cstp2 Volen 5

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Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and communicates Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
expectations for fair and behavior. Demonstrates responsible, and respectful responsibility with students reflection and ongoing
respectful behavior to commitment to fairness and student interactions. Assists for resolving conflict and improvement of the caring
2.1 Promoting support social development. respect in communications students to resolve conflicts. creating and maintaining a community based on respect,
with students about language Incorporates cultural caring classroom fairness, and the value of all
social and behavior. awareness to develop a community.   members.
Development and Seeks to understand cultural positive classroom climate. Supports students in taking
responsibility perceptions of caring 9/26/21 leadership in developing a
community. 5/3/22 caring community that is
within a caring Some students share in 12/8/22 responsive to the diverse Students take leadership in
community responsibility for the Students participate in cultural norms of identities of resolving conflict and
where each classroom community. occasional community Students demonstrate efforts all students. 5/4/23 creating a fair and respectful
building activities, designed to be positive, accepting, and classroom community where
student is treated to promote caring, fairness, respectful of differences Students take responsibility student’s home culture is
fairly and and respect. 9/26/21. resolving conflicts and included and valued.
respectfully 5/3/22 maintaining a caring Students communicate with
classroom community. empathy and understanding
Students promote respect in interactions with one
and appreciation for another.
I begin the year by having When students are exhibiting
students create their own behaviors that are
Group Norms. They decide inappropriate in class using
after having worked in restorative questions. I
different groups the entire learned about restorative
first week how being in good practices from a colleague
group can positively affect who attended a professional
you and how having a poor development by IIRP. I will
group might negatively affect ask students the questions
you or your grade. I also have when they are exhibiting
them work with a partner to unwanted behavior in class. I
complete their first few also use them to ask
quizzes. Working in these questions of students to
table groups and as partners, reflect on situations where
fosters a team environment, they feel they have been
and promotes positive harmed. Students have been
learning behavior in the given the questions, they are
classroom. 9/26/21 asked to reflect on them.
One thing I do to help Some students have started
promote a growth mindset in to use these ideas on their
all students is to remind them own. 5/4/23
that we learn from our
mistakes. It is important to
try, fail and try again. This is
how we learn. I remind them
that I make mistakes too. In
order to demonstrate this, I
ask students to find and point
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
out mistakes that I make, and
when they do, I bring donut
holes for the class. This has
really helped the students to
understand that it is ok to
make mistakes and learn
from them, thus promoting a
growth mindset. 5/3/22
I am continuing to utilize my
donut hole strategy to
encourage students to
understand that it is ok to
make mistakes and that is
how we learn. My classroom
is a safe place for all students
to feel that they can make a
mistake and not be ridiculed
for it and that this is the best
way for us to learn. 12//8/22
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the importance of Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
the physical and/or virtual virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
learning environments that environments that support student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
support student learning. student learning. provide a range of resources provides a broad range of range of resources that
for learning.9/26/21 resources, displays, and engage students in learning.
2.2 Creating Is aware that structured 5/3/22 artifacts that are current and Ensures that environments
interaction between students Structures for interaction are integral to instruction. enhance learning and reflect
physical or can support learning. taught in single lessons or Utilizes a variety of diversity within and beyond
virtual learning sequence of lessons to structures for interaction Integrates a variety of the classroom.
environments support student learning. during learning activities structures for interaction
that ensures a focus on and that engage students Selects from a repertoire of
that promote completion of learning constructively and structures for interaction to
student tasks.9/26/21 productively in learning. ensure accelerated learning
learning, reflect Some students use available 5/3/22 5/4/23 for the full range of students.
resources in learning
diversity, and environments during Students use resources Students participate in
encourage instruction. provided in learning Students routinely use a monitoring and changing the
constructive and environments and interact range of resources in design of learning
with each other to Students use a variety of learning environments that environments and structures
productive understand and complete resources in learning relate to and enhance for interactions.
interactions learning tasks in single environments and interact in instruction and reflect their
among students lessons or sequence of ways that deepen their diversity.
lessons. 9/26/21 understanding of the content Students share in monitoring
and develop constructive and assessment of
social and academic interactions to improve
interactions.5/3/22 12/8/22 effectiveness and develop a
positive culture for learning.

