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ASSIGNMENT 1 (Observations): After arrival, take a seat in a nonintrusive location to begin your

classroom observations. Complete the questions below:

Observation 1: What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Is it warm, inviting,
organized, etc? Describe the physical environment in detail. >>>

The classroom is outstanding. There are bouncy ball chairs, a couch for the students, and
LED color lights. The classroom most definitely is inviting and it is organized as well for having
so much stuff.

Observation 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL,
students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note. >>>

There are no students in here with any physical challenges. There are boys and girls in this
class of course their ethnicities are African American, Caucasian, Asian, and Mexican.

Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written) >>>

No talking when the teacher is instructing, Treat others with manners and respect and Always
try your hardest.

Observation 4: Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? Are rewards or consequences being used
for compliance or noncompliance? >>>

Yes, a student who is absent today has to sit next to Ms.Stewart’s desk because she does not
treat others with respect. When rules are broken Ms.Stewart isolates the students and takes
points from them on class dojo.

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