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How To Hook an Apple IIgs up to a Linux Machine via a Dedicated Serial Line (Or, "Linux is Enslaved to my GS".

) Devin Reade <> 25 June 1998 ************************************************************************** * This document is Copyright 1998 by Devin Reade. You may distribute it * * freely provided the document is unmodified, including this notice. * * If you have any corrections, suggestions, or comments, please contact * * the author at the address above. * ************************************************************************** Introduction ============ This is a set of instructions for connecting an Apple IIgs to a Linux box using a dedicated line (a straight cable, no modem). This is of course suitable for when your GS and your Linux machines are colocated. While the hardware aspects of this document apply regardless of what kind of software you'll be running, the firmware/software configuration section assumes that you'll be running a terminal emulator (like ProTERM or Spectrum) on the GS, and logging into the Linux box with a normal UNIX login shell. As information becomes available, I will add sections on configuring SLIP, PPP, and other protocols. There are a few of ways you can set up a serial line on a GS: Use the built in modem port, the printer port, a Super Serial Card (SSC), other serial cards, and so forth. Likewise, Linux can run on various kinds of hardware: x86 machines, Macs, DEC Alphas, maybe others. There are also at least three distributions of Linux: Slackware, Red Hat, and Debian. This document explains one combination, which is the one that I have and have tested: Apple IIgs using the built in modem port; Slackware Linux on an x86. If you have information on other configurations, such as using a Super Serial Card, mklinux, or the Red Hat or Debian distributions, please let me know (at the address above) which instructions should change and which are still applicable. Hardware Requirements ===================== In order to make this work, you need the following: - An Apple IIgs - a hardware handshake (HWHS) cable. For details on how these cables are wired and from where you can obtain them, please see the FAQ for the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.apple2. Some Mac stores carry these, listed as "modem cables". Make sure you don't

buy what's listed as a "printer cable"; the wiring may be different. - A null-modem. This usually looks like a DB-25 gender changer, except that it has one male and one female end, rather than two of each. It should say "null modem" either on a sticker or embedded in the plastic. If it does not, don't assume that it's a null modem. Null modems provide cross-wiring for connecting a DTE to a DTE rather than DTE to DCE. (ie: Computer to computer rather than computer to modem.) - A linux machine. x86 machines need to use the "good" UARTS on their serial ports. These are 16550A UARTS. Newer systems should have these UARTS, possibly built into the motherboard. Older systems tend to use the 16450 or other (bad) UARTS. You can determine what kind of UART you have by: Linux - Use the command "dmesg more". You should see a line near the top similar to: Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A tty02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A Don't worry about the fact (for now) that IRQ 4 (or maybe 3) is listed twice. MS-DOS/Windows - Run the DOS command "msd". Look at the output ... If you don't have a 16550A, you really need to get one. While some people have had success with 16450 UARTS, this is really the exception to the rule. If you need to get a 16550A, there are many add-on boards that provide them. I've used the SIIG boards, which provide two 16550A ports. (Some of the older boards provide one '550 and one '450.) Make sure you buy a board that can use a wide range of IRQ numbers, not just IRQs 3 and 4. Typical IRQs on the good boards can be set to 3, 4, 5, 9 (or 2), 11, and 12. - Depending on your cards and cabling, you may require a DB-25 to DB-9 adapter to connect your HWHS cable to one of your Hardware Setup ============== This step is pretty easy. Connect one end of the HWHS cable to the modem port of the GS. Connect the other end to the null modem. Connect the null modem to the target 16550A serial port on the linux box. Didn't I say it was easy? Depending on your setup, you may require one or more adapters. If you use DB-25 extension cables, make sure that all 25 pins are wired straight through. Using a multimeter to verify this can be tedious, but invaluable. A mulitmeter can also tell you if that overpriced HWHS cable you bought from Guido's Bargin Computers is really as advertised.

Firmware/Software Configuration =============================== Apple IIgs ---------In the control panel, go to "Slots" and ensure that slot 2 is set to "Modem Port" (the default). Save any change you made. Still in the control panel, go to "Modem Port". All the settings should be set to the default value (the one with the check mark) except for the following two: Buffering: Yes Baud: 19200 Save any changes you made. Exit the control panel. If you made changes, reboot your IIgs to make them effective. If you sometimes have a modem connected to your GS, and sometimes a direct line to your Linux box (such as if you have an A-B box on your serial line), then you will probably need to install two versions of your telecom software in different directories. At least, I've found this to be necessary with ProTERM. This is because the modem initialization string for a direct connection must be empty. Therefore, in my program selector (ProSel), I have two entries, "ProTERM Direct" and "ProTERM Modem". To configure ProTERM (other than having an empty modem initialization string), you need to create a new system and do the following. Other telecom programs would be similar: - leave 'system number" (the phone number) blank; no dialing is done on a dedicated line; - set the connect parameters to 38400, 8N1, full duplex - set terminal emulation to vt100 Once you've got this configured and saved to disk, leave the GS for a while; you need to configure the Linux box before you go on. Linux ----rc.serial --------The first thing that has to happen under Linux is to configure your serial port hardware. This is done (under Slackware) by the script /etc/rc.d/rc.serial, which is run at boot time. There are two parts to this: - First, use setserial(8) to tell the kernel the UART type, port address, and IRQ of the serial port to which your GS is attached. Assuming that your GS is hooked up to your second serial port (COM2 under MS-DOS, or /dev/cua1 for Linux), you should see a command like the following in the rc.serial file: /bin/setserial -b /dev/cua1 uart 16550A port 0x2F8 irq 3 - Second, you must set the port to hardware handshake mode. You should see a line in the rc.serial file similar to: stty crtscts < /dev/cua1