My students are always I have begun to assign I create Wipebook (Giant

working in groups of 2, 3 or edpuzzle videos for my whiteboards) activities for
6 to complete a variety of students to watch prior to students in which they work
activities. I often will have teaching the concept. I am with 4-5 group members. I
them work to complete a trying to develop a flipped have students shift the role
discovery activity in pairs classroom so we can spend of recording for each step of
before getting started on the less time on the lesson and the problem. Students will
lesson that follows the more time in the classroom start the problem written on
activity. 9/26/21 working on practice while I the wipebook, then person 1
am present for the students will do the first step, person
Evidence to get support on concepts 2 the second step and so on.
they are struggling with. On Students are encouraged to
a morning where they should assist each other along the
have watched the video, I ask way but only the assigned
them to discuss and answer recorder can write. I then
a few questions from the have initial group members
videos with their partners or switch by having one
table members. 9/26/21 member move one problem
to the left and another
In my classroom I have 7 member move two problems
hexagon tables, which seat
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
six students. The to the right. I do this so that
environment that I created at students work with a variety
the beginning of the year of students. This way they
really starts to pay off in the are exposed to students that
second semester. Whether it are "experts” in a skill and so
is during a lesson, exit ticket that they learn to
or classwork, the students communicate with a variety
are having great of people. Students do a
conversations about the gallery walk at the end of
math, teaching each other each problem to observe
and often debating over a other work and make
correct or incorrect answer. corrections if necessary.
This promotes a deeper 5/4/23
understanding of the
content, as well as social
I am continuing to have my
students sit at tables of six
and begin the year with lots
of discussions to get them
comfortable with sharing.
Students are still encouraged
daily to discuss and work
together to solve problems,
creating a deeper
understanding of the
material. 12/8/22
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and laws Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
regarding safety that are safety issues regarding risks to physical, intellectual, students to take risks and the students for the
required by the site, district, materials, student and emotional safety using offer respectful opinions establishment and
and state. interactions, and the multiple strategies that about divergent viewpoints. maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors that organization of the learning include examining biases in physical, intellectual, and
2.3 Establishing impact student safety as they environments. the learning environment emotional environment
and maintaining arise. and curriculum. 9/26/21 focused on high quality and
5/3/22 Engages in reflection on rigorous learning.
learning their own language and
environments Explores strategies to Models and provides behavior that contributes to
that are establish intellectual and instruction on skills that intellectual and emotional
emotional safety in the develop resiliency and safety in the classroom.
physically, classroom. support intellectual and
intellectually, and emotional safety.9/26/21
emotionally safe 5/3/22 5/4/23 Students develop and Students demonstrate
Students are aware of practice resiliency skills and resiliency in perseverance
required safety procedures Students follow teacher strategies to strive for for academic achievement.
and the school and guidance regarding potential Students take risks, offer academic achievement, and Students maintain
classroom rational for safety issues for self or opinions, and share establish intellectual and intellectual and emotional
maintaining safety. others.9/26/21 alternative perspectives emotional safety in the safety for themselves and
5/3/22 classroom. others in the classroom.
We have regular discussions I take notice of student
regarding potential safety changes in behavior or
issues. I remind students sudden changes in
daily they should be wearing attendance or tardiness. I
their school id’s and will have private
lanyards to promote a safer conversations with the
campus. I also model this student to check in with
behavior. 9/26/21 them. If they are not willing
5/3/22 to discuss what is going on
with them, I reach out to
their counselor, the
psychologist and/or their
other teachers to keep an
eye on them. I also have
conversations throughout
the year about being
resilient and asking for help
when necessary. 9/26/21

