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ASSIGNMENT 3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record

your observations when presented with the questions below:

Instruction Question 1: What is the posted daily schedule for different subjects or periods? >>>

Posted daily schedule is morning math from 9am-10am, electives from 10:05am-
10:50am, they come back to class after electives for 10 mins, lunch from 11am-
11:35am, english from, 11:40am-1pm, reading from 1pm-2:05pm, clean classroom till

Instruction Question 2: Is instruction done in small groups, centers, whole groups, individual? >>>

Depending on the lesson instructions are done in small or whole groups, right now it is being done in a
whole group.

Instruction Question 3: How would you describe your cooperating teacher’s teaching style? >>>

Ms.Stewart’s teaching style is student-focused, because she does a lot of interacting and visuals for the
students to keep them engaged.

Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? If so, give
examples. >>>

Yes, she does implement sensory modalities such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. For example,
she uses the smart board which is visual, and an activity she is doing is having the students walk
around to all the posted notes in the classroom she put up to solve the riddle of the assignment they
are currently doing, which is kinesthetic.

Instruction Question 5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being presented?
Please explain. >>>

The students are most definitely engaged I’d say at least 90% of them actively raise their hand for each

Instruction Question 6: Explain the use of culturally relevant materials, teaching strategies, class décor,
etc.  that meet the needs of today’s culturally diverse student population.  >>>

I will focus on the class decor because it is modern and up-to-date with the 2023 times of living. It is
honestly some of the best decor I have personally seen in a classroom because when I was in
elementary school it was strictly desk and a big whiteboard in front of the classroom. She has LED
color lights, bouncy ball chairs, and a couch, and this just makes the classroom feel more comforting.
Instruction Question 7: Is instructional time managed efficiently? Please explain >>>Instruction
Question 8: How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one subject or period to another,
and are these transitions efficient? >>>

Instructional time is managed efficiently because Ms.Stewart has her class on the routine they are
disciplined to move to the next subject as well when the time has come.

Instruction Question 9: List ways that the teacher attempts any “attention getting” commands? (Ex:
Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they? >>>

Ms.Stewart says wolves, and then the class responds with wolves back to her.

Instruction Question 10: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does
the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific. >>>

While I was visiting no students had any behavioral problems but Ms.Stewart did say when they do
have these problems she sends them outside the classroom to stand by the door for about 2-3 mins
and then she talks to them outside. If it progresses worse she calls home.

Instruction Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder instructional
time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time. >>>

Every Friday students have to have a second recess during the second half of the day for 15 minutes, it
is usually at 1:00 pm and it cuts into their reading lesson.

Instruction Question 12: What philosophical teaching orientation(s) best describes this teacher? Give
examples. >>>

I would say perennilism because she is using traditional methods of teaching, especially in math,
literally the same concepts I learned when I was in elementary.

Instruction Question 13: Outline the lesson plan for a teaching lesson you observed.  What preparations
in advance were need for teaching the lesson? >>>

The preparations needed were technology being reliable and then a book they were reading.

Instruction Question 14: Describe both teacher and student uses of technology in the classroom. >>>

Both the teacher and students' uses of technology in the classroom are heavily based and very relied

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