moderator, save for the Moderator of Oil, which will be chosen by foreign oil
companies to give them a voice in the government.
Section Five
The second house of Parliament shall be called The House of Weebs, each of which must be a
legal adult (eighteen years of age). This house shall consist entirely of proficient and skillful
gamers. Every six years and nine months there shall be a countrywide gaming tournament in
which everyone eighteen years and up is eligible to participate in. The top 343 participants shall
be appointed to the House of Weebs. The House of Weebs has no ability to pass laws, but they
can propose laws by a majority to be voted on by The House of Grass Touchers. The number one
participant in the gaming shall be granted the office of “Master Gamer.” This position has no
political or legislative power but is a significant public figure and shall also be the captain of the
Malumu national E-Sports team.
Article Two: The Judicial Branch
Section One
The highest judicial court in the land shall be named the “High Council.” There shall be seven
judges on the High Council, which are appointed by the Chief Moderator and must be voted in
by a majority in the House of Grass Touchers.
Section Two
Judges can be impeached with the approval of the Chief Moderator and a supermajority (69%) in
the House of Grass Touchers.
Section Three
Judges on the “High Council” must uphold the laws of the Malumu constitution and impartially
judge regardless of race, gender or class.
Responsibilities of the Government:
The Government shall sponsor a state-run schooling system that exclusively teaches gaming
principles and techniques.
Every year each school must pass a standardized inspection to ensure equal opportunity among
Malumu shall remain allies with Denmark and will continue a free trade relationship, but
committees will be formed in the government to decrease the amount of reliance so that Malumu
in the long run can be more independent.
No state sponsored programs shall provide advantages based on race ethnicity, social class or
Bill of Rights:
Every citizen shall be given a gaming console at birth chosen by their parents.
The people of Malumu shall have the right to propose laws by posting them in the subreddit
r/malumu. Every three months, the most upvoted law will be sent to Parliament where it can be
voted on. If a law gets through to Parliament, it cannot be brought up for a vote for another year.
Every citizen at the age of 18 must declare their “Chosen Game” a game in which they have the
most amount of expertise and skill.
Each citizen shall have a right to equality and a protection from discrimination.
Each citizen shall have a right to freedom of speech and expression.
Each citizen shall have the right to peaceful assembly.
Each citizen shall have a right to a fair trial and due process.
Each citizen shall have a right to internet access.

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