I ask students questions at

the beginning or end of a
homework assignment or on
assessments that check in
with their physical and
emotional well being. These
questions can provide
valuable information about
what a student might be
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
struggling with. I can then
reach out to the appropriate
resource or have
conversations with them and
provide advice. 5/3/22

When I go over a difficult

lesson I always warn my
students about the
challenge. I remind my
students that a concept is
difficult because you have
never seen it before or
learned it. Once you
understand how to do the
problem it becomes easier,
especially with practice.
My students have developed
resilience towards math by
understanding that they will
conquer content as long as
they are willing to give the
challenge a shot, believe in
themselves and give it their
best effort.5/4/23

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous learning Integrates rigor throughout Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment that environment that includes the learning environment learning environment in
accuracy of answers and includes accuracy, accuracy, analysis, problem that values accuracy, which students take
completion of learning tasks. understanding, and the solving, and appropriate analysis, and critical reading, leadership in learning.
Is aware of the importance importance of meeting levels of challenge. writing and thinking. Fosters extended studies,
2.4 Creating a of maintaining high targeted learning goals. Holds high expectations for Integrates strategic scaffolds research, analysis and
rigorous learning expectations for students. Works to maintain high students. Has an and technologies throughout purposeful use of learning.
expectations for students understanding of instruction that support the Supports students to utilize
environment while becoming aware of achievement patterns, and full range of learners in an extensive repertoire of
with high achievement patterns for uses scaffolds to address meeting high expectations differentiated strategies to
expectations and individuals and groups of achievement gaps. 5/4/23 for achievement. meet high expectations.
students. 9/26/21
appropriate Some students ask for 5/3/22 Students engage in a variety Students actively use Students take responsibility
support for all teacher support to 12/8/22 of differentiated supports supports and challenges to to fully utilize teacher and
students understand or complete and challenges in ways that complete critical reading, peer support, to achieve
learning tasks. promote their accuracy, writing, higher order consistently high levels of
Some individuals and groups analysis, and problem thinking, and problem factual and analytical
of students work with the solving in learning. solving across subject learning.
teacher to support accuracy matter.
and comprehension in their
learning. 9/26/21
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

I post daily the “what, How Students are taking the

and Why” for the day. This CAASSP for science,
creates achievable and english, and math. During
challenging learning goals this week their schedule
for the student, while also
explaining how they will
is all periods but they are
demonstrate they have 40 minutes rather than
mastered the concepts. I am 52. My students are not
using standards-based accustomed to this
grading for my students this schedule and are not used
year, which promotes to the workload they are
mastery of all concepts. The getting while testing.
standards are mapped out Even though they are
with an organizer that shows testing 2 hours in the
them exactly what is
morning they still resume
expected to achieve a 4, the
highest mastery score. This math lessons even though
organizer is helpful for the they are drained from the
students, as it helps them testing.. During the week
understand each level of of CAASPP testing I gave
understanding of a standard. students problems for our
9/26/21 unit on statistics with
Evidence many real world
I provide a google form at applications in which they
the end of lessons or on an
can apply the math.
exit ticket asking the
students to rate their 5/4/23
achievement of the learning
goals on a scale of 1-4. This
assists the students in
understanding where they
are and also holds them
accountable for their
learning. 5/3/22

I am continuing to ask my
students to assess their own
mastery of the learning goals
at the end of each topic. If
the students feel they have
not mastered their goals I
ask that they write down
what they believe they need
to do to n=meet that
learning goals. 12/8/22

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Establishes expectations, Develops expectations with Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
rules, and consequences for some student involvement. including culturally expectations, positive environment using systems
individual and group Communicates, models and responsive instruction to supports, and consequences that ensure students take an
behavior. explains expectations for develop and maintain high for individual and group active role in monitoring and
individual and group standards for individual and behavior within and across maintaining high standards
behavior.9/26/21 group behavior. learning activities. for individual and group
5/3/22 behaviors.
2.5 Developing, Utilizes routine references to Guides and supports
Refers to standards for Reviews standards for standards for behavior prior students to self-assess,
communicating, behavior and applies behavior with students in and during individual and monitor, and set goals for
and maintaining consequences as needed. single lessons or sequence of group work. individual and group
high standards lessons in anticipation of behavior and participation.
need for reinforcement.
for individual and 9/26/21 Students follow behavior Students respond to
group behavior 5/3/22 expectations, accept individual and group Students demonstrate
Students are aware of consequences and increase behaviors and encourage positive behavior, consistent
classroom rules and Students know expectations positive behaviors. 5/3/22 and support each other to participation and are valued
consequences. for behavior and 12//8/22 make improvements. for their unique identities.
consequences and respond
to guidance in following
them. 9/26/21

