Lesson 7 - Writing A Research Report Part 1 Notes PDF

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Lesson 7

• determine the objectives
and structures of various
kinds of reports.
A report is a systematic,
well-organized presentation
of an issue, a problem, or an
Ireland is a country steeped in history. In fact, its history dates beyond 3,000 B.C,
when the megalithic tombs were constructed in Newgrange. Throughout the
country's expansive evolution, the Irish fought time and again to maintain their
independence as a sovereign nation. Evidence of the rich history is clearly visible
through its many castles, including Leighlinbridge Castle and Carlow Castle, two of
Ireland's oldest establishments.
Source: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-informative-essays.html
On February 23rd, 2016, the Human Resources Manager received a written complaint of sexual harassment
submitted by Carrie Smith, the stockroom manager. Smith claimed that on February 22nd, 2016, her supervisor, Mark
Robinson, pushed her against the wall in the boardroom and groped her breasts. Smith also alleged that Robinson on
another occasion told her she was “too pretty” to be working in the stockroom and that he could arrange for a promotion
for her.
On February 24th, the Human Resources Manager assigned the case to me.
On February 25th, I interviewed Carrie Smith and two witnesses to the alleged February 22nd incident, John Jones
and Pamela Miller. Jones and Miller did not corroborate the groping allegation but said they saw Smith running out of the
boardroom in tears. Miller also reported hearing Robinson tell another employee, Sara Brown, that she had “a great rack”.
On February 26th, I interviewed Mark Robinson. He denied the groping incident and said he was “just joking
around” with her in the boardroom but did not actually touch her and that Smith was too sensitive. He admitted to telling
Smith she was too pretty to work in the stockroom, but contends that it was meant as a compliment.
Based on the interviews with the complainant and the alleged offender, I find that the complainant’s allegation of
sexual harassment is substantiated.
Source: https://i-sight.com/resources/ultimate-guide-to-writing-investigation-reports/
In response to the Administrator’s direction to improve NASA’s Education Program to
make the greatest possible impact on STEM education, the Education Design Team
recommends that the Agency create a more tightly focused Education Program. Education
experts, policy makers, and NASA Education employees (as expressed through responses to
the Team survey) provided input that fully supports the program’s need for focus.
Source: https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/536766main_Education-Recommendation-
Research is defined as the
Research is a continuous creation of new knowledge
Research follows a undertaking of making known
the unknown (Sanchez, 2002). It
and/or the use of existing
step-by-step process entails an investigation of new
knowledge in a new and
creative way to generate new
of investigation that facts leading to the discovery of concepts, methodologies, and
new ideas, methods, or
uses a standardized improvements. It is an attempt
understandings. This could
include synthesis and analysis
approach in to widen one’s outlook in life. It of previous research to the
answering questions always proceeds from the
known to the unknown. Thus,
extent that it leads to new
or solving problems the end of a research is to
and creative outcomes
(Western Sydney University,
(Polit & Beck, 2004). arrive at a new truth. 2020).

Research is a systematic and
scientific way of investigating
and gathering information to
answer a particular problem,
establish facts, and reach
1. The research should be systematic.
There is a system to follow in conducting
research as there is a system for writing
its parts.
There are two systems:
the macrosystem –chapter
the microsystem - detailed contents of
each chapter.
2. The research should be
• A researcher should objectively
look at the basis on which the
work is founded.
• The researcher must never
produce results out of
• The results should never be
based on biases.
3. The research should be
• Conducting research must be
within your ability, resources,
and time limit.
• It should be doable considering
the factors above.
4. The research should be
• There should be supporting
pieces of evidence and
accompanying details.
• References and citations of
facts and information must be
5. The research should be clear.

• The research should be well-

written and explained.
• This can be done by enriching
the review of literature.
• Title
• Student Name
• Institution
• Course Name
• Instructor Name
• Due Date
Summary of
the contents
of the paper Typically no
more than Note: Abstracts
250 words are not usually
required for
student papers. It
depends on the

and size

• Review of background or known
information on your topic
• Explain the significance
• State what is lacking in the current
knowledge – gap
• Provide the objectives of your study
or the research questions
May be a
separate part
or may be Contains the
integrated in summary and
synthesis of all Divided into two
the sections:
Introduction. available sources
directly related to
the study. Related concepts
Related studies
Related concepts –
explains some of the
fundamental concepts
needed by the readers to Related studies –
better understand the are based on This section ends
study. Some concepts and previously with a paragraph
theories are defined, conducted studies that synthesizes all
explained, and described. directly related to
the studies
the paper.
presented and puts
the study in
In writing a review of a related study, the following data must be indicated:
● Theoretical framework - is based on an existing theory in a field
of inquiry that is related and/or reflects the hypothesis of a
study (Adom et al., 2018).
Conceptual framework – structure which the researcher believes
can best explain the natural progression of the phenomenon to
be studied (Adom et al., 2018).
• Consists of the purpose statement and the research
• Important elements of the general problem are:
–Main tasks – “what to do” with the major variables
–Participants – subjects or respondents
–The specific setting
–Coverage date of the conduct of the study
This study aims to assess the behavioral
traits of senior high school students and to
relate them to the productivity level in
reviewing lessons and passing the long
examinations. This study is to be conducted
during the first semester of school year
2016-2017 in the Division of Palo, Leyte.
This investigation aims to assess the level of
performance of technical-vocational instructors
and relate it to the efficiency level of senior high
school management students undergoing on-the-
job training in selected businesses in Palo, Leyte
during the school year 2014-2015.
This investigation aims to assess the level of
performance of technical-vocational instructors
and relate it to the efficiency level of senior high
school management students undergoing on-the-
job training in selected businesses in Palo, Leyte
during the school year 2014-2015.
This investigation aims to assess the level of
performance of technical-vocational instructors
and relate it to the efficiency level of senior high
school management students undergoing on-the-
job training in selected businesses in Palo, Leyte
during the school year 2014-2015.
This investigation aims to assess the level of
performance of technical-vocational instructors
and relate it to the efficiency level of senior high
school management students undergoing on-the-
job training in selected businesses in Palo, Leyte
during the school year 2014-2015.
• The purpose statement is followed
by an enumeration of the specific
• The specific problems are usually
stated as questions that the
researcher seeks to answer.
● The specific problems must meet the
following criteria:
○Must be in question form;
○Must define the population and the
sample (demographic profile); and
○Must identify the variables being
● Scope – determined by the major variables
of the study
● Limitation – determined by the sub-
● Mention as well:
○The local or setting
○When the data will be gathered
● Determines who will benefit from
the study and how that specific
audience will benefit from its
● Most to least benefited

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