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Thesis Concept Plan: A Deductive Approach of Doing Research

Thesis Lead : Salapantan, Sakajawea L.

Mobile Phone Number : 09555242901

Members 1. Gualberto,Bethany B. 2. Laurel, Jessel Mae M. 3. Mondido, Glycell C. 4. Pahay, Ina C. 5. Sulita, Adrianne M. 6. Member 6

Mobile Phone Number 1. 09262520427 2. 09916478663 3. 09559388130 4. 09975980828 5. 09356705672 6. Member 6

Thesis Track : Communication

Type of Research : Basic Research

Theory : Reduces Social Cues Approach

Year : 1986

Theorist(s) 1. Social Identity Model of 2. Social Presence Theory

Topic (or Problem) : IP’s Identity

Working Title : The effects of development aggression in losing the identity of Indigenous people in Cagayan de Oro City.

Main Problem Statement: Aims to determine the effects of development aggression in depriving the identity of IP in Cagayan de Oro City.

Data Collection
Assumption Statement(s) Sub-problem Statements Research Design Research Techniques

1. People loss their individuality because “group members do How can the loss of individuality result from a lack of social cues? Descriptive Quantitative Survey
not feel they stand out as individuals”and individuals act if
they are “submerged in the group”.

2. Consequence of seeing the self and others in terms of What are the consequences of seeing the self and others in terms of Descriptive Quantitative Survey
social identity is important. social identity?

3. Medium social effects principally cause by the degree of How social effects principally cause by the degree of social presence? Descriptive Quantitative Survey
social presence.

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Definition of Concepts/Variables (Conceptual/Operational):


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