I go over the syllabus and My expectations and the

emphasize the most class norms are clearly
important classroom and posted on my walls. I
campus rules. The school continually model this
wide rules posted on my behavior and remind
door. I model the expected students of them when they
behavior for my students. are not being followed. I use
Warnings are given before I tickets to reward students
call home or assign who follow the expectations
detentions. I often seek out and also thank students for
coaches or teachers the practicing expected class
student has, to assist me norms and rules. If there is
with getting the student to still a problem with a
understand class and particular student, I have a
campus rules. I try private private conversation to see
conversations to help them how we can best resolve the
to understand they need to issue. 5/3/22
follow the rules set out in my
class. I keep a record of the I am having the students for
calls, emails and each class help come up with
conversations with each the norms and expectations
student. This is helpful when for each period. They are
I do have to call parents due then posted on my walls and
to student behavior. can easily be referred to if
9/26/21 students are not following
them. Because the students
During second semester are involved in this process
many students, especially they are more invested in
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
the seniors were lacking following the expectations.
motivation and the energy to 12//8/22
“Finish Strong”. I took the In addition to group work
week of CAASPP testing and norms, I have developed
our block schedules to use a class presentation norms.
growth mindset activity, as When I present a lesson, I
well as write themselves a begin with the “What, How
letter creating goals for the and Why” and give the
remainder of the semester students a quick preview as
and their first year or two to what we will be doing. I
after graduating. We also had also discuss the expectations
a class discussion about the for the students for their
importance of graduating individual behavior and
and some strategies to keep pair-share behavior. I remind
them motivated for the the students that when I ask
remainder of the semester. a question, I would like them
5/3/22 to silently think about it and
not blur out answers. After
regularly reminding
students, the lessons have
improved by providing the
expectations before
beginning a lesson.
Students are consistently
following the expectations
for their behavior during a
lesson. Students recognize
when they are not following
the expectations for the
lesson and self-correct their
behavior. If a student is
struggling with the
expectations, we have a
private conversation to
determine what the issue
might be and how we can
work together to solve the

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

2.6 Employing Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines or norms for single procedures, and norms in routines and procedures that monitoring and reflecting on participating in developing,
classroom lessons to support student single lessons or sequence of are culturally responsive and routines, procedures, and monitoring, and adjusting
routines, learning. lessons with some student engage students in the norms in ways that are routines and procedures
procedures, involvement. development and culturally responsive. focuses on maximizing
monitoring of norms. Maintains a quality learning learning.
norms, and 9/26/21 climate that builds on Classroom climate integrates
supports for 5/3/22 5/4/23 student strengths. school standards and
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
positive behavior Seeks to promote positive culturally relevant norms.
behaviors and responds to Provides positive behavior Promotes positive behaviors
to ensure a Responds to disruptive disruptive behavior. supports. and consistently prevents or Promotes positive behaviors
climate in which behavior. Responds appropriately to refocuses behaviors and establishes preventions
all students can behaviors in ways that disruptive to the learning and a positive classroom
lessen disruptions to the climate. climate that eliminate most
learn learning climate. disruptive behavior.
Students participate in
routines, procedures, and
norms and receive
Students receive correction reinforcement for positive Students are involved in Students share
Students are aware of for behavior that interferes behaviors. 9/26/21 assessment and monitoring responsibility with teacher
procedures, routines, and with learning, and positive 5/3/22 of routines, procedures, and for managing and
classroom norms. reinforcement in following norms in ways that improve maintaining a positive
routines, procedures, and Students receive timely and the learning climate. classroom climate that
norms. effective feedback and promotes learning.
consequences for behaviors
that interfere with learning.

