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Sara: Hey Salome, did you hear Santiago scream for a bug? He was a little exaggerated.

Salome: are you scared of bugs? I understand I’m not scared of centipedes, but I hate being in the

Sara: I do not believe you. and the truth is that I am not afraid of anything, however, my little sister
is afraid of heights and on one occasion she had an anxiety attack.

Salome: The phobias are kind of curious, I think I’m scared of the dark because I used to watch a
lot of horror movies when I was a child and at night my room was completely dark.

Salome: I never got over that fear and it became a phobia. That’s good advice, I should try it for my
phobia, I really need to get over my fear, it’s kind of embarrassing

Sara: An article said Fear serves a protective purpose, activating the automatic “fight-or-flight”
response. And there are many different phobias, which can be divided into two main categories:
simple phobias and complex phobias, that is to say that some are difficult to treat.

Salome: I've heard about a treatment for phobias, like facing it up with baby steps, at first, it’ll be
hard to see a bug, but you can look at pictures or even catch some toys to assimilate the phobia.

Sara: It's true what Salome says. It is also important to go to therapy because it is not normal to
constantly live in fear.

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