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Prepared by: King Yu Wong Date: March 30, 2023

Climograph Lesson Plan

Unit: Unit 8 Insolation and Climate

Topic: Climate Factors and climograph

Lesson Length: Two lessons, a total of 90 mins

Do-now: What are the factors that affect climate?

Aim: How can we quickly display and compare climate data?

Answer: To display and compare climate data, we can a create climograph that combines data
on temperatures and precipitation.

Performance Objectives:
● Create a climograph by plotting the temperature line and precipitation bars with the given
● Interpret climographs by comparing and contrasting four cities’ climate data and
answering the analysis questions.

New York State High School Science Learning Standards
RST.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats
and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a

Next Generation Science Standards

● Analyzing and Interpreting Data
● Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Vocabulary and Academic Language

1. Vocabulary:

a. Science meaning: A graph that combines both temperature and precipitation data for a
b. Non-science meaning: N/A
c. Misconceptions: In some cases, students think that precipitation is a line graph and
temperature is a bar graph on a climograph.

Material List:
● Smart Board slides
● Smart Board
● Climograph worksheet
Prepared by: King Yu Wong Date: March 30, 2023

● Climate data for four cities

● Fifth city- Santiago’s climograph

Safety and Disposal:


Anticipatory Opening:
Group work: Climograph creation and comparing climograph
● Students work collaboratively in groups of four.
● Each group receives a folder with climate data from four cities in the United States and
Santiago’s climograph.
● Each student in the group has to pick one city and create a climograph for the city
● Compare four climograph and complete the data table on the activity sheet.
● Use the data table and answer the analysis questions collaboratively.

What the Teacher Does What the Student Does

1. Put up the Do Now and Aim. 1. Students start the Do Now (on a
notebook) and 1 min turn and talk.
2. Go over Do Now. Calls on volunteers to 2. Volunteers share out answers to Do Now.
share out their answers. (5 mins)

3. Climograph review and activity instruction 3. Students listen to the teacher’s

(10 mins total including climograph instructions.
review, explaining directions and rubric,
and distribution of materials)

4. Individual work (Climograph creation- 10 4. Students work to complete the climograph

mins) for their city. They may use notes/ESRT
Teacher circulates the classroom and and/or ask group members questions to
provides assistance if needed. complete this task.

5. Group activity (Data share - 15mins) 5. Students verbally share out their city’s
Teacher circulates the classroom and data and complete the data table on the
provides assistance if needed. activity sheet.

6. Group data analysis (20 mins) 6. Groups use the data table to answer the
Teacher circulates the classroom and discussion/analysis questions
provides assistance if needed. collaboratively.

7. Summative assessment (15 mins)Teacher 7. Students share out answers to analysis

reviews the answers to some analysis questions.
questions with the entire class and calls
on volunteers to share out their answers.
Prepared by: King Yu Wong Date: March 30, 2023

8. Teacher assigns HW.

9. Closure (5mins): Clean up and submit the 8. Students submit the map and activity
map and activity worksheet worksheet if they are done in class.

Differentiated Instruction
Climograph supports

Complete the data table and the analysis questions if they are not yet completed in class.

Summative assessment: The analysis questions (attached PDF)

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