I often play review games in

my class. Sometimes the
students get very
competitive, and I have to
stop and have conversations
about sportsmanship. I
address the unwanted
behavior immediately and if
a particular class cannot
behave appropriately during
these games, I provide a
different math review until
they demonstrate they can
change the unwanted
behavior. I provide tickets
for winning the review
games, but more importantly
I use these tickets to also
reward good behavior that
provides a positive learning
environment, such as,
helping another student,
volunteering to write
answers on the smart board
or anything that promotes
positivity in the classroom.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
For students who have
difficulty with maintaining a
positive environment,
following the expectations or
are disruptive, I warn them
privately that their behavior
will not be tolerated and will
change their seat if the
behavior continues. I allow
students to sit where they
are most comfortable in the
classroom, unless they are
disruptive or not meeting
their learning goals. 5/3/22

I am continuing to allow
students to sit with one
student of their choice at
their table of six. This has
been very helpful in getting
students to discuss the math.
It does occasionally cause
too much talking, when not
appropriate and I address
the problems by having
private conversations and
then moving students if
necessary. 12/8/22

Students know the

classroom routine for each
day. Students come in and
log on to the designated
warm up activity
independently. They know
they can use their notes if
they need to.
Afterward, we discuss the
most missed questions and
discuss issues they may have
had with their homework.
Students then get their notes
out for the lesson. Students
also know that if we finish
early they will begin their
homework with the
remaining time in
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Paces instruction based on Paces instruction with some Paces instruction with Paces instruction to include Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
curriculum guidelines. consideration of lesson type, students to provide ongoing assessment of facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of how adjustments for sufficient adequate time for student learning. Supports daily activities.
transitions and classroom student work time and instruction, checking for students in the monitoring
management impact pacing transitions to optimize understanding, completion of instructional time. 5/4/23
and lessons. learning. of learning activities and
2.7 Using closure. 9/26/21 Students use their
instructional Some students complete 5/3/22 instructional time to engage
time to optimize learning activities in time Students complete learning in and complete learning Students monitor their own
allotted. activities and, as needed, Students participate in and activities and are prepared time, are engaged in
learning may receive some complete a variety of for the next sequence of accomplishing learning
adjustments of time allotted learning activities in the instruction. goals, and participate in
for tasks or expectations for time allotted with options reflection, self-assessment,
completion. for extension and and goal setting.
5/3/22 12/8/22

As we began the year, I was Before giving an

covering a topic that is assessment, I give my
particularly challenging for student a review packet
the students. This year, it in class in order for them
seemed to be even more
difficult than normal. I
to demonstrate what they
attributed it to the fact that comprehend from the
students were distant current Topic. I decide
learning for a year and a half. whether the students are
We were supposed to spend ready to take the
about 2-3 days on the assessment by observing
concept, but I adjusted that what they understand
timeframe and took an extra while they are completing
3 days to ensure the the review. If the students
students really understood
are requiring assistance
the concept, as it is
Evidence from me for a good
something we will use
throughout the year. I portion of the review, I
continued to provide will review the following
examples of this concept in day with a different type
the warmups over the next of review, in which I can
few weeks. 9/26/21 reteach the concepts the
students seem to be
Due to students being at struggling with.5/4/23
home for 1 1/2 years,
students seemed to be
taking longer to reach
mastery of the content
throughout the year. I often
had to modify instruction,
create more engaging
activities or use real life
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
examples to ensure that all
students could succeed. The
students typically have a
minimum of two review days
before an assessment, which
I modify if necessary.5/3/22

Students still have some

learning loss due to being at
home for a year and a half. I
am having students practice
pre-skills prior to new
lessons to assess where they
have learning gaps. I then
adjust my lesson and notes
appropriately. 12/8/22

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