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Why do agoraphobics not like crowed public spaces?

Because they fear that there's no easy way to escape or get help if the anxiety intensifies.

What do agoraphobics think might happen if they cannot leave these places?

They think that they can die or collapse.

How do social phobics deal with their fear?

Usually, they must have control to get out

How are children’s phobia triggers different from adults?

The most common fears of children are monsters and darkness, but these fears can be overcome.
In contrast to children, adults can be affected physically and mentally by this phobia

Have phobias ever been helpful for humans? How?

Yes, our ancestors used phobias to prevent risky situations, so it was useful to them.
Arachnophobia is mentioned in the text and in that time, these animals weren't around where
they slept or lived because it can be dangerous.

What influences whether a person develops a phobia?

Factors influencing the phobia are person’s emotional state, stage of development and

What are the basic principles of the treatment for phobias?

One of the treatments is cognitive behavioral therapy which face the fear rather than run away
from it

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