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Charles (1999). Economic Policy, Astonishing growth in Americans' stock portfolios.

The Icfai Journal of Stock Market, 6 (3): 43-60. Available a t http://papers.ssr .cfmlast accessed on July5, 2009.

Dijk (2007). Economic Policy, The Size Effect in Equity Returns. Empirical ResearchFindings. Journal of Financial

Management and Analysis, 21(1).Available athttp://papers.ssr .cfmlast accessed on July5, 2009.

Johnson (2008). The Value of Quality: Stock Market Returns to Published QualityReviews. The Icfai Journal of

Applied Economics, 7(3):7-22. Available athttp://papers.ssr .cfmlast accessed on June5, 2009.

Mayank (2009). Performance Corporate Governance as a Determinant of ExternalFinance in Transition Economies: A

Case Study of India . The Icfai University Journal of Applied Economics , 8(1): 31- 44. Available athttp://papers.ssr .cfm last accessed on June5,2009 Introduction on Indian Stock Market available at

accessed on November 5, 2009. Introduction on Bombay Stock Exchange available at

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. last accessed on November 15, 2009.

Introduction on National Stock

Exchange available at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. last accessed on November 15, 2009.

Introduction on Online Investors & Traders available athttp://www.trad accessed on November 17, 2009

Introduction on Types of investment available athttp://finance.m nvestment/types/l ast accessed on

November 17, 2009.87 88

Dear respondent,I am a student of MBA, RIMTSMS, Mandi Gobindgarh, is

conducting a research on Investors perception regarding various Investment avenues available at the Stock Market

. I would be extremely thankful if you spare some time to answer the followingquestio ns. All the facts disclosed by you will be used for

academic purpose only. PERSONAL PROFILE( A ) N a me: (B) Age: Less than 20 years20 40

yearsGreater than 40 years (C)Gender: a ) M a l e b )Female (D)Occupation: a)Service b)Professio nc ) B u s i n e s

sd)Student (E) Income: Less than Rs 20000 (per month) Rs 20000 Rs 40000Greater than Rs 40000

(F)Qualificatio n: a)Matric b )Under G r a d u a t e c) Post GraduateQ1. Do you invest in share market?i) Yes ii) NoQ2. Out

of the following, which type of instrument are you aware of?a ) S h a r e s b) Mutual Fundsc)Debent uresd ) B o n d s e) Derivatives89

Q3.Where have you been investing?a ) S h a r e s b)Mutual Fundsc)Debent uresd ) B o n d s e) DerivativesQ4.A t which rates do

you want your investment to grow?a)Steadily b)At an average ratec)At fast rateQ5. How frequently do you invest?a) Daily b) Weeklyc)

Monthlyd) YearlyQ6. What percentage of your annual income do you invest in share market?a) Up to 10% b) 10-15%c) 15-20%d) More

than 20%Q7. By which source of information you came to know about particular option?a ) S e l f b)Friends and Relativesc)Servi ce providers and

Consultantsd)Ne wspapers, Magazines and Advertisementse ) A g e n t s f)Work shops & SeminarsQ8.Whi ch factor do you consider before

investing in share market? a)Capital Appreciation b) Maturity Periodc)Safety of Principald) Risk e) Return on investmentf) Tax

benefitsg) Liquidity90 Q9. In your opinion, what would be the optimum strategy if stock market drops

immediatelyafter you invest in it?a)Cut your losses and transfer funds into secure investments b)W ait to see if investment

improvesc) Invest more funds to lower your losses expecting future growthd) Withdraw your funds and stop investingQ10.

Do you have any other investment policy?a) Yes b) NoQ11. Rate the satisfaction with the return generated by your investment option?Highly

Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied HighlySatisfied Dissatisfied(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)a)Shares ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ b)M

utual funds ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ c)Bon ds ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ d)De bentures ______

______ ______ _______ _________ e)Der ivatives ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ Q12. Rate the satisfaction with

the factors that was considered while investing? Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied HighlySatisfied Dissatisfied(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)a)

Return onInvestment ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ b) Tax Benefits ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ c)

CapitalAppreciati on ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ d) Maturity Period ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ e)

Risk ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ f) Safety of principal______ ______ ______ _______ _________ g)

Liquidity ______ ______ ______ _______ _________ THA NKS FOR YOUR COOPERATION..

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