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Electric Circuits

Physics Honors 2019/20

Read below and pages 670 -671 & 680-684 in your book and answer the
following questions.

1. Cartoon Questions

a) Who invented the battery?

2. Electric Potential (Voltage): (pages 670-671) add emf

a) What is electric potential?

b) What is another name for electric potential?

c) What are the two different units used for electric potential?

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Electric Circuits LCHS Physics Honors 2019/20

3. Flow of Charge: (page 681)

a) What causes charge to flow in an electrical circuit?

b) What is potential difference?

A common name for potential difference is…

c) Potential difference is equivalent to what in a water system.

d) While _________________can be used to create a difference in water level in a water

system, what can be used to create potential difference in an electrical system?

4. Current: (page 682)

a) What is electrical current?

b) What carries the charge through the electrical system?

c) What are the two different units used for current?

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Electric Circuits LCHS Physics Honors 2019/20

5. Resistance: (page 684)

Add load

a) The flow of electrical charge in a circuit depends on what two things?

b) What three things affect the resistance in electrical systems?

c) With regard to resistance, thin wires have ____________ resistance than thick wires,

and __________ Short wires
wires have more resistance than ________
Think about the water analogy, it is harder to drink from a thin straw vs. a
thick straw as well as 5 foot long straw vs. a short straw.
d) With regard to temperature, hotter wires generally have ____________ resistance than
cooler wires.

Explain why:

e) What are the units for resistance?

f) What is unique about a Superconductor?

Item Base Units

Units Name Symbol
Potential Difference




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Electric Circuits LCHS Physics Honors 2019/20

Circuit Symbols:

On the lines below indicate what each symbol means for in the circuit


What terminology is used for measuring Voltage?

“Voltage” drop refers to what?

What terminology is used for measuring Current?

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