Mid Test Argumentative Essay

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Name : Vivi Asista

Class : PBI 22A

Student Number :

Career advancement is better than raise in salaries.

Career advancement is the process by which professionals throughout the industry
use their skills and determination to achieve new career goals. While salary is a sum of
money or fixed remuneration paid by the employer to the employee, which in exchange
for the completed task or work. However, do we really think that career advancement is
better than raise in salaries? We are still arguing about this statement. Even though some
people think that career advancement is more advantageous than raise in salaries, we
firmly believe that a salary increase is better than a career development because it can
improve the quality of life and also reduce income inequality between races. However, it
is undeniable that career advancement can bring us a lot of sense of accomplishment and
it also can be an opportunity for growth.
First at all, the most prominent argument as to a salary increase is better than a
career advancement is because it can improve the quality of life. Improving the quality of
life is not necessarily material enjoyment but also freedom, satisfaction, and so on. For
some people who yearn for freedom, a salary increase is better than a career promotion
because they do not have to bear greater work pressure and can reduce the risk of illness.
In short, raise in salaries can improve the quality of life.
Besides that, increase in salaries is better than a career advancement is because it
can reduce income inequality between races. As we know that, it is difficult for
employees who have not received higher education and high-skill to get promotion
opportunities. As a proof, some aboriginal people come from the countryside do not
know how to operate high-tech machinery compared with other races in the city, they
cannot compete with them. Thus, a salary increase can be an incentive method to
encourage them to work harder and indirectly can reduce income inequality between
However, some people think that career advancement can bring us a lot of sense of
accomplishment. This is true because most people get promoted not because they see a
higher salary, but an increase in the level of their careers, which will greatly satisfy their
desires. In addition to the promotion of rank, it also means getting closer and closer to
your goal. For instance, a career promotion for fashion designers means to recognize their
abilities, which will bring them a sense of satisfaction. Hence, career advancement can
motivate people to work hard and get a sense of satisfaction.
Furthermore, career advancement can be an opportunity for growth. This is
especially true because career advancement can often bring changes in the social circle.
As your position rises, your interpersonal circle will be different. Therefore, whether it is
in verbal communication or social interaction, you must deal with it quite appropriately.
This will be an opportunity for you to step out of your comfort zone and constantly
challenge yourself and for you to learn new skills and knowledge. Therefore, I can say
that career advancement can
be an opportunity for growth.
In conclusion, raise in salary is better than career advancement because it can
improve the quality of life and also reduce income inequality between races. However, it
also can be said that career advancement is better than raise in salaries such as bring us a
lot of sense of accomplishment and it also can be an opportunity for growth. What is
more important, people need to know what the goal they need and achieve them. Having
presented our arguments,we once again totally disagree on the statement that ‘Career
advancement is better than raise in salaries.

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