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LOG Subject/Quarter/ Mathematics-Quarter 4,

Week Week 2
A. Content Standards Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
understanding of time, understanding of time, understanding of time, understanding of time, understanding of time,
Standard measures of Standard measures of Standard measures of Standard measures of Standard measures of
length, mass and capacity length, mass and capacity length, mass and capacity length, mass and capacity length, mass and
and area using square tile and area using square tile and area using square tile and area using square tile capacity
units. units. units. units. and area using square

B. Performance Standards is able to apply is able to apply is able to apply is able to apply is able to apply
knowledge of time, knowledge of time, knowledge of time, knowledge of time, knowledge of time,
standard measures standard measures standard measures standard measures standard measures
of length, weight, of length, weight, of length, weight, of length, weight, of length, weight,
and capacity, and and capacity, and and capacity, and and capacity, and and capacity, and
area using square tile area using square tile area using square tile area using square tile area using square tile
units in mathematical units in mathematical units in mathematical units in mathematical units in mathematical
problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life
situations situations situations situations situations
C. Learning compares the following compares the following compares the following compares the following compares the following
Competencies/Objective unit of measures: unit of measures: unit of measures: unit of measures: unit of measures:
s a. length in meters or a. length in meters or a. length in meters or a. length in meters or a. length in meters or
centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters
b. mass in grams or b. mass in grams or b. mass in grams or b. mass in grams or b. mass in grams or
kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms
c. capacity in mL or L c. capacity in mL or L c. capacity in mL or L c. capacity in mL or L c. capacity in mL or L
Comparing Length Comparing Mass Comparing Capacity Solving Problems Involving Assessment Day

Kagamitang Pagtuturo
A. References K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide
page 203 page 203 page 203 page 203 page 203
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 320-325 pp. 320-325 pp. 320-325 pp. 320-325 pp. 320-325
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages Mathematics for Mathematics for Mathematics for Mathematics for Mathematics for
Everyday Use pp. 155- Everyday Use pp. 155- Everyday Use pp. 155- Everyday Use pp. 155- Everyday Use pp.
160 160 160 160 155-160
4. Additional Materials from Laptop, activity sheets Laptop, activity sheets Laptop, activity sheets Laptop, activity sheets Test Questions
Learning Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Resources
A. Before the Lesson  Prayer  Prayer  Prayer  Prayer  Prayer
1.Setting the Stage(Drill,  Review  Review  Review  Drill/Review  Review
Review and Motivation) Tell the time. Compare your height Do the activity.
with your partner. Use
cm to get your height.

2. Explaining what to Today, we will learn to Today, we will learn to Today, we will learn to Today, we will learn to Today, you will have
do (Tell the compare the units of compare the units of compare the units of compare the following your weekly test.
objectives of the length in m or in cm. mass in kg or in g. capacity in L or in mL. unit of measures:
Lesson) a. length in meters or
What are the things you Show the pupils 1L Coke centimeters
see inside our room? and a MISMO coke. b. mass in grams or
Let’s have a game c. capacity in mL or L
called BRING ME. Show a picture of a
(Let pupils bring the mother buying
things you would ask vegetables, fruits and
them to bring.) fish in the market.

Talk about the picture.

B. Lesson Proper(All Now let us identify the Let’s get the mass of the Tell the capacity of each. Watch the videoclip. Give the instructions
Teacher’s Activity) things you have following using a Show more examples like https:// in taking the test.
Presentation through brought me. weighing scale. bottled water with
Modeling, Illustration -pencil different capacities. watch?
and Demonstration -crayon 3pcs apples v=MhdmeCN3tcM
-book 1 pc orange
-slipper 15 pcs eggplant
-ruler 10 pcs okra
a piece of papaya
Ask the pupils to a piece of watermelon
measure the things
Get the actual mass.
presented using cm
1. Guided Practice (1st Now, let’s have the Now let’s have the Ask What do we use in Distribution of Test
Assessment) pencil and crayon. apples and the orange. measuring the length of Questions.
Which container holds objects?
Given the mass of more?
these, which is heavier What do we use to
Which container holds
and which is lighter? measure the weight of
(Provide the actual Let’s have the second Tell the class that
measurements) pair. What do we use to
milliliter is used when
Given the mass of measure the capacities
Given the lengths of measuring less volume of of containers?
these, which is heavier
these two, which is and which is lighter? liquid and liter when
longer and which is measuring more volume
shorter? Let’s have the third pair. of liquid.
Given the mass of
these, which is heavier Introduce them that in
and which is lighter? 1L, there are 1000mL.

In comparing capacities,
we use “more” and ‘less”
Let’s have your slipper
and your book. Tell the class that gram
is used when measuring
light objects and
kilogram when
measuring heavier

Introduce them that in

1kg m, there are 1000g.
(Provide the actual
In comparing mass, we
use “lighter” and
Given the lengths of ‘heavier”
these two, which is
2. More Practice (2nd Lengths shorter longer Check the object that Match column A with column What do we use to Reading the
Assessment) has a lighter mass and B. compare the lengths of instructions of each
put an X with the object objects? part of the test.
that has heavier mass.
What do we use to
compare the weights of

What do we use to
compare the capacities
of containers?

3. Independent Color the box of the Compare using more or Measure your height Test Proper
Practice object that has heavier less. and compare it with
blue and red for the your classmates.
lighter object.

C. After the lesson/Closure How do we compare How do we compare How do we compare How do we compare
(Summarizing/Generalizi lengths? mass? capacities? units of measures?