Note the direction of the '<'; it is not a typo. At this stage, you should have your hardware properly configured, however there is no software using the port. getty ----When a user is presented a "login:" prompt, the program that provides this prompt is called a getty. There are different varieties of getty for Linux including agetty, mgetty, and getty_ps. I use agetty, which should be on your system as /sbin/agetty. You can read about it in the agetty(8) manual page. When you're done your setup, agetty will be run automatically when your system enters a multiuser networking mode. However, debugging is much easier if you leave automatic startup until you've determined that agetty is working as expected. Therefore, you should first attempt to run agetty manually from a root window. I recommend running it like this: /sbin/agetty -h -L 38400 cua1 vt100 The manual page can tell you to what all the options and arguments refer, but here is the short version: -h This tells the serial port that you will be using hardware handshaking. You'll need this if you're using anything above 9600 bps. This tells getty to put the connection into "line local" mode. Although ProTERM and other programs are able to detect loss of carrier from a modem, the wiring isn't in place to do it correctly on a direct dialup connection. Therefore the carrier detect (CD) signal is missing and the Linux end will drop the connection at arbitrary times (usually often). Using the -L flag tells getty (and, subsequently, login(8) and your login shell) to ignore the lack of CD and leave your session connected. *** SECURITY NOTE *** The one thing you should be careful of here is that when you are done with your UNIX shell, you should log out from it. If you merely quit your telecommunications program or even shut off your GS, the shell will remain active. When you next run your telecom program on that serial line, you will still be logged in; you will not have to provide a password. This is a potential security hole (into your Linux box) if your GS, Linux box, or the serial line connecting the two is not secure. 38400 This is the speed at which you will be connected. It should match the speed to which you configured ProTERM (or whatever telecom product you're using). People have reported getting speeds of 57600 to work, but I've not been able to reproduce their results. Try it at this speed, then if it works, you can try to push it higher. If you have problems connecting, try dropping this value (and the one in your telecom software) to 19200.



This is the device in /dev that corresponds to the serial port you're using to communicate with the IIgs. Notice how it matches the device shown in the examples in the section on the rc.serial files. Coincidences are amazing, aren't they? This is the terminal emulation mode the tty will be in initially when it is connected. It should match the terminal emulation you set in your telecom software.


Now that you've started getty, go back to your GS and attempt to "connect" with your telecom program. Under ProTERM this means to dial your new system (as you set up above). When the "dialing" completes (remember, there is no number and no modem initialization string), you may still have a blank screen. Try hitting [return] once or twice. You should get a "login:" prompt. Proceed with your login as is normal. When you run getty manually from a root shell prompt, you will get *one* instance of getty (naturally). This means that once you log in then log out, you will not get another login prompt. If you fail to log in correctly after three or four times, then the getty will also exit. It's easy to tell when the getty (or login(8), or user shell) exits, because you will get a prompt back in the root window from which you started getty. If you failed to get a login prompt, you'll have to start looking for errors. These may be printed in the root window from where you started getty, or they may be in the system log files in /var/log (or /var/adm). Check your communications parameters. Check your cabling. Good luck. init ---Once you are able to start your getty from a root shell window, log in, and exit, then it's time to set up your system to run getty automatically. This is done via the initd(8), or Initialization Daemon. To have initd automatically start getty on your IIgs' connection, you will need to edit the file /etc/inittab and add a line something like this: s3:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -h 38400 cua1 vt100 This line is delimited into fields by the ':' character. As you can see, the last field matches the command you entered at root's shell prompt in the previous section. The first field ("s3") is an arbitrary identifier; the only requirement is that it is unique in the inittab file. I selected "s3" because it is the third entry in my file for serial lines. The second field ("12345") is a list of run levels at which getty will be active. See the inittab(5) man page for a description of these values. The third field ("respawn") tells initd that getty will be restarted any time it quits. In the current context, this means that when a user logs out (or fails to log in correctly), a new "login:" prompt will come back after a moment.

After editing the /etc/inittab file, you have to get the initd to reread it. The brute force way of doing this is to reboot your Linux machine. The more elegant way is to send the initd process a SIGHUP (hangup signal). It is done by issuing the following command as root: kill -HUP 1 WARNING: Assuming that the initd process is process number 1 works on Linux machines and likely all other true UNIX variants, however it is bad form to send signals to arbitary processes without first checking that the process is the one you want. If you are being properly paranoid, you should issue the following command (and look at the output) to verify the PID of initd before you send it the signal: ps auxww grep initd

At this point you should be able at any time to run your telecom program on your GS and get a "login:" prompt from your Linux box. Enjoy.

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