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Tanisha Coffey Tanisha Coffey CTE464

Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Animal Science
Animal Handling

"Pre" work
students should have submitted expert graphics

1.2.4 Demonstrate healthy behaviors and safety skills by following safety guidelines and managing personal health

Performance Standard 5.2: Animal Behavior

5.2.1Define, compare, and contract the patterns of animal behavior.
5.2.2 Describe various methods of animal behavior modification

Students will be able to
Learn how to move livestock safely by understanding, behaviors, flight zones, blind spots, and point of balance.
Will be prepared to work with livestock in a safe and calm

Develop an awareness to abcdʼs of movement.
Finding the point of balance
Understand how fight zones can be different depending on the animal

1. Introduction/Motivation 10
1. Start with a Reminder because this lesson will be before a lab
2. review 10
1. ask students to define quality assurance and how it ties into animal handing
2. ask them what determines the behavior of the animal
3. lesson 30
1. Show diagrams of flight zones, point of balance, different directions of movement
2. To provide vision and examples for guidance
3. to focus on the performance standard, I would share why we handle ourselves in a way that is calming to the animal and being aware of the fight zone to an animal
to prevent injury. I hope to share a personal story for students to take it seriously.
4. wrap up 10
1. students will put their knowledge to the test with animals

Accommodations & Modifications

If the classroom does not have technology, then we can use white board or chalkboard for students who are more visual.
The lesson will depend on studentsʼ prior knowledge. If the student are less familiar with livestock, then I will add examples that students can relate to.

Check for understanding

In this lesson, checking for understanding will be viewed more in the lab

Students will participate in a discussion board after the actual lab to hear their personal feedback

Writing utensil and notebook (for notes)
technology (depending on the school)
Any other accommodations

Animal Handling Slides.pptx Thursday Night Post.docx Weekly Lesson Plan 6.docx Weekly Lesson Plan 6.docx

What was the most challenging portion of this lesson? How can I make changes to make this portion go smoother?
Was the time allocated for each section appropriate? If not, what areas do I need to make changes in?
Did my students grasp the material and concepts or do I need to make it more/less in depth?
From my assessment, where do I need to go back and reteach?
Did I differentiate this lesson enough to allow all students to stay involved?
What kind of feedback did I receive from the students indicating they had achieved understanding and that the objective(s) were met for the lessons?
If I had the opportunity to teach these lessons again to this same group of students, what would I do differently?

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