1. Application Get a partner. Compare. Use lighter or Compare using more or Get the weighing scale
Choose three things you heavier. less. and weigh your bags
have in common. Measure
these things and compare
and compare it with
the lenghts with each other. your classmates.
Compare the following.
Use shorter or longer.

2. Evaluation (3rd Circle the object that has a Box the container that Answer. Use the Checking of items.
assessment) heavier mass.
holds more volume of appropriate word to
liquid. compace objects in each

1. 1L is _____ than 2L.

2. 100 cm is _____ than

10 m.

3. 3 kg is _______ than
300 g.

4. 1000g is _______
than 3 kg.

5. 1000 cm is _____ 750

D. Additional activities for Check the object that has a Measure the length of Instruct the class
application or longer length. your television and be read for the next
remediation ready to compare it topic.
with your classmates

The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have
successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully
due to: due to: due to: due to: delivered due to:
____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ eagerness to ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’
to learn to learn learn to learn eagerness to learn
____complete/varied ____complete/varied ____complete/varied ____complete/varied ____complete/varied
____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated
lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson
____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets
____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity
sheets sheets sheets sheets sheets
A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
80% in the evaluation earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above
B.No. of learners who require
___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
additional activities for
require additional require additional require additional require additional require additional
remediation who scored belowactivities for activities for activities for remediation activities for activities for
80% remediation remediation remediation remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who have
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
caught up with the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue
___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
to require remediation continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that
strategies worked well? Why work well: work well: work well: work well: work well:
did these work? ____Group ____Group collaboration ____Group ____Group
collaboration ____Group ____Games collaboration collaboration
____Games collaboration ____Solving ____Games ____Games
____Solving ____Games Puzzles/Jigsaw ____Solving ____Solving
Puzzles/Jigsaw ____Solving ____Answering Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
____Answering Puzzles/Jigsaw preliminary ____Answering ____Answering
preliminary ____Answering activities/exercises preliminary preliminary
activities/exercises preliminary ____Carousel activities/exercises activities/exercises
____Carousel activities/exercises ____Dlads ____Carousel ____Carousel
____Dlads ____Carousel ____Think-Pair- ____Dlads ____Dlads
____Think-Pair- ____Dlads Share(TPS) ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair-
Share(TPS) ____Think-Pair- ____Re-reading of Share(TPS) Share(TPS)
____Re-reading of Share(TPS) Paragraphs/poem/storie ____Re-reading of ____Re-reading of
Paragraphs/poem/stori ____Re-reading of s Paragraphs/poem/stori Paragraphs/poem/st
es Paragraphs/poem/stori ____Differentiated es ories
____Differentiated es instruction ____Differentiated ____Differentiated
instruction ____Differentiated ____Role Playing/Drama instruction instruction
____Role instruction ____Discovery Method ____Role ____Role
Playing/Drama ____Role ____Lecture Method Playing/Drama Playing/Drama
____Discovery Method Playing/Drama Why? ____Discovery Method ____Discovery
____Lecture Method ____Discovery Method ____Complete IMs ____Lecture Method Method
Why? ____Lecture Method ____Availability of Why? ____Lecture Method
____Complete IMs Why? Materials ____Complete IMs Why?
____Availability of ____Complete IMs ____Pupils’ eagerness to ____Availability of ____Complete IMs
Materials ____Availability of learn Materials ____Availability of
____Pupils’ eagerness Materials ____Group Cooperation ____Pupils’ eagerness Materials
to learn ____Pupils’ eagerness in doing their tasks to learn ____Pupils’
____Group Cooperation to learn ____Group Cooperation eagerness to learn
in doing their tasks ____Group Cooperation in doing their tasks ____Group
in doing their tasks Cooperation in doing
their tasks
F.What difficulties did I ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among
encounter which my principal pupils pupils pupils pupils pupils
or supervisor can help me ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’
solve? behavior/attitude____S behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude____S behavior/attitude___
cience/Computer/Inter ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs cience/Computer/Intern _Science/Computer/I
n ____Unavailable ____Unavailable et nternet
____Colorful IMs Technology Equipment Technology Equipment ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs
____Unavailable (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) ____Unavailable ____Unavailable
Technology Equipment ____Science/ ____Science/Computer/ Technology Equipment Technology
(AVR/LCD) Computer/Internet Lab Internet Lab (AVR/LCD) Equipment
et Lab ____Additional Clerical ____Additional Clerical et Lab (AVR/LCD)
____Additional Clerical works works ____Additional Clerical et Lab
works works ____Additional
Clerical works
F.What difficulties did I ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among
encounter which my principal pupils pupils pupils pupils pupils
or supervisor can help me ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’
solve? behavior/attitude____S behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude____S behavior/attitude___
cience/Computer/Inter ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs cience/Computer/Intern _Science/Computer/I
n ____Unavailable ____Unavailable et nternet
____Colorful IMs Technology Equipment Technology Equipment ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs
____Unavailable (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) ____Unavailable ____Unavailable
Technology Equipment ____Science/ ____Science/Computer/ Technology Equipment Technology
(AVR/LCD) Computer/Internet Lab Internet Lab (AVR/LCD) Equipment
et Lab ____Additional Clerical ____Additional Clerical et Lab (AVR/LCD)
____Additional Clerical works works ____Additional Clerical et Lab
works works ____Additional
Clerical works

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